The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius
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Название: The Consolation of Philosophy

Автор: Boethius

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Философия




СКАЧАТЬ Ruler, Lord of all!

      Can it be that Thou disdainest

      Only man? 'Gainst him, poor thrall,

      Wanton Fortune plays her vainest.

      Guilt's deserved punishment

      Falleth on the innocent;

      High uplifted, the profanest

      On the just their malice vent.

      'Virtue cowers in dark retreats,

      Crime's foul stain the righteous beareth,

      Perjury and false deceits

      Hurt not him the wrong who dareth;

      But whene'er the wicked trust

      In ill strength to work their lust,

      Kings, whom nations' awe declareth

      Mighty, grovel in the dust.

      'Look, oh look upon this earth,

      Thou who on law's sure foundation

      Framedst all! Have we no worth,

      We poor men, of all creation?

      Sore we toss on fortune's tide;

      Master, bid the waves subside!

      And earth's ways with consummation

      Of Thy heaven's order guide!'


      When I had poured out my griefs in this long and unbroken strain of lamentation, she, with calm countenance, and in no wise disturbed at my complainings, thus spake:

      'When I saw thee sorrowful, in tears, I straightway knew thee wretched and an exile. But how far distant that exile I should not know, had not thine own speech revealed it. Yet how far indeed from thy country hast thou, not been banished, but rather hast strayed; or, if thou wilt have it banishment, hast banished thyself! For no one else could ever lawfully have had this power over thee. Now, if thou wilt call to mind from what country thou art sprung, it is not ruled, as once was the Athenian polity, by the sovereignty of the multitude, but "one is its Ruler, one its King," who takes delight in the number of His citizens, not in their banishment; to submit to whose governance and to obey whose ordinances is perfect freedom. Art thou ignorant of that most ancient law of this thy country, whereby it is decreed that no one whatsoever, who hath chosen to fix there his dwelling, may be sent into exile? For truly there is no fear that one who is encompassed by its ramparts and defences should deserve to be exiled. But he who has ceased to wish to dwell therein, he likewise ceases to deserve to do so. And so it is not so much the aspect of this place which moves me, as thy aspect; not so much the library walls set off with glass and ivory which I miss, as the chamber of thy mind, wherein I once placed, not books, but that which gives books their value, the doctrines which my books contain. Now, what thou hast said of thy services to the commonweal is true, only too little compared with the greatness of thy deservings. The things laid to thy charge whereof thou hast spoken, whether such as redound to thy credit, or mere false accusations, are publicly known. As for the crimes and deceits of the informers, thou hast rightly deemed it fitting to pass them over lightly, because the popular voice hath better and more fully pronounced upon them. Thou hast bitterly complained of the injustice of the senate. Thou hast grieved over my calumniation, and likewise hast lamented the damage to my good name. Finally, thine indignation blazed forth against fortune; thou hast complained of the unfairness with which thy merits have been recompensed. Last of all thy frantic muse framed a prayer that the peace which reigns in heaven might rule earth also. But since a throng of tumultuous passions hath assailed thy soul, since thou art distraught with anger, pain, and grief, strong remedies are not proper for thee in this thy present mood. And so for a time I will use milder methods, that the tumours which have grown hard through the influx of disturbing passion may be softened by gentle treatment, till they can bear the force of sharper remedies.'

      SONG VI.

      All Things have their Needful Order

      He who to th' unwilling furrows

      Gives the generous grain,

      When the Crab with baleful fervours

      Scorches all the plain;

      He shall find his garner bare,

      Acorns for his scanty fare.

      Go not forth to cull sweet violets

      From the purpled steep,

      While the furious blasts of winter

      Through the valleys sweep;

      Nor the grape o'erhasty bring

      To the press in days of spring.

      For to each thing God hath given

      Its appointed time;

      No perplexing change permits He

      In His plan sublime.

      So who quits the order due

      Shall a luckless issue rue.


      'First, then, wilt thou suffer me by a few questions to make some attempt to test the state of thy mind, that I may learn in what way to set about thy cure?'

      'Ask what thou wilt,' said I, 'for I will answer whatever questions thou choosest to put.'

      Then said she: 'This world of ours—thinkest thou it is governed haphazard and fortuitously, or believest thou that there is in it any rational guidance?'

      'Nay,' said I, 'in no wise may I deem that such fixed motions can be determined by random hazard, but I know that God, the Creator, presideth over His work, nor will the day ever come that shall drive me from holding fast the truth of this belief.'

      'Yes,' said she; 'thou didst even but now affirm it in song, lamenting that men alone had no portion in the divine care. As to the rest, thou wert unshaken in the belief that they were ruled by reason. Yet I marvel exceedingly how, in spite of thy firm hold on this opinion, thou art fallen into sickness. But let us probe more deeply: something or other is missing, I think. Now, tell me, since thou doubtest not that God governs the world, dost thou perceive by what means He rules it?'

      'I scarcely understand what thou meanest,' I said, 'much less can I answer thy question.'

      'Did I not say truly that something is missing, whereby, as through a breach in the ramparts, disease hath crept in to disturb thy mind? But, tell me, dost thou remember the universal end towards which the aim of all nature is directed?'

      'I once heard,' said I, 'but sorrow hath dulled my recollection.'

      'And yet thou knowest whence all things have proceeded.'

      'Yes, that I know,' said I, 'and have answered that it is from God.'

      'Yet how is it possible that thou knowest not what is the end of existence, when thou dost understand its source and origin? However, these disturbances of mind have force to shake a man's position, but cannot pluck him up and root him altogether out of himself. But answer this also, I pray thee: rememberest thou that thou art a man?'

      'How should I not?' said I.

      'Then, canst thou say what man is?'

      'Is this thy question: Whether I know myself for a being endowed with reason and subject to death? Surely I do acknowledge myself such.'

      Then she: 'Dost know nothing else that thou art?'


      'Now,' said she, 'I know another cause of thy disease, one, too, of grave СКАЧАТЬ