Выпуск 21. Михаил Судаков
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Название: Выпуск 21

Автор: Михаил Судаков

Издательство: КГ-Портал

Жанр: Критика

Серия: Телеовощи




      26 Apr, year 2089. Iraq. South Deserts

      Video stream started with the opening filled with spectacular videographics and accompanying sound. The name of the program «Technical science» was displayed in the end.

      In a small make shift studio one could see a show presenter who was heavily built, had a bearded face, a chiseled nose and black eyebrows hanging over his blue eyes. He was dressed in a light knee-lengh white tunic, adorned with a variety of Eastern ornaments. There was a bright blue cap with yellow edge piping on his head. In the center of the cap there was a «Technical science» logo. A huge advanced space launcher complex «Babylon», built by ambitious architects, was seen in the background. The shuttle «New World» was towered over the launch site down the road from the facilities.


      – Hello! This is a program «Technical science». Today me and my team are located in Iraq at the space launcher complex «Babylon». We are waiting for the launch of the shuttle «New World» together with the whole planet.

      An exoskeleton with tripod and stabilizing device which held a high-tech camera, a microphone, lighting equipment and a compact satellite antenna, was fixed on a dark haired Asian cameraman. A stoutish girl Elina was sitting at the small table with portable studio equipment. Her long bright red curly hair was put up and colorful fashion clothes made the girl feel more confident. Elina was applying effects and graphics onto the broadcast picture as well as displaying the advertising and replying viewers’ questions. The cameraman shifted the camera focus from Pavel to the center of a makeshift studio. A white-haired man of a middle age, dressed in a colorful suit with cosmic microwave background print, appeared in the frame.


      – I want to introduce my today’s guest Peter Pachus – expert in astrophysics, cosmology and quantum physics, writer, author of fifty scientific articles about the Universe, author of popular science programs about the space, Nobel prize winner in Physics for black energy particles discovery, black matter and derivation of the spatial displacement formula. Good day, Peter, and thank you for finding a place for our program in your tight schedule.

      Peter was in cheerful and happy mood.


      – Good day, Pavel. Good day, our viewers!


      – Peter, your CV is impressive and blows up our brains. You are Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and Albert Einstein of our time.

      Peter was imbued with the phrase said by Paul about the outstanding theoretical physicists.


      – Thank you, Pavel, for excellent comparison with such great minds of mankind.


      – Present us the stunning shuttle «New World» and the tenth wonder of the world – the space launcher complex «Babylon». Tell us about their tasks, goals and purpose.


      – Yes, indeed, the space launcher complex «Babylon» may be considered the tenth miracle of the world. It is built in association with the USA Space Agency (NASA), Russian Agency («Roscosmos»), Far East Agency (MESA) with the support of Chinese Agency (CNSA)and European Agency (ESA). There are hotels, restaurants, clubs, assembly rooms, parks, huge number of places of interest and museums in this space metropolis. Special attention is given to our young researchers. A whole Star City is built for them here. I am very happy that space agencies of many countries, as well as their governments, realized that for the further development of mankind it is necessary to go beyond the planet Earth, explore the space and look for the planets, suitable for human life.


      – Fortunately, actual global problems of the world affected their understanding.


      – Exactly! Global problems have given impetus to the construction of the space launcher complex «Babylon», the International in-orbit satellite and the collider for spatial movements. Just imagine that 11 billion people already live on Earth.

      If this trend continues, then by 2150 we will already have about 18 billion. Overpopulation of the globe and human activities have already begun their significant effect on the planet. Global climate change cannot be stopped. The temperature of the planet rises, and this, in turn, leads to the melting of Arctic ice, rising of sea levels and flooding of territories. The land also becoming less fertile. Food problems have affected every country on planet Earth. There’s no need to say about the ecological state of the planet, which is getting worse every year. You already know perfectly well: the ozone layer is depleting, animal species are declining as never before. There are more and more new types of viruses and bacteria. They provoke epidemics and diseases that are dangerous for the Earth's population. The horrible environment is connected with fresh water due to the spread of chemical and toxic substances. And deforestation has crossed all the borders. Since we have already started with global issues, I can’t get past the energy and natural resources which consumption is estimated in petawatts and millions of tons. And, of course, I have to say a few words about the urgent problem in the form of the global financial economy. This is an incomprehensible, tangled ball of thread that is unlikely to ever unravel.

      Elina displayed videos, graphs, statistics and annual reports on modern global problems of mankind.


      – Yes, Peter, I agree with you completely.


      – Science and technology are almost powerless here. Unfortunately or fortunately for all of the humanity. We left the only way out of this situation for ourselves – the search for a planet suitable for human life and the relocation of mankind there.

      Paul listened with interest to statements of Peter Pachus.


      – I cannot but note your contribution to space exploration. Thanks to your discovery, which allows you to move in outer space faster than the speed of light, we will be able to explore the nearest solar systems with their planets. Tell us, how spatial movement occurs in a less scientific language.


      – Outer space as a whole is flexible and elastic in its structure, it can shrink into a singularity.

      Peter held his hands together.


      – Or expand as in the big bang.

      Peter spread his arms to the sides.


      – The flexibility and elasticity of outer space is confirmed by the Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity and the space mission of Gravity Probe B. By the way, particles of dark energy and particles of dark matter give elasticity to outer space. And then I realized that if the space vacuum is flexible, then it is possible to pull up or bend the desired area of outer space. For example, not to fly to the Moon for three days, as the Apollo and Luna-2035 ships did, but distort the space so that you can enter the window and instantly go into the orbit of our satellite. I took up this fantastic event.

      After years of painstaking work, I, with the help of my colleagues from the University of Oxford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, СКАЧАТЬ