Alibi for the hero. Detective novel. Elena Borisovna Speranskaya
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СКАЧАТЬ shining hearts, prepared for such a case, with champagne spray. The most courageous and desperate participants of the circus “Du Soleil” were awarded prizes and cups, as at the Olympics. They were put in cars accompanied by fans with flowers and transported to five-star hotels. Cars, whistling away, were enthralling those wishing to take a walk in the fresh air.

      Such color and smoothness caused a positive response in the press. But there were specific laudatory articles. Where journalists praised the days of chivalry, when concubines were taken away, seated on the throne, crowned, and then ranked as a saint, praising the inconceivable feats performed by them. Like a national heroine of France – nineteen of age Jeanne d’Arc, burned in bonfire at the stake in Rouen in 1431, turned into ashes by the wind around the world.

      To terminate the contract for next season with the management of the circus in the person of Moiseyev, animal lover, Kormushenko stumbled upon walking unattended St. Bernard puppy. He called the dog Kerber. He tied a leash around his neck and presented it to Isaac Petrovich, having repaid his help in the work done in the circus arena. It turned out that the animal was brought from Canada. Overheating in the sun, the puppy broke the rope and ran away at night. The owners were fined by Regimov, whose care for citizens was carried out daily. After that, they met closely with Kormushenko, when the court took place and the protocol of the court session was signed.

      After serving in the company athlete circus, they have patrolled the cities of the Black Sea coast, the Stavropol Territory, Black Earth, Far East Kormushenko who has made a lot of amazing feats, had quarreled with his flighty girlfriend – actress of mimans that caused the approval of all holidaymakers prudish men visiting snobs, her classic figure, singing and pleasant manners.

      However, for no reason, the girl turned into a real “meager”, ignoring the feelings of Kormushenko, she escaped from the circus with a foreign visitor to Turkey. Vladimir returned to Kislovodsk, settled the administrator in a sanatorium with healing springs, met with deputy director – Ira Chetvergova, who managed to win the heart of a good-natured strongman.

      4. Private detective

      Worried about the latest events in the resort, Seregin called by mobile phone the most influential private detective in their circles – Alice Korablevskaya, whose doggy nose and knowledge of the Criminal Code helped survive the crisis. A snub nose and a gay look disarmed ignorant men.

      “Do not you miss your friends in Kislovodsk?” the inquisitor asked sternly.

      “I miss you. How did you get into such high-mountain massifs?” for a long time the woman-detective wanted to escape from routine everyday life.

      “We decided to raise our ideological and political level on vacation.”

      Charming Alice, with an iPhone in her hand, beaming with triumph and fragrant aroma of roses, emerged from the empty apartment of her friend who had left for another city. Here she settled the important witnesses needed by the investigation to guard against the attacks of suspects.

      “Is there something for me luxury class? For less,” she made a meaningful pause, “I do not agree.”

      “We need to study the materials of the closed case. We have no suspicions. However, many witnesses are without evidence.”

      “Do you know my tariff?” the detective-woman asked, wishing to make sure of the price political situation of the police department.

      “We can increase the rate when you reveal all your secrets to us. Our address: health resort ‘Glory to Sport’.”

      “I have no secrets from anyone. But agree with the terms. You can see your combination of rest and work influenced the mercantile interests of the rich public.”

      “Take off today. But first, go to the police. In the archive, look for materials on possibly our former supervised – Soshin. Use your authority and pass the employee of the prosecutor’s office. I sent the ticket. You do not have to worry about journey, class and flight schedule. Agree?”

      “Excellent, no questions asked.”

      Alice saw in the iPhone a flight ticket and insurance policy sent to her, in case of unforeseen circumstances, paying a maximum of three hundred and fifty thousand rubles to relatives who had lost a breadwinner or a victim, in order to provide reasonable treatment for the injuries.

      “I hope I can pay the return flight for the prize I’m counting on?” she asked, wondering why there is no return ticket with insurance.

      “You’ve already booked a return ticket. We will give back the document immediately on the spot. Consider that it’s in your pocket,” the policeman promised, realizing that investing in a good business would pay off a hundredfold.

      “We agreed,” she pushed the door, heading for her car with the easy walk of a society lioness.

      “When they need something, they try to get out of their skin, but achieve their individual plan for my existence. Only I remembered our vacation with Seregin on the sea coast. At once there was a call with a report and an offer to take part in an urgent special project. It is necessary to throw in there your super-agent of the graduate student – Oleg Tkachik. Where did this rogue go?” with such thoughts she jumped into the hatchback, intending to find her informant from under the ground or in the nearest space where he lived constantly, on duty in the courtyards of sleeping districts, when, where it would be “fateful destiny”.

      The detective-woman moved, wagging at the corners and narrow turns of the streets, examining counter objects.

      “It seems I was going to get a job as a lawyer in one of the offices on the islands in Indonesia or Polynesia. Is someone out there working for our former colleagues? But I did not have enough. I’ll have to postpone my intentions. It’s better to have a bird in your hand than a crane in the sky,” argued the private detective, listening to her inner impulses, heading for the building of the main police department, where the archive was located in the basement, where lieutenant-colonel Seregin suggested that she drop by to search for a private matter with the name of the murdered old man.

      On the way, she managed to visit the hairdresser, find out all the latest gossip and bring herself to the proper look. She came out of the Beauty salon with a wide range of services for rejuvenation, face and body care, hair removal, SPA procedures where she had an appointment, not with a braid over her shoulder, like a girl in a professional dance ensemble “Birch” and not with black mane naughty-Carmen, and with a beautiful haircut “coquette”.

      Charming Alice braked in front of a traffic police officer who was talking to his colleague next to the required building, in the heart of the city, near the pompous waterfront with a new hotel complex. The detective has typed on the mobile number of her super-agent under the code: Tkachik. But the owner of the new, one-time cell phone was silent. Then she wrote him a short message:

      “I’m waiting for you in the old place. A fox”.

      “Genealogy and genetics will not forgive me if the graduate student is in a difficult situation. It will become the pride of any institute for the development of the brain with glued receptors, axons and nervous zones of influence on the motor organism and support apparatus. A family of five will force him to choose what to do at such a difficult time when my summer plans flew into tartars – going nowhere, to the gulf of hell,” the СКАЧАТЬ