Religion And Health. James Joseph Walsh
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Название: Religion And Health

Автор: James Joseph Walsh

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Здоровье




СКАЧАТЬ is a phase of charity that has been forgotten only too often in the modern time. It emphasizes the fact that the most important remedy for that very serious affection taedium vitae, that sense of the unsatisfactoriness of life which comes to everybody at some time or other, is the doing of things for other people with a whole-hearted feeling of helpfulness.

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      "Agnosticism," Scribners, New York, 1895.


      I owe this and a number of other quotations in this chapter to Tabrum "Religious Beliefs of Scientists," London, 1911.


           Let nothing disturb thee,

           Let nothing affr


"Agnosticism," Scribners, New York, 1895.


I owe this and a number of other quotations in this chapter to Tabrum "Religious Beliefs of Scientists," London, 1911.


     Let nothing disturb thee,     Let nothing affright thee,     All things are passing,     God never changeth.     Who God possesseth     In nothing is wanting.     Alone God sufficeth.           (Longfellow translation.)


Dr. Karl Pearson, of London, the well-known authority on eugenics, has investigated rather carefully the health of children in large and small families, and has demonstrated that children are healthiest when there are five to eight children in the family. On the average, first and second children are not as healthy as those who come later in the family, and those who are in the best condition physically and mentally for life come after the fourth. The early children in the family are more liable to epilepsy and certain serious nervous diseases, and are often of unstable nervous equilibrium, while the later children are more gifted and are likely to live longer.