Историческая библиотека. Том 8. Отсутствует
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СКАЧАТЬ footbridge towards the centre of town. The familiar quacks of ducks sounded like mischievous laughter. Fifteen minutes later, she walked into the police station, her mind still buzzing with news stories about Bill Raven’s recent appeal.

      Maggie stopped short when she nearly bumped into her colleague, PC Bethany Lambert. She apologized, walked over to her desk and dropped her bag on the floor.

      ‘What’s eating you?’ Bethany raised an eyebrow.

      ‘Haven’t you seen the news? That arsehole is all over it. Since when did he get a personality transplant and elocution lessons?’ Maggie rolled her eyes. ‘What happened to the unshaven, gaunt, incoherent man I interviewed over two years ago? If they hadn’t had his name on the screen, I would never have recognized him.’

      ‘Look, maybe getting clean and taking the medication has worked? It’s possible …’

      ‘What the hell? Are you on his side?’ Maggie’s brows snapped together.

      ‘No. I’m just looking at everything objectively. We’re trying to focus on the actual killer, and if DI Rutherford heard the way you were talking, she’d shoot you down in a nanosecond. I know how you feel about all this, we all know how you feel about this, but you need to let your personal views go and focus on the evidence. He couldn’t have done it – he was behind bars when the murder was committed.’

      ‘Then tell me how he knew the name of the first victim, Lorraine Rugman?’

      Bethany just shook her head.

      ‘Great …’ Maggie turned her back to Bethany and started up her computer.

      ‘Pull your big girl pants up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.’

      Maggie would let that go. She knew deep down that Bethany and the whole team had her back. Bethany was right – Maggie was feeling sorry for herself.

      ‘Look, I’m sorry. I just would’ve liked a bit more support.’

      ‘Now that’s not fair. We all know why you arrested him – no one is questioning that. But we need to lock that away for the time being and focus on who is responsible for the recent killing. Clearly Lorraine Rugman and possibly the other two missing women, Yvonne Greene and Zoe Bridle, weren’t even dead at the time he confessed. They could still be alive for all we know.’

      Maggie rubbed her forehead and imagined two women tied up somewhere, locked away for years, without anyone even looking for them. A chill ran down her spine.

      Someone coughed and they turned to see DI Rutherford standing in the doorway. She glanced between them and swallowed. ‘They’re saying it was a false confession. That the police coerced it out of him, taking advantage of his mental illness and drug-induced psychosis.’ Rutherford paused, perhaps thinking that Maggie might interrupt, but she held back. ‘Mr Raven has agreed to speak to us in prison, to try and help us piece together what happened. To explain his reasoning and how he knew the name of the first victim. Before we start jumping to any conclusions, let’s wait to hear what he has to say, OK Maggie?’

      ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Her jaw tightened. She’d almost forgotten DI Rutherford’s ability to get under her skin.

      Maggie needed to settle back into her team and her DI’s way of working after having been seconded for nearly a year to the Domestic Abuse and Homicide Unit. She had forged some meaningful friendships at the DAHU and was really impressed with the multi-agency approach. It was her intention to use this model, as much as her DI would allow, within this team. It just took one thing to blow a case open and Maggie didn’t want to mess up just because the police were sometimes too precious to ask for assistance from other agencies.

      The current detective sergeant of her team was on long-term sick leave and had yet to be replaced. DI Rutherford hinted that she was hoping Maggie would apply for the Acting Up position, but it just wasn’t going to happen. She enjoyed the operational side of her job, being in the thick of things and using her brain to piece the puzzle together. Ridiculous targets, politics and a lack of resources within the force would frustrate the hell out of her. She had encouraged her partner, Nathan Wright, to go for the post, but he seemed to be of the same frame of mind as her, or so she had thought.


      Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Maggie laughed to herself as Nathan Wright tried to sneak past DI Rutherford unsuccessfully.

      ‘I’ll see you all in fifteen minutes for today’s briefing,’ DI Rutherford commented before returning to her office.

      Maggie couldn’t be one hundred per cent sure, but a strange look seemed to pass between them.

      ‘What was that about?’ Maggie poked him on the arm. Nathan seemed unable to make eye contact with her. He wasn’t the best at hiding his feelings and usually Maggie could read him like a book. She watched as he shifted nervously from foot to foot.

      ‘What are you talking about?’ He walked towards his office.

      ‘Stop-right-there. Look at me. Can you please tell me what the hell is going on?’ Maggie didn’t like to be caught off-guard and paranoia coursed through her veins.

      Nathan fumbled his words and started pulling at his right index finger. ‘Uh. I don’t think I’m allowed to say anything just yet, but the guv will tell you … I mean all of us, in the briefing.’

      Her eyes squinted, and she stared at him. ‘You’d better tell me now. I don’t need any more surprises today … have they got a new DS? Is that it? Shit – not Cooper? I hate that misogynistic bastard—’

      ‘OK. OK. Stop stressing. I’ll tell you on the condition that you act surprised, and maybe a little bit pleased, when the announcement is made. We are getting an Acting DS but it’s not Cooper … it’s … me.’ He looked down at the floor, and guilt flooded over her.

      ‘Oh my god, Nathan, great news! Why didn’t you say? I thought we were closer than that. Thank God, it’s not Cooper!’ Maggie felt a rush of relief, tinged with shock.

      ‘So, you’re not pissed off?’ He studied her face, as if he was trying to find a smidge of anger.

      ‘Why the hell would I be pissed off?’

      ‘Well, even though we both took the sergeant’s exam, we sort of had this unspoken pact that neither of us would go for it.’

      ‘I was a little taken aback, but it’ll be a great experience for you and I couldn’t wish for a better boss – I mean, who else will let me get away with slightly longer lunch hours?’ She grinned and waited for Nathan to catch on to the joke.

      ‘Don’t say that! I’ll be taking this very seriously and can’t afford to give people any special favours.’

      She burst out laughing. ‘I’d never do that; I think you’ll make a great DS – but I’m curious, what made you change your mind?’

      Nathan explained to Maggie about how his wife wanted to start a family. He believed that not only would the DS opportunity afford him a more comfortable lifestyle, he would also be in a more stable position that would put his wife’s mind at rest. Although Maggie wasn’t wholly СКАЧАТЬ