Odd Craft, Complete. William Wymark Jacobs
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Название: Odd Craft, Complete

Автор: William Wymark Jacobs

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ confusion which ensued the fortune-teller, to the great regret of Mr. Thompson, upset the contents of the magic bowl.

      “I can see no more,” he said, sinking hastily into his chair behind the table as Mr. Boxer advanced upon him.

      Mrs. Gimpson pushed her son-in-law aside, and laying a modest fee upon the table took her daughter’s arm and led her out. The Thompsons followed, and Mr. Boxer, after an irresolute glance in the direction of the ingenuous Mr. Silver, made his way after them and fell into the rear. The people in front walked on for some time in silence, and then the voice of the greatly impressed Mrs. Thompson was heard, to the effect that if there were only more fortune-tellers in the world there would be a lot more better men.

      Mr. Boxer trotted up to his wife’s side. “Look here, Mary,” he began.

      “Don’t you speak to me,” said his wife, drawing closer to her mother, “because I won’t answer you.”

      Mr. Boxer laughed, bitterly. “This is a nice home-coming,” he remarked.

      He fell to the rear again and walked along raging, his temper by no means being improved by observing that Mrs. Thompson, doubtless with a firm belief in the saying that “Evil communications corrupt good manners,” kept a tight hold of her husband’s arm. His position as an outcast was clearly defined, and he ground his teeth with rage as he observed the virtuous uprightness of Mrs. Gimpson’s back. By the time they reached home he was in a spirit of mad recklessness far in advance of the character given him by the astrologer.

      His wife gazed at him with a look of such strong interrogation as he was about to follow her into the house that he paused with his foot on the step and eyed her dumbly.

      “Have you left anything inside that you want?” she inquired.

      Mr. Boxer shook his head. “I only wanted to come in and make a clean breast of it,” he said, in a curious voice; “then I’ll go.”

      Mrs. Gimpson stood aside to let him pass, and Mr. Thompson, not to be denied, followed close behind with his faintly protesting wife. They sat down in a row against the wall, and Mr. Boxer, sitting opposite in a hang-dog fashion, eyed them with scornful wrath.

      “Well?” said Mrs. Boxer, at last.

      “All that he said was quite true,” said her husband, defiantly. “The only thing is, he didn’t tell the arf of it. Altogether, I married three dusky maidens.”

      Everybody but Mr. Thompson shuddered with horror.

      “Then I married a white girl in Australia,” pursued Mr. Boxer, musingly. “I wonder old Silver didn’t see that in the bowl; not arf a fortune-teller, I call ‘im.”

      “What they see in ‘im!” whispered the astounded Mr. Thompson to his wife.

      “And did you marry the beautiful girl in the photograph?” demanded Mrs. Boxer, in trembling accents.

      “I did,” said her husband.

      “Hussy,” cried Mrs. Boxer.

      “I married her,” said Mr. Boxer, considering—“I married her at Camberwell, in eighteen ninety-three.”

      “Eighteen ninety-three!” said his wife, in a startled voice. “But you couldn’t. Why, you didn’t marry me till eighteen ninety-four.”

      “What’s that got to do with it?” inquired the monster, calmly.

      Mrs. Boxer, pale as ashes, rose from her seat and stood gazing at him with horror-struck eyes, trying in vain to speak.

      “You villain!” cried Mrs. Gimpson, violently. “I always distrusted you.”

      “I know you did,” said Mr. Boxer, calmly. “You’ve been committing bigamy,” cried Mrs. Gimpson.

      “Over and over agin,” assented Mr. Boxer, cheerfully. “It’s got to be a ‘obby with me.”

      “Was the first wife alive when you married my daughter?” demanded Mrs. Gimpson.

      “Alive?” said Mr. Boxer. “O’ course she was. She’s alive now—bless her.”

      He leaned back in his chair and regarded with intense satisfaction the horrified faces of the group in front.

      “You—you’ll go to jail for this,” cried Mrs. Gimpson, breathlessly. “What is your first wife’s address?”

      “I decline to answer that question,” said her son-in-law.

      “What is your first wife’s address?” repeated Mrs. Gimpson.

      “Ask the fortune-teller,” said Mr. Boxer, with an aggravating smile. “And then get ‘im up in the box as a witness, little bowl and all. He can tell you more than I can.”

      “I demand to know her name and address,” cried Mrs. Gimpson, putting a bony arm around the waist of the trembling Mrs. Boxer.

      “I decline to give it,” said Mr. Boxer, with great relish. “It ain’t likely I’m going to give myself away like that; besides, it’s agin the law for a man to criminate himself. You go on and start your bigamy case, and call old red-eyes as a witness.”

      Mrs. Gimpson gazed at him in speechless wrath and then stooping down conversed in excited whispers with Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Boxer crossed over to her husband.

      “Oh, John,” she wailed, “say it isn’t true, say it isn’t true.”

      Mr. Boxer hesitated. “What’s the good o’ me saying anything?” he said, doggedly.

      “It isn’t true,” persisted his wife. “Say it isn’t true.”

      “What I told you when I first came in this evening was quite true,” said her husband, slowly. “And what I’ve just told you is as true as what that lying old fortune-teller told you. You can please yourself what you believe.”

      “I believe you, John,” said his wife, humbly.

      Mr. Boxer’s countenance cleared and he drew her on to his knee.

      “That’s right,” he said, cheerfully. “So long as you believe in me I don’t care what other people think. And before I’m much older I’ll find out how that old rascal got to know the names of the ships I was aboard. Seems to me somebody’s been talking.”


      Venia Turnbull in a quiet, unobtrusive fashion was enjoying herself. The cool living-room at Turnbull’s farm was a delightful contrast to the hot sunshine without, and the drowsy humming of bees floating in at the open window was charged with hints of slumber to the middle-aged. From her seat by the window she watched with amused interest the efforts of her father—kept from his Sunday afternoon nap by the assiduous attentions of her two admirers—to maintain his politeness.

      “Father was so pleased to see you both come in,” she said, softly; “it’s very dull for him here of an afternoon with only me.”

      “I can’t imagine anybody being dull with only you,” said Sergeant Dick Daly, turning a bold brown eye upon her.

      Mr. John Blundell scowled; this СКАЧАТЬ