The Inspector-General. Николай Гоголь
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Название: The Inspector-General

Автор: Николай Гоголь

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Драматургия




СКАЧАТЬ have you got to be afraid of? Put clean nightcaps on the patients and the thing's done.

      ARTEMY. Nightcaps! Nonsense! The patients were ordered to have oatmeal soup. Instead of that there's such a smell of cabbage in all the corridors that you've got to hold your nose.

      AMMOS. Well, my mind's at ease. Who's going to visit the court? Supposing he does look at the papers, he'll wish he had left them alone. I have been on the bench fifteen years, and when I take a look into a report, I despair. King Solomon in all his wisdom could not tell what is true and what is not true in it.

      The Judge, the Superintendent of Charities, the School Inspector, and Postmaster go out and bump up against the Sergeant in the doorway as the latter returns.


      The Governor, Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky, and Sergeant Svistunov.

      GOVERNOR. Well, is the cab ready?

      SVISTUNOV. Yes, sir.

      GOVERNOR. Go out on the street—or, no, stop—go and bring—why, where are the others? Why are you alone? Didn't I give orders for Prokhorov to be here? Where is Prokhorov?

      SVISTUNOV. Prokhorov is in somebody's house and can't go on duty just now.

      GOVERNOR. Why so?

      SVISTUNOV. Well, they brought him back this morning dead drunk. They poured two buckets of water over him, but he hasn't sobered up yet.

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