A Tricky Game. Seraphima Nickolaevna Bogomolova
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Название: A Tricky Game

Автор: Seraphima Nickolaevna Bogomolova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Драматургия


isbn: 9785449084736


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      There are two men here for you.


      (keeping her eyes on the laptop screen)

      Which men?


      They say they’re your friends.

      Angela looks up at Maria Alekseevna, holds her gaze for a second then shuts her laptop.


      Show them in, please.


      Maria Alekseevna grabs MacBride and Pavel by their arms. MacBride tries to twist his arm out of her grasp.


      Let me alone, woman!

      Tightening her grip, Maria Alekseevna drags MacBride and Pavel along the hallway towards the living room.


      Pavel, tell her it’s a mistake!


      Take it easy, man.

      Maria Alekseevna pushes MacBride and Pavel into —


      Angela rises from the sofa.

      Engulfed in silence, MacBride and Pavel stare at her.

      Maria Alekseevna heads into the adjacent room and returns with a bottle of Russian Standard vodka and three goblets. She puts them onto the coffee table by the sofa.

      Angela pours vodka into the goblets and hands them to MacBride and Pavel. They hesitate.


      Please, MacBride and… I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.


      Pavel Nekrassov.


      Delighted to meet you, Pavel.



      Pavel takes the goblets, passing one to MacBride.

      An awkward SILENCE lingers around them.

      Angela sits down on the sofa. MacBride and Pavel follow her.

      Seated, MacBride and Pavel look down at the floor. Angela looks at them.


      (to MacBride)

      What are you doing here?


      I don’t really know.


      What do you mean?

      MacBride looks into his goblet.


      You see…

      Fiddling with the goblet, MacBride glances up at Pavel then at Angela.


      Well, I was supposed to meet you at the Ritz, but instead I met an elderly man there.


      What elderly man?


      The rather suave looking bloke. He gave me a note from you.


      I haven’t written any notes to you.


      He said it was from you.

      Reaching for the bottle, MacBride refills his goblet and takes a swig.


      What was in the note?

      MacBride pulls the note out and hands it to Angela.


      (reading the note)

      What’s the name of the elderly suave man, you say?


      Jack. No. Jacques. Yeah, Jacques.

      Angela gives the note back to MacBride.


      Never heard of him.


      Are you telling me you don’t know who they are?


      I thought there was just the elderly suave man in the Ritz.



      I think I was followed.


      By who?


      There was this blacked-out Benz S500 sitting on my tail all way to the Ritz.


      There is a certain Kazimir I know who drives in a S500.


      Yeah. But where were you? I thought we were supposed to meet at the Ritz!


      In hospital. I’d been shot at.


      By who?



      In the middle of the oval shaped dining table, covered with a linen table cloth, a vase with the red roses stands. Around the table eight French style chairs are placed.

      Maria Alekseevna sets up the table for dinner, arranging glasses СКАЧАТЬ