The Story of Charles Strange. Vol. 2 (of 3). Henry Wood
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Название: The Story of Charles Strange. Vol. 2 (of 3)

Автор: Henry Wood

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ about the house and passages, exploring the outlets and inlets, followed by his two men, who had done the same before him.

      "I thought you had forbidden the men to search," cried Lady Level.

      "Why are they disobeying you?"

      "Their chief is here now, and of course his orders go before mine. Besides, after what you have told me, I consider there ought to be a thorough search," added Mr. Ravensworth.

      "In opposition to Lord Level?"

      "I think that Lord Level has not taken a sufficiently serious view of the case. The only solution I can come to is, that some escaped madman got into the house before it was closed for the night, and concealed himself in it. If so, he may be in it now."

      "Now! In it now!" she exclaimed, turning pale.

      "Upon my word, I think it may be so. The doors and windows were all found safely fastened, you see. Therefore he could not escape during the night. And since the doors were opened this morning, the household, I take it, has been so constantly on the alert, that it might be an extremely difficult matter for him to get away unseen. If he, this madman, did enter yesterday evening, he must have found some place of concealment and hidden himself in it for hours, since it was not until one o'clock that he made the attack on Lord Level."

      "Oh, Arnold, that is all too improbable," she rejoined doubtingly. "A madman could not plan and do all that."

      "Madmen are more cunning than sane ones, sometimes."

      "But I—I think it was a woman," said Lady Level, lowering her voice and her eyes.

      Mr. Ravensworth looked at her. And for the first time, a feeling flashed into his mind that Lady Level had some suspicion which she would not speak of.

      "Blanche," he said sharply, "do you know who it was? Tell me, if you do."

      "I do not," she answered emphatically. "I may imagine this and imagine that, but I do not know anything."

      "You were speaking, then, from imagination?"

      "Y—es. In a case of mystery, such as this, imagination runs riot, and you can't prevent its doing so."

      Again there was something about Lady Level that struck Mr. Ravensworth as being not honestly true. Before more could be said, steps were heard approaching the room; and Lady Level, afraid to meet the police, made her escape from it.

      Running swiftly upstairs, she was passing Lord Level's door to enter her own, when she heard his voice, speaking collectedly, and peeped in. He saw her, and held out his hand. He appeared now quite rational, though his fine gray eyes were glistening and his fair face was flushed. Mrs. Edwards was standing by the bedside, and it was to her he had been talking.

      Blanche advanced timidly. "Are you feeling better?" she softly asked.

      "Oh, much better; nearly well: but for my knee I should be up and about," he answered, as he drew her towards him. "Mrs. Edwards, will you close the door? I wish to speak with my wife."

      Mrs. Edwards, with a warning glance at her lady, which seemed to say, "He is not fit for it"—at least Blanche so interpreted it—went out and shut the door. Lord Level drew her closer to his side. He was lying propped up by a mound of pillows, almost sitting up in bed, and kept her standing there.

      "Blanche," he began in very quiet tones, "I hear the police are in the house."

      "Yes," she was obliged to answer, quite taken aback and feeling very much vexed that he had been told, as it was likely to excite him.

      "Who sent for them? You?"

      "Oh no."

      "Then it was your friend; that fellow Ravensworth. I thought as much."

      "But indeed it was not," she eagerly answered, shrinking from her husband's scornful tones. "When the two policemen came in—and we do not know who it was sent them—Mr. Ravensworth went to them by my desire to stop the search. I told him that you objected to it."

      "Objected to it! I forbade it," haughtily rejoined Lord Level. "And if—if–"

      "Oh, pray, Archibald, do not excite yourself; do not, do not!" she interrupted, frightened and anxious. "You know you will become worse again if you do."

      "Will you go and end it in my name? End it, and send them away from the house."

      "Yes, if you tell me to do so; if you insist upon it," she answered.

      "But I am afraid."

      "Why are you afraid?"

      Lady Level bent her head until it was on a level with his. "For this, Archibald," she whispered: "that they might question me—and I should be obliged to answer them."

      Lord Level gently drew her cool cheek nearer, that it might rest against his fevered one, and remained silent, apparently pondering the question.

      "After I told you all that I saw that night, you bade me be silent," she resumed. "Well, I fear the police might draw it from me if they questioned me."

      "But you must not allow them to draw it from you."

      "Oh, but perhaps I could not help it," she sighed. "You know what the police are—how they question and cross-question people."

      "Blanche, I reminded you last night that you were my wife, and you owed me implicit obedience in all great things."

      "Yes, and I am trying to obey you; I am indeed, Archibald," she protested, almost torn by conflicting emotions; for, in spite of her doubts and suspicions, and (as she put it to herself) her "wrongs," she loved her husband yet.

      "Well, my dear, you must be brave for my sake; ay, and for your own. Listen, Blanche: you will tell the police nothing; and they must not search the house. I don't care to see them myself to forbid it; I don't want to see them. For one thing, I am hardly strong enough to support the excitement it would cause me. But–"

      "Will you tell me something, Archibald?" she whispered. "Is the—the—person—that attacked you in the house now?"

      Lord Level looked surprised. "In this house? Why, how could it be?

      Certainly not."

      "Was it—was it a woman?" she breathed, her voice low and tremulous.

      He turned angry. "How can you be so silly, Blanche? A woman! Oh yes," changing to sarcasm, "of course it was a woman. It was you, perhaps."

      "That is what they are saying, Archibald."

      "What are they saying?" he returned, in dangerous excitement—if Blanche had only noticed the signs. For all this was agitating him.

      "Why, that," she answered, bursting into tears. "The police are saying so. They are saying that it was I who stabbed you."

      Lord Level cried out as a man in agony. And, with that, delirium came on again.



      My Lady Level sat at the open window of her husband's sitting-room, in the dark, her hot face lifted to the cool night air. Only a moment ago Lord СКАЧАТЬ