Гармонизация уголовно-процессуального законодательства в Европейском союзе. Елизавета Сорокина
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      Herlin-Karnell E. Denmark and the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Scandinavian Arrangement // Amsterdam law forum. VU University Amsterdam. Volume 5:1 2013. P. 95–105.


      Resolution on the extraordinary European Council meeting on the area of freedom, security and justice (Tampere, 15–16 October 1999) //OJ C 54, 25.2.2000. P. 93–94.


      Волеводз А. Г. Европейская судебная сеть // Международное уголовное право и международная юстиция. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 7–11.


      2002/584/JHA Council framework decision of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States – Statements made by certain Member States on the adoption of the Framework Decision // OJ L 190, 18.7.2002, p. 1–20.


      Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA of 27 November 2008 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the European Union // OJ L 327, 5.12.2008, p. 27–46.


      Recommendation Rec (2006) 2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the European Prison Rules Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 January 2006 at the 952nd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies [Электронный ресурс] // URL: https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=955747 (дата обращения: 15.09.2015).


      Турбанов P. А. Субъекты сотрудничества судебных органов государств – членов ЕС в сфере уголовного правосудия // Право и политика. – 2011. – № 9. – С. 1500–1508.


      The Stockholm programme – an open and secure Europe serving and protection citizens // O.J. 2010. – C. 115.


      Ruggieri Fr.Criminal Proceedings, Languages and the European Union: Linguistic and Legal Issues. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 2014. P. 6–7.


      Arnull A.,Chalmers D. The Oxford Handbook of European Union Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.2015. P. 884.


      Council Framework Decision 2008/978/JHA of 18 December 2008 on the European evidence warrant for the purpose of obtaining objects, documents and data for use in proceedings in criminal matters // OJ L 350, 30.12.2008. P. 72–92.


      Acosta Arcarazo D., Murphy C. EU Security and Justice Law: After Lisbon and Stockholm. Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing, 2014. P. 89.


      Resolution of the Council of 30 November 2009 on a Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings (Text with EEA relevance) //OJ C 295, 4.12.2009, p. 1–3.


      Persak N. Legitimacy and Trust in Criminal Law, Policy and Justice: Norms, Procedures. Dorchester: Dorset Press, 2014. P. 169.


      Resolution of the Council of 10 June 2011 on a Roadmap for strengthening the rights and protection of victims, in particular in criminal proceedings 10 June 2011 //O.JC.187, 28.6.2011. P. 1–5.


      Международное право: учебник для академического бакалавриата / Т. Д. Матвеева. – М.: Издательство «Юрайт», 2014. С. 307–311.


      Интеграционное правосудие: сущность и перспективы: монография / П. А. Калиниченко, С. Ю. Кашкин, Я. С. Кожеуров, В. И. Слепак и др.; отв. ред. С. Ю. Кашкин. – М.: Норма, ИНФРА-М, 2014. – 112 с.


      Калинин В. А. Воздействие стандартов защиты прав и свобод человека и гражданина на российскую конституционно-правовую практику: автореф. дис…канд. юрид. наук: 12.00.02. – М., 2008. – С. 16–17.


      Воскресенская Л. А. Защита прав человека в праве Европейского союза: автореф. дис… канд. юрид. наук. – М., 2012. – С. 3–4.


      Там же.


      Brueggemeier G., Colombi Ciacchi A., O’Callaghan Р. Personality rights in European Tort law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. P. 32.


      De Vries А. EU and ECHR: Conflict or Harmony? Volume 9, Issue 1 (January) 2013 [Электронный ресурс] // URL: http://www.utrechtlawreview.org.


      Brueggemeier G., Colombi Ciacchi A., O’Callaghan R Personality rights in European Tort law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. P. 32.


      Case 29–69 Erich Stauder v City of Ulm – Sozialamt Judgment of the Court of 12 November 1969 // ECLI: EU:C:1969:57; Case 4-73 J. Nold, Kohlen. Judgment of the Court of 14 May 1974 // ECLI: EU:C:1974:51; Case 44/79 Liselotte Hauer v Land Rheinland-Pfalz Judgment of the Court of 13 December 1979 // ECLI: СКАЧАТЬ