История криптовалют. Биткойн-детектив. Андрей Урлин
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СКАЧАТЬ Cryptocurrency». / CoinJournal. – July 13, 2015.


      Robert Mendick. Bank of England plots its own bitcoin-style digital currency. / The Telegraph. – December 30, 2017.


      European Central Bank. Report on Electronic Money. / European Central Bank. – August, 1998.


      Electronic Money Definition of European Central Bank.


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      Chaum David. «Blind signatures for untraceable payments». // In: Chaum D., Rivest R.L., Sherman A.T. (eds) Advances in Cryptology. Springer, Boston, MA. – ISBN 978-1-4757-0604-8.


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      Greenberg Andy. This Machine Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Cypherpunks, and Hacktivists Aim to Free the World’s Information. Dutton Adult. – 2012. – ISBN 0525953205.


      Robert Manne. The Cypherpunk Revolutionary – Julian Assange. The Monthly March. – 2011. – No. 65.


      Oxford English Dictionary Updates Some Entries & Adds New Words; Bada-Bing, Cypherpunk, and Wi-Fi Now in the OED.


      Timothy C. May, The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto. – 1992.


      Приложение 1. Манифест криптоанархиста.


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      Jonathan L. Pompan. // Credit Counseling Alert. – Venable.com. – September 20, 2013.


      The USA PATRIOT Act: Preserving Life and Liberty.


      Stephen Foley. E-gold founder backs new Bitcoin rival. // Financial Times. – November 28, 2013.

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