The Stock Grail Disclosing the Secret. A Practical Guide. Sergey Vladimirovich Gorneev
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СКАЧАТЬ follows that. Stock markets are in a positive mathematical expectation in the long term.

      You can confirm tracing the index growth dynamics, for example, the “Dow Jones Industrial Average”.

      The graph above shows that the index has been growing steadily for 100 years.

      Let’s have a look on the speculative side of the exchange markets. The situation is as follows: the probability of a positive or negative outcome of each transaction tends to 50/50, and due to the fact that when entering the market, buying a security, you pay a transaction fee. It means that you automatically fall into a negative expectation, because you now need to earn to get a break-even on the transaction.

      Hence the conclusion is that you have slight chance to make regular profit if you trade medium or short-term in the foreign exchange market or the exchange market. Unless you have a gift of prophecy and can see the future outcome.

      So the question: How can it be possible to make profits from the stock markets on a permanent basis with a high degree of probability?

      In order to achieve this task, it is necessary to turn to the fundamental principles that govern the universe, nature and all the processes taking place in the world and in

      human life as part of this world (psychology, behavior, etc.).

      There are many theories that somehow trying to describe the model of stock markets, but none of them can give an almost reliable method of making a profit on a permanent basis. In fact each of the theories describes only some part of the higher and fundamental model, which is a manifestation of the basic law governing the entire universe- the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration is the most important and basic law of the universe, to which everything in the universe is subject, including nature, men, and human activity as part of the general nature.

      Here are some examples:

      First, let’s define the concept of vibration:

      In the usual sense, vibration is a fluctuation with the cyclic characteristics.

      The Wikipedia definition (free encyclopedia) is a repetitive process of changing the system status near the equilibrium point. For example, when the pendulum swings, its deviations in either direction from the vertical position are repeated.

      Vibrations come in different shapes and different frequencies, for example, radio waves, natural vibrations-waves in the waters, the waves in the air, fluctuation of plants in the wind, etc., the analogy in human life is the fluctuation of mood, heartbeat, life ups and downs, solar activity, etc.

      Also vibrations are multilevel (multi-frequency) and at each level the vibration frequency differs by the nature of vibration intensity

      For example, different radio frequencies, the vibration frequency of smaller plants compared to larger ones, etc., the analogy in human life is different frequencies of human mood fluctuations from a smoother change to a more frequent time axis, heart rate, etc.

      Also, the law of vibration is fundamental in the universe, if we consider, for example, starting from the molecule and sinking deep, then ultimately we will bump into only one type of energy.

      It means that everything in the universe is energy, and the basis of energy is oscillation (vibration)

      All matter, any consequence, behavior, thoughts and even all our reality, which we all perceive around, are just beams of energy which are transmitted by

      our 5 senses (reacting to some external vibration effects, on them from the outside) to the brain,

      where the brain interprets these fluctuations in feeling, feeling, vision, smell, hearing- it’s just different frequency and the manifestation of a common initial energy in different forms.

      We receive information about the world around by 5 senses of perception

      And also, any movement is a vibration, in relation to the surrounding space. For example, in the trajectory of planets, the vibration is the planet itself, which in motion perturbs the surrounding space of energy of a smaller frequency. After the planet goes through a certain point in the coordinate axis, after a certain time, the perturbed space tends back to the equilibrium that was before the planet went through it.

      This example also illustrates the law of vibration in a certain form and frequency.

      The oscillatory process is subject even to the process of animal population in nature, for example, the number of lynx and hares by year:

      Now, knowing that everything in the universe is controlled by vibration, we can be sure that the stock markets, it is also vibration in the form of concentrated energy of a security, which is visually expressed in the form of financial quotes.

      At a lower level, any change in the value of a security can be described by some economic and macroeconomic data, but at the highest level, all these data are just a consequence, a manifestation of the law of vibration, like everything in the universe.

      There are several forms of vibration in the nature of stock markets that are visually manifested in the financial quotes of a particular security. Here are its main forms:

      Hereinafter will use stock terms “Bulls” and “Bears”. These two concepts separate those who trade for an increase and those who trade for a decrease in the price of security. “Bears” are the ones who sell. “Bulls” are the ones who buy.

      1) “Bulls” vibration model is the release of energy

      We see a release of energy happened after the initial vibration in a specific range. But then after a certain period of time, the vibration returned to balance