The Ultimate Question. The Theory of Everything. Sergey Okulov
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Название: The Ultimate Question. The Theory of Everything

Автор: Sergey Okulov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Философия


isbn: 9785449325372


СКАЧАТЬ The mind in our system functions as a collector or switch of feelings. Memory is also a property of the intellect since the mind only generalizes the results of the perception of the senses. And the analysis of experience is carried out by the intellect.

      Intellect is the fundamental principle of the matter, from which the remaining elements originate. From the field of the intellect arise the ego, the subtle senses, and coarse elements.

      Any movement of coarse matter comes from the intellect – the fundamental principle of the matter. From the movement of the hand to the rotation of the planets. Intellect is the core of the program of the universe unfolding and folding. The ratio of the three qualities divides it into many intellects that have their own shade. We see that the intellects are different, and if there is a difference or qualities, then this refers to matter, whereas the consciousnesses do not have the qualities and are therefore the same.

      If we were, in fact, intellect, we would know where the thoughts come from and where they disappear. But everyone noticed that thoughts sometimes come to us when we did not want it, suddenly a thought comes from somewhere – oh, it’s like that, and it’s arranged this way. “And then it dawned on me…” Or there is disturbance or care for something, and we cannot stop thinking about it. Consciousness does not control this process, it simply observes it.

      The matrix of the intellect determines events, the thoughts of the sensation of absolutely all living creatures. We can say that all matter is a modification of the intellect. Behind every movement in the world is the intellect, and behind every intelligence is consciousness.


      Ego. Identifying oneself with something, with a body, a place, a nationality, with feelings, thoughts, etc. The intellect makes a decision based on experience, collected by the senses, and the ego determines for whom it happens. With the help of the ego, we never confuse ourselves with someone else.

      11 senses

      Five senses: a sense of hearing, a sense of touch, a sense of sight, a sense of taste, a sense of smell.

      The five organs of senses: ear, skin, eye, tongue, nose.

      The eleventh element is the mind. As a connecting ring, on which five keys of feelings hang. As a coordinating center, as a collector for gathering information from the senses. It collects, generalizes and transmits to the intellect all the information received. How the brain collects all the information from the entire nervous system.

      Five Subtle Elements

      Subtle elements are those that cannot be seen, but everyone knows about their existence. Five subtle elements: sound, touch, taste, sight, smell. In themselves, they are as the fundamental basis for elements and feelings.

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