The perfect. Veronik
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Название: The perfect

Автор: Veronik

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9785449060020


СКАЧАТЬ e perfect


      © Veronik, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4490-6002-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author – Veronik

2018 year


      This book is directed to one of the most important feelings – love. Everybody thinks about love, everybody wants love and many people dream for it. How many have received love? How many have love now? How many are looking for love? The book which you hold is designed to help to finding love. It may not take you to the dream but with the described in the following pages you can help to yourself to get to it. The work allows us to better understand ourselves and others. Here are introduce a different opportunities to discover the truth about the people around us. There is no better than knowing that we are truly loved but in a world full of lies and short ties we need more than words to be sure in love. This book is designed to recognize the other not from him words but from him choices. Let us listen to his actions and see the truth in the eyes of “The Perfect”.

      The truth

      Is there a perfect partner for us? – that‘s a question, which everyone asks.

      – Where is my soul mate?

      Where is the person with who I living the remainder of my life?

      Don’t have a perfect partner is true. Don’t have a perfect effigy who is normally accepted. But there is our soul mate which look like ourselves. Person in which we are ready to fall in love if fate meets us. Everyone wants love. Everyone wants calm, certitude and comfort. But when we except those common wishes everything else is individual. Some people looking for a quieter partner others cheerful. We looking for ourselves. We want the person on other side to look like us because we love ourselves. To feel good and glad must we love ourselves. If we love ourselves looking in others for likeness. We looking for the qualities which we like in us. For that exclude the theory of opposites. We do not have to be the same as our mate but similar by qualities and traits. Too different partners do not stay together for long, in their relationship. There can’t be two extremes stay a long time together because there is too many compromises that they have to do. And in opposition to the words: the real love survives nevertheless and you must to make compromises in relationship – I say, No. If love is real you do not have to do this compromises and repress yourself. If love is real your beloved would let you act in your own way. If he loves you will let you do that you like without limits you. Our society set many of restrictions and we need a lot of compromises to be in frontier. We do not have to repress ourselves in love and change our essence. When the perfect partner came in the right moment will notice us, will see the uniqueness in our thinking, action, behavior. He will be with us for our true self. Here is the mistake of many people. They think compromises are needed for healthy relations but No, they need only from love. The few people who met real love know that. In the new century shows the increasing trend of divorces and nonsensical short ties. Everyone dreams of falling in love. Everyone looking for love. But somewhere to the road we lose and change way. We choose unsuitable halves and after a year or two we separate and again, and again. The cycle is repeated until we tired and then realize we wasted precious time in wandering with unsuitable people. For success in the search we must asking questions. Need to know what we want and what we are looking for. For this is necessary to analyze ourselves and experience which we have accumulated. Is bad when we get tired from meetings with inappropriate partners and are desperate. Sometimes we just want to feel some warmth. To get closer to another human to understand we are not alone. This is completely normal. All of us scare of loneliness even those who thinking are wont with loneliness. Everything comes from the fear of hurt. In hectic everyday life of the 21st century and the monotony in our way of life we completely forget what we want. Thoughtful in work we don’t give attention to the important things. The Truth is that in less than an hour we can understand whether one partner is right for us. We can sense whether are ready to have relation with the person or see end before begin. Instead of focusing on our dreams and requirements we just rush into doomed relation thinking that we will not be alone. After then we feel that regardless of the presence of the other we are alone and misunderstood. When we look around and see the truth it turns out that we lost a time and nerves in something wrong. Maybe in this time we missed much better opportunities. When we bind make it with long-term plan but often our plan fails. In beginning of dating is possible to know if this is our half. Feelings are important, emotion, passion-everything of this. Primary in us is the best factor for feelings and love. If we excepted this stay many undisclosed signs. The facts says when have attraction it is not just sense but and assessment. We can be strong attracted by someone but when he says something nonsensical for us to instantly cede from him. It is good to know our requirements and appreciate the situation realistically. Nowadays all make statistics, evaluation and research. With analyzing some situations improving our work and eliminate potential mistake. We need to use the same in the private life to not disappointed constantly. We need to make a real picture of the happening in our personal world. All of this happen with the right questions. Inquiries not only to the interlocutor but also to ourselves. Most questions and answers give us a better chance to know each other and this increases the opportunity for an accurate assessment of the other. Increasingly people lie and hide themself. For a relationship important is our truth and sincerity and that of the other. At a time in which everyone hides and doesn’t share the truth with the surrounding people is difficult to understand with whom we communicate. That is intended of this book which you hold in your hands. She will help you discern the truth alone. This book reveals different ways to see the truth. “The perfect” gives you opportunity to know who is the other in reality.

      The different

      When people with opposite characters are together that often is followed by crash. The relationship between a completely different twice people is not a good decision. Don’t have a way one of them to listen classical music while the other enjoys wild rock compilation. Based on the exact assessment no have matter how much they attract because can’t stay together for a long time. Compromises will hinder on their relation. Now you thinking about self if you are in similar position.

      – How I will fun with my partner together? – The answer is – no way. To have a beloved means doing activities together. To go to the cinema, theater, concert, walk, holiday or other together. Do you already see a problem in the opposite characters? If answer is no you imagine how you want to watch a comedy but your beloved liked a thriller and he doesn’t want to watch the melodramatic comedy which you prefer. Well there will be a compromise in the beginning but once, twice, three times and the cup will overflow. Everything accumulating in us and when the cup with patience and retreat is full the end coming. In such moments accumulated tension spews and people separate. When talking about a character of the other we can’t say that of 100% must be like us but availability of many differences destroy the relation. In moments in which we are ready to compromise nevertheless in ourselves stack anger, fury and dissatisfaction.

      – Why should I make a compromise? Why not the other? -But on the end to prevent a scandal we reconciled which sooner or later leads to end. In one moment we asking ourselves:

      – Why was necessary all of this? Why didn’t I understood earlier? Why didn’t I saw that? Should I had to lose that years of my life? – Now I can say that you asking the right questions. If you had earlier thought of analyzing your relationship and to clarify your desires and needs already you could be with right partner. It is time to refute other used often phrase.