Salthaven. William Wymark Jacobs
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Название: Salthaven

Автор: William Wymark Jacobs

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ never complain," said Mrs. Willett, with a fond smile at her prospective son-in-law. "Why, he wouldn't know he was uncomfortable unless somebody told him."

      Mrs. Chinnery pushed back her chair with a grating noise, strangely in harmony with her feelings, and, after a moment's pause to control her voice, suggested that the gentlemen should take the visitors round the garden while she cleared away—a proposal accepted by all but Mrs. Willett.

      "I'll stay here and watch you," she said.

      Captain Trimblett accompanied Mr. Truefitt and Miss Willett into the garden, and after pointing out the missing beauties of a figure-head in the next garden but one, and calling attention to the geraniums next door, left the couple to themselves. Side by side in the little arbour they sat gazing on to the river and conversing in low tones of their future happiness.

      For some time the captain idled about the garden, keeping as far away from the arbour as possible, and doing his best to suppress a decayed but lively mariner named Captain Sellers, who lived two doors off. Among other infirmities the latter was nearly stone-deaf, and, after giving up as hopeless the attempt to make him understand that Mr. Truefitt and Miss Willett were not, the captain at last sought shelter in the house.

      He found the table clear and a bowl of flowers placed in the exact centre. On opposite sides of the room, each with her hands folded in her lap, and both sitting bolt upright, Mrs. Willett and Mrs. Chinnery confronted each other. With a muttered reference to his ship, the captain took up his stick and fled.

      He spent the evening in the billiard-room of the Golden Fleece, and did not return until late. A light in the room up-stairs and a shadow on the blind informed him that Mrs. Chinnery had retired. He stepped in quietly, and closed the door behind him. Mr. Truefitt, a picture of woe, was sitting in his usual place at the corner of the stove, and a supper-table, loaded with food, was untouched.

      "Gone?" inquired the captain, scenting disaster.

      "Some time ago," said Mr. Truefitt. "They wouldn't stay to supper. I wish you had been here to persuade them."

      "I wish I had," said the captain, untruthfully.

      He gave utterance to a faint sigh in token of sympathy with Mr. Truefitt's evident distress, and drew a chair to the table. He shook his head, and with marvellous accuracy, considering that his gaze was fastened on a piece of cold beef, helped himself to a wedge of steak-pie. He ate with an appetite, and after pouring out and drinking a glass of ale gazed again at the forlorn figure of Mr. Truefitt.

      "Words?" he breathed, in a conspirator's whisper.

      The other shook his head. "No; they were very polite," he replied, slowly.

      The captain nearly emitted a groan. He checked it with two square inches of pie-crust.

      "A misunderstanding," said Mr. Truefitt.

      The captain said "Ah!" It was all he could say for the moment.

      "A misunderstanding," said the other. "I misled Mrs. Willett," he added, in a tense whisper.

      "Good heavens!" said the captain.

      "She had always understood—from me," continued Mr. Truefitt, "that when I married Susanna would go. I always thought she would. Anybody who knew Susanna would have thought so. You would—wouldn't you?"

      "In the ordinary way—yes," said the captain; "but circumstances alter cases."

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