To love. Ludmila Kirina
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Название: To love

Автор: Ludmila Kirina

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449012104


СКАЧАТЬ near the corral fence away from the herd, which snuffled, chewing the green grass mass, stored up by the stableman since evening. Watching the horse, Korneich noticed in her and in her behavior obvious changes. She became unruly. The horse often beat her brethren with the hooves, bit their necks and always stood against putting to the cart.

      For the winter the mare became quite different from one that used to be. Glossy, of the brick-red suit, healthy and strong, now she lost weight and became a sort of reddish with separate sites of felted wool on the hollowed sides. She`s absent in the corral for the second day. The horse has disappeared.

      Korneich is an old stableman. He`s known a lot about the life of these industrious animals. It`s necessary to look for her, where she`d left her child and mourned the remains as her own part.

      It happened so – Korneich met the bay in the hapless ravine. With her head down the horse gently sniffed round verdant grass and bushes along the road.

      Unborn love

      “You came into my life like a bolt from the blue”, – Daria Grigorievna called to memory the past. She was telling with love, but still could not explain the reason, made so dramatically change all her youth plans. Destiny, she repeated, often is in friends with one, but in marriage with another.

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