Tomorrow I was here. Oleg Seriy
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Название: Tomorrow I was here

Автор: Oleg Seriy

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449330031


СКАЧАТЬ is his nature! “But why did it happen to me? – He tormented himself with this question in his sleep. – And in the sleep and in reality I have no peace.” It may be that his mind was doing now the millions and even billions of times more transactions per second. Where did his head obscure humanity beings, things, objects? Perhaps he remembered his previous life. But how did the ancient people take such knowledge? Or did another human mind live on the Earth. So far it is pure conjecture. But they will certainly exist as long as scientists do not come to a common conclusion. But that is unlikely, because people do not like to concede. Perhaps at that moment John contacted directly galaxies with extraterrestrial mind through a multitude of stars and planets. Nobody can answer it except him. And anyway, who said that “extraterrestrial mind” is located on a vast number of star-years away? Maybe the aliens as they like to call the inhabitants of the Earth, has been living with us (or inside us), but we are in our own affairs and worries just do not notice them. These tricky questions will exist as long as someone proves or disproves the hypothesis. Maybe they live on the ocean bed or in the center of Earth… These guesses can be built indefinitely. And anyway, who are the aliens? Are they intelligent beings who have learned to fly from planet to planet. And on the other planets, which do not belong to their civilization, call the strangers, “outsiders”, “aliens” or some other way. Although it would be much simpler for us to call them extraterrestrial mind, because we live on the planet Earth!

      It’s not worth of tryingto call this planet in a different way, for example Water. Because if you dilute the oceans, seas and rivers of the earth’s surface, the crust, which will be no more than the amount of water formed on the soccer ball after it was washed. This truth has long been proved by scientists. In ancient times, people named that planet exactly Earth – who says now that earlier people were not wise? And people also learned howto fly to other planets, though not too far away. And the interstellar flights remain still only dreams. Maybe it is good because a man is the most dangerous creature on Earth who can easily destroy any peaceful civilization. Or vice versa! Some vicious and aggressive civilization will defeat our planet utterly. Everything can be in this life. But while it is possible to live you should enjoy every minute of your existence. People talk about “aliens”, although, on the second thought, man is also a kind “stranger” (on Mars, for example) for micro-organisms or beings, if they exist at all on the rather distant planet from Earth….. Such thoughts left John’s head just as suddenly as they appeared.

      He lay there, his body ached, trembled, legs twitched. During his short life, and he was then less than twenty, he had never felt such terrible pain (possibly in his future life he will have to experience more and not so). John had the strength only to press a button over the bed. Less than in ten seconds the nurse ran to him to “put out” this infernal pain, pricked John diphenhydramine. The injection was intramuscular and rather painful. In order the injection would act without delay, the nurse gave another shot (as they say, for the company). The essenceof John began to leave the body, he fell asleep and saw nothing but sky and clouds. Then came rushing clouds, lightning flashed before his eyes, the light from which “hid” all the surrounding objects from John, and for a while he even blinded. His ears heard a sudden thunder. John wondered much about it, because before he flaked out (though maybe it was in reality), the sky had no cloud. He dreamed or not – he had yet to learn, but it was very realistic but, as like the real thing. His eyes were opened by the sharp light that lit up his bed. “This is a common dream, because he dreamed about something like it many times”, – persuaded his mind Jonathan. The light was white, very bright, he drew him to it. In the ward there were two more, only one bed was empty. The light blinded guys too, but they did not move, were in a deep sleep as if some force slapped them five shots of sleeping pills. Perhaps the bright, blinding light was that power. John got up, he did not want it, but that light suppressed his desire to fight, resist, because he did not intend to press that saving button. And was it use from it when the nurses also slept like those two. The force restrained all his thoughts, it seemed that his mind was possessed by someone else. John opened the door and stepped out into the balcony, he walked like a zombie, at that moment it seemed that he would do whatever that power demanded from him, this was clearly an extraterrestrial mind.

      His ward was located on the sixth floor, so if the force made him jump down, he would be smashed. But that power wanted it least of all. After all, if it quietly lulled to sleep the neighbors’ ward, it could kill him still in bed, but did not do it. In actual fact it was night outside, but it seemed that was the day. In the whole building was light, even lighter than during the day. The light could be compared with a lamp in a hundred candles and a huge spotlight, shining straight in the eye from a distance of one meter. John could not see what caused the light, and he did not think about it, as if his mind had left him… so it was. Despite a very bright light in the building, everyone was asleep. Now this force was able to do anything, with anyone of the people, and with John, our main character, as well. If you could see from bird’s eye view, we will make out an object, which was created from some sort of alloy and was constantly changing a shape: at first it looked like an inverted plate, then —an opened bottle of Coca-Cola, then a spiral. That object, whoever or whatever it was, changed its look hundred times, acquired the forms which nobody had seen before. On the ship, if you could call it that, bright searchlights were not burnt, as John thought. Certainly, that mind did not know such thing as searchlight, that mind did not know (or had forgotten many centuries ago), it passed ahead the development of mankind for billions of years. It hoveredin the air and silently soared in the sky. Only a slight buzz was heard when the air was flowing round the ship.

      Nothing but the ship disturbed the peace and dead silence. The birds and locusts kept silent. Everything! Everything seemed to be dead.

      Part 2

      Ancient prophecy

      If the stream of light poured your soul – know it’s a different Mind possessed of thee.

      The ray illuminated the face of John, then followed a bright flash, and more and more… It was like a horror movie. John was hovering in the sky like a bird (though he had no wings), thanked to the strange ray that brought him to the ship. There was light as during the day, but lamps were not. The light appeared out of nowhere.

      Suddenly he saw the extraordinary creatures. There were six. All were dressed in tight-fitting costumes. Jonathan was sitting in the chair. One of the creatures came to him. In this creature was something… human.

      Maybe a gaze, or maybe something else. John did not know. The forehead of a stranger was a little more, if not to say twice the human race, there was something similar to the ears, but they were almost invisible compared to the forehead. The nose was small, thin, but long enough. The valve was put on the nose or maybe they had such a nose, large eyes, piercing through. The body was very thin, but muscular. Height was 160—170 cm. The creature looked at John with appraising glance. So he did. John thought, “If it’s so strange to me, how strange is I to it?” Yes, there is something to think about. Looking at a huge head, John realized that that creature was very clever. “Its head will generate more transactions than the last Mac (PC Macintosh). And that is to say about their technologies, equipment, for the people is not achievable”, – thought Smith. John for some reason really wanted to write his name in small letters: “john, john, john…”

      The look of the creature was quiet, too quiet! John breathed on board so well as had never before. “They are probably full of sources of negative ions, – John thought, – no air conditioning can not be compared with this.”

      * * *

      The creature began to speak some ancient language, and perhaps was it the language of the future? But, however strange it was, John understood СКАЧАТЬ