Margaret Capel, vol. 2. Ellen Wallace
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Название: Margaret Capel, vol. 2

Автор: Ellen Wallace

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ of making some other relative easy in his circumstances; and that he thought he was speaking your sentiments as well as his own, when he resolutely declined my offer."

      "Quite. He understands me," whispered Margaret through her tears.

      "So then, Margaret, if he stands the test of time, you may be very happy together," said Mr. Grey.

      "If!—oh, uncle! I have not a doubt."

      "Do not have," said Mr. Grey. "Trust always, my child; but here comes the urn, and Casement too, I declare."

      "Hollo! little woman, where's Master Claude?" was Mr. Casement's first salutation, after he had carefully peeped on each side of the urn, as if in search of the missing gentleman.

      "Gone, Sir; several days ago," said Margaret, pursuing her occupation.

      "Gone, eh? And where?"

      "I don't know, Sir."

      "Not in his confidence then, it seems."

      "Think of that, Mr. Casement," said Margaret, looking up with an arch laugh.

      "How was it?" asked Mr. Casement, dragging his chair as close to hers as possible, "tell me all about it. Did Master Grey cut up rough?"

      Margaret looked puzzled, for she did not understand the phrase employed; but she turned to her uncle.

      "Did you, Uncle Grey?" she said.

      "He does not know what he is talking about, my dear," said Mr. Grey.

      "Don't I?" said Mr. Casement. "You thought, little woman, that I did not know any of your proceedings with Master Hubert."

      "I did not think about it, Sir," said Margaret, turning away.

      "I suppose Elizabeth Gage has quite cut you now?" pursued Mr. Casement.

      "No, she has not, Sir; for I dine at Chirke Weston to-morrow."

      "Then give my love to her," said Mr. Casement; "and tell her that I have held her engaged to me for the last ten years. I don't know when I shall claim her, but it is as well to remind her occasionally."

      When she arrived at Captain Gage's next day, Elizabeth was alone in the drawing-room, dressed with her usual costly simplicity.

      She was seated reading in an arm-chair by the open window, and Margaret could not help being newly struck with the grand and statuesque style of her beauty. From her height, the calm regularity of her features, the plain arrangement of her abundant hair, and the dignity of her attitude, she might have served as a model for Minerva.

      Elizabeth's welcome was as warm as ever.

      "You will find my father in a great bustle," said she, as soon as Margaret was seated. "Sir Philip d'Eyncourt has arrived. You have heard of him?"

      "Yes; I have heard his name," said Margaret.

      "He has come home in very bad health," said Elizabeth, "and has been obliged to abandon a survey which he considered of great importance, and for which he was peculiarly fitted from his scientific knowledge. My father quite enjoys the idea of having somebody to take care of. He pets me; but I never have anything the matter with me."

      Captain Gage now came into the room, shook hands with Margaret, and assured her that she was looking remarkably well; and then told his daughter that Sir Philip would be down presently; that he had insisted on their not delaying dinner: that he was looking very ill, but that Bessy must not judge of him from his present appearance. And then he hurried out again to see how his guest was getting on.

      Elizabeth Gage had not seen Sir Philip d'Eyncourt since she was a child. She remembered then that he had taken great notice of her, as young men are apt to do of handsome children. But her impressions of him, dated not from the scanty recollections she entertained of himself, but from the very high opinion that her father always expressed of his talents and character.

      Her father never threw away his praise; therefore, Sir Philip must be everything that was admirable.

      She wished very much to see him, and become acquainted with him, but she recognised him completely as her father's guest; and though she would gladly have shown her respect for his character, by contributing in any way to his comfort, yet she thought that as an invalid, and, in some respects, a disappointed man, the most agreeable thing for him was to be let alone.

      "I am quite anxious to see him after so many years," said Elizabeth, turning slightly towards the door as her father and his guest entered. Sir Philip was tall and dark; with a head like the portraits in Elizabeth's reign. Wide across the brows, and narrow at the chin. He was very grave and quiet in his manner; seemed in wretched health; sat down without speaking, after having bowed to the two ladies, and remained perfectly still and silent in a corner of the sofa.

      "You can hardly recollect Bessy, I suppose," said Captain Gage, turning to Sir Philip.

      "No; it is so many years since I had the pleasure of seeing Miss Gage," said he, turning his eyes in the direction of Elizabeth, who was showing Margaret some specimens of carved ivory at a table.

      She coloured a little; but she reflected that there was nothing to wonder at in his memory being worse than her own. He had seen many pretty children; she had seen but one Sir Philip d'Eyncourt.

      "Do you think Bessy like Hubert?" asked Captain Gage, who seemed resolved not to let Sir Philip alone on the subject of his daughter.

      Sir Philip did not see the likeness.

      "Now that vexes me, Sir Philip," said Elizabeth, looking up with her usual candour. "I am very fond of being considered like Hubert."

      Sir Philip smiled, but made no reply.

      "You think so, do you not?" asked Captain Gage of Margaret, with a mischievous smile.

      This was rather hard upon her; she blushed very deeply, and assented.

      Captain Gage enjoyed her confusion. He was as kind to her as ever: he would have liked her to marry Hubert, because his son had set his heart upon it; and he was very well pleased that it had come to nothing, because he thought the boy a great deal too young to think of settling. It would, indeed, have been difficult to disturb his equanimity. In the days of George's extravagance, he paid his bills with a composure that made that gentleman's intimate friends wish that Heaven had provided them with father's exactly on the same pattern; and he took all Hubert's perverseness, after the first irritation, with the greatest forbearance; only begging that he might be informed when it was his pleasure to go to sea again, as he did not wish a second time to exert his influence for nothing.

      Dinner was announced; Captain Gage took possession of Margaret, and Elizabeth knowing that Sir Philip must offer her his arm, with a slight colour, a slight embarrassment that became her infinitely, went towards him to save him the exertion of crossing to her side of the room. He met her with a smile that seemed at once to comprehend, and to be grateful for her consideration.

      The thing that Captain Gage most ardently desired on earth was the marriage of Elizabeth with Sir Philip; but this wish he very prudently kept to himself. He was very glad to see that she had on her cameos and her white silk, and that her hair was dressed to admiration; for the rest, it might, he thought, be safely left to time.

      "I should like you to see Creswick," said Captain Gage, "it is for sale; if you would buy it, we should be sure of a pleasant СКАЧАТЬ