Economics and human rights. Andrey Sokolov
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Название: Economics and human rights

Автор: Andrey Sokolov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785449090874


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      The weakness of children is not a provocation of violence.

      The sale of knives does not lead to an increase in murders and does not force a person to kill.

      There is a notion of presumption of innocence, so it is necessary to separate “flies from cutlets”.

      Theft is a crime, a deviation from the norm. The presence of this fact does not lead to the closure of shops and the enclosing of fields and gardens with barbed wire.

      Murder is a crime, but not an excuse for prohibiting the sale of knives, axes, hunting rifles, etc.

      Adultery is a personal sin within the same family and is her private affair. It is not good for the state to interfere with the citizens’ bedcourts, if these matters do not threaten the life and health of other people.

      Cruelty to the weak – children, women – is a crime. But not an excuse for banning family or procreation.

      Let’s focus not on the units of geeks and criminals, but on millions of law-abiding taxpayers.

      The legalization of weapons for self-defense, the legalization of the carrying of weapons is not a matter of morality or morality, it is not a matter of the policy of “whatever happens”, but the simple and unconditional observance of the human right to life and health.

      From the economic point of view, the legalization of weapons is the preservation of the life and health of taxpayers, the reduction of budget expenditures, new jobs in the legal arms industry – shops, sellers, repairs, maintenance… and this again taxes, taxes, incomes and budget revenues. This decrease in the level of street crime, a reduction in the number of robberies and crimes against the individual.

      And it is profitable. It is advantageous for the state to respect human rights.

      The right to bear and own weapons is an instrument for protecting life and health – this is part of the human right to life and health. The economic effect, the impact on the country’s budget, the impact on the criminal situation in the country from the legalization of carrying weapons is very significant. Crime and budget expenditures are declining, and budget revenues are increasing.

      Everyone has the right to life. It follows from this that he has the right to defend his life. Than? This is regulated by law. A knife and a baseball bat, an ax… or a gun.

      It is important to remember that the threat of life from bandits comes against the requirements of the law.

      Hence, the right to own and bear arms is an unconditional human right, for this is his right to life.

      The legalization of the arms market leads to the confidence of citizens in immediate protection, without waiting for the arrival of police. Simultaneously with the replenishment of the budget, the legal sale of weapons reduces the number of illegal, non-taxable sales.

      Think about it. How much does an hour of police work for a country? How many hours does a policeman spend to work on illegal weapons? How many hours will the policeman (police) spend on the investigation of the crime? Multiply by the number of crimes against the person and property. And you will learn how much the budget will save from a simple line in the law “free acquisition, storage and carrying of firearms are allowed”.

      However, it can be even easier. If the government is afraid of its citizens, if it manages so that there is a risk of insurrection, then arms prohibit power. If the government manages well, if it does not fear its citizens, then the weapon will be legalized. The rest is wickedness.

      If the reader has doubts about the reliability of the data, objectivity and usefulness of the author’s arguments, if the reader continues to be tormented by doubts and habitual notions about what is acceptable, if the reader thinks that legalization is threatening problems, then let’s change the angle slightly.

      According to the UN declaration, and according to the reasonable thinking of any person about his personal life, human rights are primary relative to all other rights and interests. And if the author managed to convince the reader that the right to arms is the realization of the human right to life and health, then the state is obliged to realize this right by legalizing the possession and carrying of weapons.

      Does it threaten anything? Maybe. Although the facts say the opposite. Nevertheless, if we talk in terms of threats, then we must immediately abandon the sale of knives and axes in stores, prohibit the use of cars, trains, planes and much more. For their use is also associated with threats and consequences.

      That is why the author insists that it is necessary to discuss not so much the harm or benefit of legalization, but how the violation violates human rights. If it violates – legalization is necessary.

      It is from these positions that all other issues and prohibitions set forth in this book will be considered.

      In the modern world, human rights are primary. Every single person, not an abstract society or state. The rest is cunning.

      Prostitution and the right to life, health, work, rest

      Or … “The state! Do not go to bed with people! Take care of a worthy deed!”

      Strange as it may seem, talking about crime, which can be greatly reduced through the legalization of weapons, immediately leads us to the question, and at the expense of which the criminals live, where the maximum of crimes against the person is committed, where the state also does not want to ensure the inhabitants the right to life and health. And also for work and rest. The first thing that comes to mind when talking about crime is drugs and prostitution.

      Let’s start with prostitution – one of the types of criminal business that is not criminalized by the will of people employed in it, but by the will of a state that does not want to legalize their work.

      The same was in the United States when introducing a “dry law”. Illegal alcohol immediately became the cause of the growth of crime.

      If tomorrow some state wants to prohibit milk, milkmen will fall into the sphere of criminal attention. They will forbid treatment – the crime will be dealt with by doctors.

      So is it reasonable to prohibit?

      A person has the right to work. This right is as immutable as the right to life.

      Prostitution is work. If someone does not believe – he can try and make sure.

      Maybe this work is not prestigious, it may not be very aesthetic, someone may not like this profession, but so are the sanitizers or pathologists, too, are not among the prestigious professions. The janitor is also not prestigious. Or the waiter.

      But just as the state provides the right to work for a nurse, nurse or social worker, it is obliged to ensure the right to work and rest for a prostitute (prostitute), and hence to legalize prostitution.

      Not all people want to be prostitutes. But not everyone wants to be policemen, doctors, teachers, plumbers, politicians, officials, dancers, masseurs, hairdressers or programmers.

      A woman does not become a criminal by choosing the work of a janitor or waitress. But it becomes, choosing the work of a prostitute.

      A waitress СКАЧАТЬ