The Little Black Book of Decision Making. Nicholas Michael
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СКАЧАТЬ or think differently, which is within everyone's grasp, is going to be more important to decision making than any specific knowledge you may have gathered to date.

      That's the good news. The bad news is that not many people have yet put much effort into developing the capabilities needed in this new world, or even know how to go about doing so. To be successful, you'll need a different focus to the one that you've been taught ever since you went to school, and which society has typically acknowledged and rewarded. You'll also need a different approach to the learning that is needed from that which we've always been taught. It's not really about “methods” or “techniques” – that approach would need an encyclopedia to cover all of the angles, and there would still be gaps. It is going to be about integrating a set of solid principles, based on sound understanding about how our minds and brains work, which can equip you both for what is happening and what is to come.

      That is what I've sought to address in this book. Each chapter will introduce one principle, each of which I believe to be critical to developing the decision-making capabilities needed for the future. They are presented within a structured framework that will help you to gain a deep understanding of the relevance of each one. As this understanding grows, so you know what to do and why, the “how” that I'll describe in Part 3 will get easier.

      I hope you will enjoy the book, find it interesting and that it will challenge some of your established beliefs, because that is how learning takes place. But even more than that, this is a time when knowing is not enough – we must take action – so I hope it will inspire you to do the personal work necessary to put the principles I'll be covering into practice. Know that if you do nothing, that is still a decision – it's a decision in favour of the status quo. It's a decision not to change. It's a decision to put comfort ahead of opportunity. And, as you will see, it's a decision that risks you waking up one day and realising that the world has changed and that you didn't take advantage of it. Or, alternatively, you could take the decision to get ahead of the curve, so that you will start to accrue benefits in advance and be ready when the full force of the coming transformation hits us.

      Part One

      No Place for Old Dogs: New Tricks Required


      Let's Get Real: We All Make Mistakes

      At 11.38 a.m. on 28 January 1986, the NASA space shuttle Challenger took off from Kennedy Space Centre at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Seventy-three seconds later, as it broke up, the liquid hydrogen and oxygen that was by then streaming from its ruptured fuel tanks explosively caught fire and enveloped the rapidly disintegrating spacecraft. The deaths of its seven crew members – including Christa McAuliffe, who would have been the first teacher into space – in such a catastrophic and shockingly visible way may well be the reason why this disaster, despite it having no real impact on the lives of the vast majority of those observing it, became the third fastest spreading news story ever.

      Following the accident, U.S. President Reagan rapidly set up a special commission (known as the Rogers Commission, after its chairman) to investigate it. The consensus of its members was that the disintegration of the vehicle began after the failure of a seal between two segments of the right solid rocket booster (SRB). Specifically, two rubber O-rings designed to prevent hot gases from leaking through the joint during the rocket motor's propellant burn failed due to cold temperatures on the morning of the launch. One of the commission's members, theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, even demonstrated during a televised hearing how the O-rings became less resilient and subject to failure at the temperatures that were experienced on the day by immersing a sample of the material in a glass of iced water. There is no evidence that any other component of the space shuttle contributed to the failure.

      I've found, from years of asking participants in my decision-making workshops, that most people's memory of that day aligns with the summary in the paragraphs above. Though relatively few are aware of the precise name of the actual component involved, they consistently remember only the seal failure. This root cause appears unambiguous. So why would the Rogers Commission have concluded, as they did, that the key factors contributing to the accident were NASA's organisational culture and decision-making processes, not the technical fault? We need to take a deeper look.

      First Appearances are Often Deceptive

      Full details of the events leading up to the Challenger disaster are a matter of public record,2 so I won't recount them in detail here. Bear in mind as you read the string of glaring errors below that this was the same organisation that achieved the incredible feat of landing men on the moon and returning them home safely, and which resolutely refused to succumb to the enormous challenges it faced in getting the stricken Apollo 13 crew back home safely when that mission suffered an oxygen tank explosion over two hundred thousand miles from Earth.

      Let's return to that ill-fated Tuesday morning in January 1986. Several key facts shed light on the finding of the Rogers Commission that decision-making errors were at the heart of the catastrophe:

      • The O-rings had not been designed for use at the unusually cold conditions of the morning of the launch, which was approximately -2 °C. They had never been tested below 10 °C, and there was no test data to indicate that they would be safe at those temperatures (which were around 14 °C lower than the coldest previous launch).

      • NASA managers had known for almost a decade, since 1977, that the design of the shuttle's SRB's joints contained a potentially catastrophic flaw. Engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Centre had written to the manufacturer on several occasions suggesting that the design was unacceptable, but the letters were not forwarded to Morton Thiokol, the contractor responsible for construction and maintenance of the SRBs.

      • Engineers raised specific warnings about the dangers posed by the low temperatures right up to the morning of the launch, recommending a launch postponement; but their concerns did not reach senior decision makers. The night before the launch, Bob Ebeling, one of four engineers at Morton Thiokol who had tried to stop the launch, told his wife that Challenger would blow up.3

      • In 1985, the problem with the joints was finally acknowledged to be so potentially catastrophic that work began on a redesign, yet even then there was no call for a suspension of shuttle flights. Launch constraints were issued and waived for six consecutive flights and Morton Thiokol persuaded NASA to declare the O-ring problem “closed”.

      • While the O-rings naturally attracted much attention, many other critical components on the aircraft had also never been tested at the low temperatures that existed on the morning of the flight. Quite simply, the space shuttle was not certified to operate in temperatures that low.

      • It seems that one of the most important reasons why NASA staff opposed the delay may have been that the launch had already been delayed six times. Two of its managers have been quoted as saying, “I am appalled. I am appalled by your recommendation”, and “My God, Thiokol, when do you want me to launch?”4

      With this broader awareness it is easy to recognise that the technical, and obvious, “cause” of the accident – the O-ring failure – was really just an outcome of the complex structural problems arising from the relationships between the parties involved. Now, I expect that the Commission's conclusion seems completely unsurprising:

       Failures in communication … resulted in a decision to launch 51-L based on incomplete and sometimes misleading information, a conflict between engineering data and management judgments, and a NASA management structure that permitted the internal flight safety problems to bypass key Shuttle managers. 5



For the full account on Wikipedia:


This information did not emerge until 30 years after the


Howard Berkes, “Remembering Roger Boisjoly: He tried to stop Shuttle Challenger launch”, 6 February 2012,


Rogers Commission (6 June 1986), Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, Chapter V: The Contributing Cause of The Accident.