What teaches dysgraphia. Elena Rybakova
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Название: What teaches dysgraphia

Автор: Elena Rybakova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449088819


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      At the same time, in such types of organization of children’s activity, first, avoid excessive variation in the methods of reading a lot (some authors now refer to this situation as a “massage” due to the pressing, aggressive nature of the impact of such methods in overdose), in Secondly, there are not enough opportunities for subjective actualization of children, except, of course, for special playing out of the children with a teaching situation, a didactic orientation, or a plot -and-role orientation.

      However, we believe that the individual adjustment and even, perhaps, in consultation with your child about m, productive and emotionally optimizing can be enriched subject to ensure corrective maintenance of the child with dyslexia, dysgraphia texts and psevdoteksts, made letters highly multiformat, noisy and difficult locations. In the group of gaming, educational and project methods developed by the authors and presented at the international competition of the Belarusian Internet portal “New Knowledge”, we not only shared successful achievements, but also marked the ways for further creative cooperation of all participants in the social and educational dialogue.

      Project, subject-personal components of children’s activities not only contribute to meeting their vital creative, activity and social needs, but also devalue negative expectations, optimize the child’s ideas about himself and his abilities, motivate him to further cooperation with adults and at the same time to raise the level independence in cognitive activity, communication, status socialization.

      By itself distance from the school- lesson situation already, as a rule, substantially increases both the productivity and the quality of the activities of schoolchildren. individually or in a subgroup.

      With the provision of a subject, project organization for the employment of children, the effect is amazing even for educators and parents who have considerable experience in developing education. If we do not miss the opportunity from the very beginning of the diagnostic and corrective process to set operational and value orientations for the intersubject and project- activity plan, then later we will not have to overcome mechanistic, formalization of the educational process, let alone didactic and social negativism.

      Also important but in the early stages diagnostik- and correctional work, whether individually, in the process if the group cooperation, dates s an opportunity for each child to sounds own opinion of the nature and even the actual availability of school difficulties and other problems in written communication. In the future, subjektic meaningful representations of schoolchildren may yield to the opinion, attitudes of adults. In addition, the culture of educational and other activities needs subjectivization, and the instability of the school situation can become an affective basis so important in the training and life of a person and actualization, as well as the formation of such a value reference in his life, as self-positioning and compensatory modeling.

      A pupil can not only learn much less than his abilities in connection with the mismatch of school and general communication skills, inadequate organization of educational activity, uncertainty, psychomotor anxiety, emotional and volitional insufficiency, and so on – but at the same time have sufficiently meaningful ideas about the essence of their difficulties and even possible means of improving the situation.

      In addition, despite all the current difficulties of his educational activity, his promising verbal-intellectual and active status is already manifested in him, his neuro-psychological and personal characteristics set additional structuring and style-forming parameters, algorithms, modules and models, violating program-consistent boundaries and conformity successful first-grader, then a successful second-grader – and, in general, an exemplary graduate.

      Our children are all different. Even in a monoethnic environment, they speak and think right away in the context of polylinguistic culture, in the format of a complexly structured information environment, and in the long run neither the simplification of the communicative sphere nor the simplification of the organization of the adult world is foreseen.

      Therefore, Sun expressed the need for more e first word in the socio-educational space given to the child, as far as possible to follow him, making adjustments and suggestions as I need, and the best e – upon request. Increasing the productivity of children’s activities, their effectiveness in the educational and educational process, vote in favor of this approach as strongly as the escalation of difficulties that increase with the mechanistic organization of support, the objectification of the child, with the apparent superiority of the teacher and his lack of doubt, surprise, intrigue.

      Conversely, activity and personal correspondence in the organization of child support can compensate for the lack of special correctional help and even small errors in training.

      If others can provide the necessary support or at least not increase tension, anxiety, impulsiveness of the child, we can not even detect such cases or consider them as problematic. In our practice, for example, schoolchildren, who have noticeable signs of a previously overcome stutter (certain signs of convulsive readiness of breathing and articulation apparatus, peculiarities of general and fine motor skills, specific tricks of self-control of the tempo – rhythm of active speech, the corresponding neuropsychic status, tensions, didactic expectations, etc.), although others do not recognize the stuttering of a child in the past, and the student himself, as a rule, does not position such problems in his or her past or in the present. However, complex problematic and even co-dependent situations that require comprehensive support not only for the reader, speech therapist, defectologist, but also psychological support, and even course psychotherapy, are often observed.

      It is advisable not to postpone surrounding with the organization of the surrounding escort, if there is a need for it, otherwise they can significantly distort the corrective- development activities, reduce its productivity and expediency of cooperation. Understanding the nature of the support and the importance of the project orientation of activity is formed in the environment of support, the more effective it is than the organic process of involving adults in the subjective value paradigm of the employment of schoolchildren.

      Project organization private letter quite respectable history in the creative aspect m, both as parodies, pastiches, preparation and execution of congratulatory texts, etc. -.. And in fact literary relatedness. We add to this group more unfettered, Polymodality of meaningful and creative, in our opinion, a group of design and execution of inscriptions on T-shirts, logos, business cards. However, we can not say that this area necessarily productive, successful participants, enough to motivate and positively due to a number of objektivity and subjects in governmental trends. In addition, school age cox injuring need for sensual m directly m the perception of quality writing instruments, punctuated by sensory feels the communication component, the more – the children with disorders e m writing, which may be a connection but with a primary insufficient Stu function, so and, for example, at too rapid for a given child’s status, the development of reading and writing skills, without sufficient reflection, sensibilbsation or stabilization (which is characteristic, for example, for some categories of gifted children or for children with advanced development of abilities in the field of exact disciplines, as well as poetic, inclined to deep comprehension performed actions, well, and perfectionists; There are also children who are sensitive to the external design of reading and writing, to the quality of writing instruments, accented on the harmony handwriting location with text and other components of the organization’s activities, the environment, the context).

      The degree of complexity and theme of the text work is discussed operatively and analytically, in an accessible and concise manner.

      The speed and extent of the finical speaking with adults and adjusts calculate, not too monotype, one to enough to support psiho-emotsional flax and communicative favored.

      The СКАЧАТЬ