I WANT. Olga Kornileva
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Название: I WANT

Автор: Olga Kornileva

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9785449058416


СКАЧАТЬ and caressed. Love unites what cannot be united, contrary to logic, common sense and public opinion. Love is always mutual. If you are overwhelmed with feeling, then you will always find reciprocity. It is only a matter of time. There would be another person who, just like you, is hungry for this feeling. Love is a living being that does not need to glued to the object of passion. The more you try to stick to it, the more you drift away from your object. Any movement, even towards one other, should come from within. You should never force love. You can sweep somebody off his or her feet. But you can never force love.

      With these thoughts running through her mind, Christy lay on the couch for a Thai massage and enjoyed the silence of an Asian masseuse, her dexterous movements, the smells of musk and ylang-ylang… How perfectly soothing …

      The pool, with its waterfalls and quiet at this morning hour, was beautiful, and looked like an oasis. No obese bodies and hags with appraisingly hateful eyes, although these women were invisible to Christy for long time, whether they are unsatisfied or satisfied. She had her own logic of life, her morals and her men, who adored her, adored her small nimble body, and therefore she did not perceive any women as competitors. Can there be a rival to the Amazon? She did not need to compete or fight with anyone. She took from life all that she needed, and those who needed her, without any effort. If someone left, she knew that this was temporary, and that they would come back again begging at her feet and only then would she decide whether to take them back or make them her past. Maybe this she simply did not need that person in her life, her algorithm of being.

      After arriving at the Turkish sweat bath, she took off her bra, remaining in a bikini. Some five men who were peacefully lying by visibly got excited, expecting that she would at least give them some attention, but seeing complete indifference from Christy, they rebelled at first, then calmed down. Each of them probably remembered that he was fat, or maybe he was too young and inexperienced for a female of such caliber. Or that he was long married to a boring decent woman and had already forgotten how “it” was done. Looking around, everyone was sad, except for Christy, who went on and enjoyed her relaxation session while thinking about the German, his sensual lips and impeccable body.

      At this time, Marco was in the toilet, groping another secretary whom he had met in the elevator of some office. Or not a secretary, maybe a Tanya or Lena. Frankly, he did not care about their names, or what they did. The important thing were these matings, which were necessary in-between meetings, on business trips and other working moments, so as not to go crazy with his Italian hormones. To relax, feel welcome, and drain his sperm and fuck the next Russian girl. He felt like a heroic inseminator, and could boast about his encounters in any male company without making things up. Not everyone can fuck anything that moves in this country. Fuck, yes, here, it seems everyone just dreams of getting laid with him. Another thing is that the quality of sex often left much to be desired, but this was quite enough for a quickie.

      “By the way, talking of the quality of sex, I still have to fuck this Christy, the bitch who refused to put out on the first date, if that was even a date at all. Now is the right time to call her and arrange everything properly. 35 years old, single mother, and shows off as if she is … Anyway, she does have the right to show off like that…”

      He browsed through Vkontakte and checked her latest photos. If some producer saw her, he would definitely dismiss all these other fake models and actresses. She was definitely fucking the camera … “Damn, where is her number? There…”

      “Hi! It’s me, Marko. How r u? Do u wanna meet up tonight?”

      “Oh, hi babe, I’m busy. I’ve been thinking about you, though. Bye.”

      Fuck, what has she been so busy with that she does not want to either meet or even continue our last conversation? She’s probably fucking some handsome young hunk.

      With a professional look of critique on his face, Marco began examining himself in the mirror. No, he was good. That is a fact. But, of course, he is not 20 years old any more, and overall, the endless business trips, promiscuous sexcapades, restaurant trips and an active nightlife were bound to leave their mark, even on the most thoroughbred and well-groomed Italian face..

      “Huh! Maybe she is looking forward to something a bit more… interesting. Maybe drive up to her with one of my buddies and have a threesome with her. Let’s see now how she’ll take the more exotic proposal of having two Italian machos visiting her.”

      “Hi, Christy. Would u like my buddie and me to come over? We can have fun together. He is very attractive. You’ll definitely like him.”

      “Really? Is that all he can offer? A lousy Italian friend of his? Let me reply to him now. I’ll answer this bastard.”

      “Baby, its very nice to know that u care about my sexual needs, but I’m waiting for young gentleman, beautiful one, whose brain I’m going to be fucking out tonight, and you can enjoy your friend on your own.”

      “This piece of shit of a slut”, thought Marco, cursing to himself,

      “I’ll show her what a real gentleman is like. But wait. Who is there in my notebook that I haven’t fucked for a long time. Now we’ll arrange an orgy. Fuck you and your boy. We are also going to have a blast and won’t even think about you.”

      Marco made a couple of calls to his friends, and they decided to spend the night in nightclubs with all the ensuing consequences, taking on the way more and more new girls. They ended up, in full alcoholic ecstasy, at one of the guy’s posh apartment and everyone, thinking that it would be a perfect night of sexual fulfilment, proceeded to fall asleep on someone else’s shoulder under the sweet sounds of Italian music, spilling over the body of alcohol, drugs and bliss..

      The next morning, Marco did not remember where he was and with whom. After hastily gathering his belongings, he jumped out of the ill-fated apartment and rushed off, first to his place to take a shower, then to the office. Leading such a kind of messy lifestyle, to him, work was of first priority, and at his workplace, everything was clear.

      A hoe should just be fucked, maybe in a toilet or elevator. With life-long business partners, that is out of the question. Otherwise, they’d fuck you real hard out of business.

      Afterwards, while browsing through his WhatsApp photos, he was surprised to find a photo message from Christy in a complete outfit – stockings, a corset, high heels. She was embraced in the arms of a broad-shouldered Aryan, and was capturing it all on the phone.

      “This slut did not want me to come over with a friend … Or maybe this is a revenge to me for making that offer. For such a photo, she should not only be raped, but hung up on a pole like a witch. To think of it, she is actually a witch. Take her hair and eyes, for instance. Completely black. They give the impression that when she looks at you, she will see right through your soul and know the size of your penis. Such a bitch. No, I’ll have to deal with her on a plain field, all cards on the table. No one has ever simply disposed of me this way. That Aryan had fucked her, when she said she was busy…”

      Marco was furious. He realized that the offer that he had made her yesterday to come with a friend had clearly been unnecessary. And the fact that he had received the ill-fated picture from her was just a slap in the face for him as a boor. That’s right, he is an Italian boor who is being slapped on the cheeks by pictures of naked Aryans..

      With these thoughts running through his head, he burst into his office. First things first. He had to drink coffee, relax, and make a couple of business calls.

      “Yes, СКАЧАТЬ