Many Cargoes. William Wymark Jacobs
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Название: Many Cargoes

Автор: William Wymark Jacobs

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ of unusual importance, reported great loss of strength and irritability of temper. It was still alive, but failing fast on the day they were to put to sea again; and the fo’c’sle, in preparation for the worst, stowed their pet away in the paint-locker, and discussed the situation.

      Their council was interrupted by the mysterious behaviour of the cook, who, having gone out to lay in a stock of bread, suddenly broke in upon them more in the manner of a member of a secret society than a humble but useful unit of a ship’s company.

      “Where’s the cap’n?” he asked in a hoarse whisper, as he took a seat on the locker with the sack of bread between his knees.

      “In the cabin,” said Sam, regarding his antics with some disfavour. “What’s wrong, cookie?”

      “What d’ yer think I’ve got in here?” asked the cook, patting the bag.

      The obvious reply to this question was, of course, bread; but as it was known that the cook had departed specially to buy some, and that he could hardly ask a question involving such a simple answer, nobody gave it.

      “It come to me all of a sudden,” said the cook, in a thrilling whisper. “I’d just bought the bread and left the shop, when I see a big black cat, the very image of ours, sitting on a doorstep. I just stooped down to stroke its ‘ed, when it come to me.”

      “They will sometimes,” said one of the seamen.

      “I don’t mean that,” said the cook, with the contempt of genius. “I mean the idea did. Ses I to myself, ‘You might be old Satan’s brother by the look of you; an’ if the cap’n wants to kill a cat, let it be you,’ I ses. And with that, before it could say Jack Robinson, I picked it up by the scruff o’ the neck and shoved it in the bag.”

      “What, all in along of our bread?” said the previous interrupter, in a pained voice.

      “Some of yer are ‘ard ter please,” said the cook, deeply offended.

      “Don’t mind him, cook,” said the admiring Sam. “You’re a masterpiece, that’s what you are.”

      “Of course, if any of you’ve got a better plan”—said the cook generously.

      “Don’t talk rubbish, cook,” said Sam; “fetch the two cats out and put ‘em together.”

      “Don’t mix ‘em,” said the cook warningly; “for you’ll never know which is which agin if you do.”

      He cautiously opened the top of the sack and produced his captive, and Satan, having been relieved from his prison, the two animals were carefully compared.

      “They’re as like as two lumps o’ coal,” said Sam slowly. “Lord, what a joke on the old man. I must tell the mate o’ this; he’ll enjoy it.”

      “It’ll be all right if the parrot don’t die,” said the dainty pessimist, still harping on his pet theme. “All that bread spoilt, and two cats aboard.”

      “Don’t mind what he ses,” said Sam; “you’re a brick, that’s what you are. I’ll just make a few holes in the lid o’ the boy’s chest, and pop old Satan in. You don’t mind, do you, Billy?”

      “Of course he don’t,” said the other men indignantly.

      Matters being thus agreeably arranged, Sam got a gimlet, and prepared the chest for the reception of its tenant, who, convinced that he was being put out of the way to make room for a rival, made a frantic fight for freedom.

      “Now get something ‘eavy and put on the top of it,” said Sam, having convinced himself that the lock was broken; “and, Billy, put the noo cat in the paint-locker till we start; it’s home-sick.”

      The boy obeyed, and the understudy was kept in durance vile until they were off Limehouse, when he came on deck and nearly ended his career there and then by attempting to jump over the bulwark into the next garden. For some time he paced the deck in a perturbed fashion, and then, leaping on the stern, mewed plaintively as his native city receded farther and farther from his view.

      “What’s the matter with old Satan?” said the mate, who had been let into the secret. “He seems to have something on his mind.”

      “He’ll have something round his neck presently,” said the skipper grimly.

      The prophecy was fulfilled some three hours later, when he came up on deck ruefully regarding the remains of a bird whose vocabulary had once been the pride of its native town. He threw it overboard without a word, and then, seizing the innocent cat, who had followed him under the impression that it was about to lunch, produced half a brick attached to a string, and tied it round his neck. The crew, who were enjoying the joke immensely, raised a howl of protest.

      “The Skylark’ll never have another like it, sir,” said Sam solemnly. “That cat was the luck of the ship.”

      “I don’t want any of your old woman’s yarns,” said the skipper brutally. “If you want the cat, go and fetch it.”

      He stepped aft as he spoke, and sent the gentle stranger hurtling through the air. There was a “plomp” as it reached the water, a bubble or two came to the surface, and all was over.

      “That’s the last o’ that,” he said, turning away.

      The old man shook his head. “You can’t kill a black cat for nothing,” said he, “mark my words!”

      The skipper, who was in a temper at the time, thought little of them, but they recurred to him vividly the next day. The wind had freshened during the night, and rain was falling heavily. On deck the crew stood about in oilskins, while below, the boy, in his new capacity of gaoler, was ministering to the wants of an ungrateful prisoner, when the cook, happening to glance that way, was horrified to see the animal emerge from the fo’c’sle. It eluded easily the frantic clutch of the boy as he sprang up the ladder after it, and walked leisurely along the deck in the direction of the cabin. Just as the crew had given it up for lost it encountered Sam, and the next moment, despite its cries, was caught up and huddled away beneath his stiff clammy oilskins. At the noise the skipper, who was talking to the mate, turned as though he had been shot, and gazed wildly round him.

      “Dick,” said he, “can you hear a cat?”

      “Cat!” said the mate, in accents of great astonishment.

      “I thought I heard it,” said the puzzled skipper.

      “Fancy, sir,” said Dick firmly, as a mewing, appalling in its wrath, came from beneath Sam’s coat.

      “Did you hear it, Sam?” called the skipper, as the old man was moving off.

      “Hear what, sir?” inquired Sam respectfully, without turning round.

      “Nothing,” said the skipper, collecting himself. “Nothing. All right.”

      The old man, hardly able to believe in his good fortune, made his way forward, and, seizing a favourable opportunity, handed his ungrateful burden back to the boy.

      “Fancy you heard a cat just now?” inquired the mate casually.

      “Well, between you an’ me, Dick,” said the skipper, in a mysterious voice, “I did, and it wasn’t fancy neither. I heard that cat as plain as if it was alive.”

      “Well, СКАЧАТЬ