Высшая школа и государство. Глобальное и национальное измерение политики. Наталья Михальченкова
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СКАЧАТЬ education policy change in quality assurance: convergence or divergence? // Making Policy in Turbulent Tines, challenges and prospects for higher education / P. Axelrod, T. Shanahan, R. Desai Trilokekar, R. Wellen (eds.). – Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013. – P.270.


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      Zahariadis N. The multiple streams framework: structure, limitation, prospects // Theories of the Policy Process / PA. Sabatier (ed.). – Boulder, CO: Wesrview, 2007. – P. 65–93.


      Kingdon J. W. Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies. – Boston MA: Little, Brown and Company, 2010. – P. 173, 189.


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      True J., Jones В., Baumgartner F. Punctuated-equilibrium theory: explaining stability and change in public policy-making // Theories of the Policy Process/P Sabatier(ed).-Boulder, CO: Westview, 2007. – P. 155–189.


      Shanahan T, Jones G. Shifting roles and approaches: government coordination of post-secondary education in Canada, 1995–2006 // Higher Education Research and Development. – 2007. – № 26 (1). – P. 31–43.


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      Подробнее см.: Сморгунов Л. В. Управляемость и сетевое политическое управление // Власть. – 2014. – № 6. – С. 5–14.


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      Sabatier P. A., Jenkins-Smith H. Policy Change and Learning: an advocacy coalition approach. – Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993. – P. 18.


      Pal L. Beyond Policy Analysis: public issue management in turbulent times. – 4th edn. – Toronto: Nelson Thomson Education, 2010; Schlager E. A comparison of frameworks, theories and models of policy processes // Theories of the Policy / P. Sabatier (ed.). – Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2007.


      Berry F. S., Berry W. D. Innovation and diffusion models in policy research // Theories СКАЧАТЬ