The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London. With Seven Related Documents; 1606-1621. Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation
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СКАЧАТЬ soe many of them as to us should seem good, might be added unto them and might (during our pleasure) be of our Councel for the foresaid Colonies of Virginia; wee therefore for the better establishing, disposing, orderring and directing of the said several Colonies within the degrees aforesaid, and of all such affaires, matters and things as shall touch and concerne the same, doe, by these presents signed with our hand and signe manuel and sealed with our Privy Seale of our realme of England, establish and ordaine that our trusty and welbeloved Sir Thomas Challonor, Knight; Sir Henry Nevil, Knight; Sir Fulks Grevil, Knight; Sir John Scot, Knight; Sir Robert Mansfield, Knight; Sir Oliver Cromwel, Knight; Sir Morrice Berkeley, Knight; Sir Edward Michelbourne, Knight; Sir Thomas Holcroft, Knight; Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Clerk of our Privy Councel; Sir Robert Kelligrew, Knight; Sir Robert Croft, Knight; Sir George Copping, Knight; Sir Edwyn Sandys, Knight; Sir Thomas Row, Knight; and Sir Anthony Palmer, Knight; nominated unto us by and on the behalfe of the said First Colony; Sir Edward Hungerford, Knight; Sir John Mallet, Knight; Sir John Gilbert, Knight; Sir Thomas Freale, Knight; Sir Richard Hawkings, Knight; Sir Bartholomew Mitchel, Knight; Edward Seamour, Esq.; Bernard Greenville, Esq.; Edward Rogers, Esq.; and Matthew Sutcliffe, Doctor of Divinity; nominated to us by and on the behalfe of the said Second Colony, shall together with the persons formerly named, be our Councel for all matters which shall or may conduct to the aforesaid plantations or which shall happen in Virginia or any the territories of America between 34 & 45 degrees of northerly latitude from the aequinoctial line and the islands to the several Colonies limited and assigned, that is to say, the First Colony from 34 to 41 degrees of the said latitude, and the Second Colony between 38 and 45 degrees of the said latitude. And our further will and pleasure is, and by these presents for us, our heires and successors wee doe grant unto our said Councel of Virginia, that they or any twelve of them att the least, for the time being, whereof six att the least to be members of one of the said Colonies, and six more att the least to be members of the other Colony, shall have full power and authority to ordaine, nominate, elect and choose any other person or persons att their discretion to be and to serve as officer or officers to all offices and places that shall by them be thought fitt and requisite for the businesse and affaires of our said Councel and concerning the plantation or plantations aforesaid, and for the summoning, calling and assembling of the said Councel together when need shall require, or for summoning and calling before the said Councel any of the adventurors or others which shall passe on unto the said several Colonies to inhabit or to traffick there, or any other such like officer or officers which in time shall or may be found of use, behoofe or importance unto the Councel aforesaid. [And the said Council or any twelve of them as is aforesaid shall have full power and authority from time to time to continue or to alter or change the said officers and to elect and appoint others in their roomes and places, to make and ordain acts and ordinances for the better ordering, disposing and marshalling of the said several Colonies and the several adventurers or persons going to inhabit in the same several Colonies, or of any provision or provisions for the same, or for the direction of the officers aforesaid, or for the making of them to be subordinate or under jurisdiction one of another, and to do and execute all and every of their act and things which by any our grants or letters patents heretofore made they are warranted or authorised to do or execute so as always none of the said acts and ordinances or other things be contrary or repugnant to the true intent and meaning of our said letters patents granted for the plantation of the said several Colonies in Virginia and territories of America as aforesaid, or contrary to the laws and statutes in this our realm of England, or in derogation of our prerogative royal. Witness ourself at Westminster the ninth day of March (1607) in the year of our reign of England, France and Ireland the fourth, and of Scotland the fortieth, &c.]4

      Virginia State Library, "Patents, No. 2, 1643-1651"; Hening, Vol. I, pp. 76-79.


May 23, 1609

      James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc.] To all [to whom these presents shall come, greeting.]

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      Throughout, this and the following two names are spelled as "Wingfield," "Hanham," and "Gilbert" in Stith.


      i.e., "persons"


Throughout, this and the following two names are spelled as "Wingfield," "Hanham," and "Gilbert" in Stith.


i.e., "persons"


The following words or letters missing from the manuscript have been supplied from the text in Hening.]


Bracketed passage supplied from text in Hening.



Bracketed passage supplied from text in Hening.