Thistle. Rodion Rakhimov
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Название: Thistle

Автор: Rodion Rakhimov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449029423


СКАЧАТЬ as we look at each other, she starts to like me. In fact, she was very beautiful. But I read somewhere that the Princess of Sheba – Bilkis, the rumors were goat legs. With the fear lift up your dress and see that the legs are quite decent and very good! And, I believe, need to hide from prying eyes, so as not jinxed. And then pulls dress, anxiously looking around. So the invitation of king Solomon, reasoned,… or rather I spoke aloud, staring at the message with the seal of the Israeli ruler. – To go not to go? Maybe he wants to take me to wife? And so they say he has seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines! But he is very rich and wise ruler! Good to talk to him, but to prove him with riddles and questions, how smart he is. But we’ll see.

      Ring the bell. The door flies open, and more importantly is a man of about fifty with a scimitar at his side.

      – Yes, Madam! I wish what?

      – It’s the invitation of king Solomon. And the full moon go to him. A hundred camels loaded with goods Yes, incense, gold and precious stones. Food and water do not regret the road is long and dangerous. Yes people don’t forget armed.

      – Yes, Mrs. Bilkis.

      The way was long and tedious. But still worth so much to shake on camels across the desert to meet the king Solomon. To the city gate he left the Governor astride a swift steed with a small retinue and, seeing me, blossomed into a smile.

      – Mrs. Bilkis! I had heard about Your beauty, but didn’t think to this extent. You’re adorable! You will be taken to Your rooms. Relax from the road. And then welcome to contact us, we will talk.

      The table was heaped with food. The dishes were varied one after the other. Music and dancing concubines contributed to a peaceful conversation. And we talked to him about everything. On the seventh day of our conversation, he said:

      – My Lady! It seems to me that we are kindred spirits. And it would not hurt us to become even closer…

      – It’s impossible. And, in my opinion, You and without me enough of their concubines?

      The street heard the screams and the noise.

      – Come on, let’s see what’s in there, ' he said, handing me an Apple and boyish ozoroa, ran in front of me. I, carried away by his offer, and followed him.

      The way to the street passed through a room with mirrored floors flooded. And, unwittingly following him, lifted the edge of the dress to us. And he turned and looked at my feet. And seeing the embarrassment on my face, said, smiling gently:

      – All good! Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone that You have crooked legs.

      I, feeling a blush of shame, launched his Apple. He deftly caught it and, with a mouthful, he shook his finger. On the square before the Palace was a crowd of people:

      Please the king! Let come and will judge justly.

      Seeing the ruler, the square was silent. Summed up the two women, one of them was holding the baby.

      – I’m listening, ' said Solomon.

      Is my child, ' said the first woman.

      – No! This is my child! – said another woman.

      – Cut the baby in half, let them both go, ' said Solomon, thinking.

      – Well, then chop. Let he does not get it, – said the first woman.

      – Don’t do it! Give her, said with tears the second woman.

      – That is the real mother of the child, – the Ruler said, pointing at the second woman. – Give the child to her!

      – Thank you! You are very wise. Loud, – cried the grateful woman, falling on her knees and kissing his feet.

      In fact, the wisdom of the ruler of Solomon. Judging by his unostentatious richness and contentment to them, his people can be judged on his ability to lead the country.

      – Yes, My Lady, You have not forgotten about my offer? he asked once before leaving. I was already seriously involved with him. But what I kept. Maybe because I’m in a past life was a man?

      “Impossible,” I said sadly.

      – Then we’ll make you a bet. You haven’t had to steal out of my house. Otherwise, do not blame me!

      It was stuffy and at night was thirsty. To call the servants did not. And she went to the water tank to drink. Not had time to scoop up the water and make a couple of SIPS, as if from under the earth, rose the figure of the ruler.

      Well, and there You go!

      Then came saving a click, and smelled of sulfur…

      Chapter three. MiG third

      A second later I already stood in front of the “Winged”.

      Well, Borodulin, he said without the Mat, which surprised me. – Can you answer this question? Why stole a knife from Romanov?

      – Can be, and I will answer, I say, and I think what he’s getting at. From these fluctuations in his mood, nothing good can be expected. He always had a catch. Lazily, but with great pleasure I turn the pages of the recent barefoot childhood, I think to myself, what does he want?

      …A click and the smell of ozone. And I got behind the wheel in the native village. From touching the iron wire to the rim of the wheel heard a pleasant, subtle to my ears, the metal ringing. Hot. I’m in shorts with straps and a shirt with short sleeves made of thick fabric. Who made me a mother with your own hands “in mind” of his father’s shirt on his birthday. Then I turned five years old. Then I got suits from the trendiest designers, but these shorts were for me the most expensive because it was from my Mom. And without fear or tear or stain, it was possible to climb all the fences and trees and running around barefoot after the rain. When oncoming I got home, I got caught right in the door and put in a bucket of warm water, washed with the pants. I had them alone. And when they were dried on a perch in front of the stove, I had to stay at home, and then, checking them for drying.

      But my friend Fedka pants were many and from the store. And when they get dirty and, God forbid, torn, for him it was enough. He enviously looked at my shorts. And he once offered to swap for a while. Changed. But he again gave up… thinking I’m in his pants’ll be somewhere to sit and do nothing. There it was! I also climbed the fences and, of course, broke. He again went to the nuts. And he didn’t change. Summer in the village this is the good time. You can run barefoot anywhere. The wheel is spinning and ringing.

      – Well, the chickens get out of my way! Not crush! – I shouted at the animals, and chickens with heart-rending cry crumble in front of me.

      The village is small, behind the wheel for an hour to run, if you do not make stops! How not to stay near the shop where unload hot bread and not to help the crippled uncle Pete to carry already emptied the trays.

      – Hello, uncle Peter! God help you!

      – God is not a God! He would have helped.

      Usually, making your job, we sit with uncle Pete СКАЧАТЬ