Sources ecosociology. Series: «Ecosociology». I. P. Kulyasov
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      Spencer H. Social statics. 1851.; The study of sociology. 1872.; Descriptive sociology. 1873—1881.


      Schaffle A.E.F. Bau und leben des sozialen körpers. 1875—1878. (in German)


      Worms R. De natura et methodo sociologiae. Lutetiae Parisiorum: V. Giard et E. Brière. 1896. 102 p.; Organisme et société. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. 1896. 412 p. (all in Latin)


      Malthus T.R. Essay on the principle of population. 1798.


      Darwin Ch. R. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 1859.


      Spencer H. Progress: Its law and cause. Chapman’s Westminster Review. 1857.


      Buckle H.T. History of civilization in England. 1857—1861.


      In the early 2000s, Sierra Club and its local branches unite more than half a million members and enjoy the support of an even greater number of volunteers, the media, experts and lawyers, as well as of municipalities, the government and its bodies in charge of environment protection.


      Kulyasov I.P. Environmental movement. Series “Ecosociology”. Russia: Publishing Solution. 2016. 286 p. (in Russian)


      Clements F.E. Nature and structure of the climax // Journal of Ecology. 1936. Vol. 24. №1. p. 252—284.


      Leopold A. A sand county almanach and sketches here and there. New York: Oxford University Press. 1949. Vol. 13. 240 p.


      Mead G.H. Mind, self and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. 1934.; The philosophy of the act. Ed. C. Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1938.


      Dewey J. Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: Macmillan. 1916.; Human nature and conduct: An introduction to social psychology. New York: Holt. 1922.; Experience and nature. Chicago. 1925.; Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston. 1938.


      McKenzie R.D., Park R.E., Burgess E.W. The city. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 1967.


      Park R.E. Human nature and collective behavior // American Journal Sociology. 1927. Vol. 32. №5. p. 695—703.; Human ecology // American Journal Sociology. 1936. Vol. 42. №1. p



Spencer H. Social statics. 1851.; The study of sociology. 1872.; Descriptive sociology. 1873—1881.


Schaffle A.E.F. Bau und leben des sozialen körpers. 1875—1878. (in German)


Worms R. De natura et methodo sociologiae. Lutetiae Parisiorum: V. Giard et E. Brière. 1896. 102 p.; Organisme et société. Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière. 1896. 412 p. (all in Latin)


Malthus T.R. Essay on the principle of population. 1798.


Darwin Ch. R. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 1859.


Spencer H. Progress: Its law and cause. Chapman’s Westminster Review. 1857.


Buckle H.T. History of civilization in England. 1857—1861.


In the early 2000s, Sierra Club and its local branches unite more than half a million members and enjoy the support of an even greater number of volunteers, the media, experts and lawyers, as well as of municipalities, the government and its bodies in charge of environment protection.


Kulyasov I.P. Environmental movement. Series “Ecosociology”. Russia: Publishing Solution. 2016. 286 p. (in Russian)


Clements F.E. Nature and structure of the climax // Journal of Ecology. 1936. Vol. 24. №1. p. 252—284.


Leopold A. A sand county almanach and sketches here and there. New York: Oxford University Press. 1949. Vol. 13. 240 p.


Mead G.H. Mind, self and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. 1934.; The philosophy of the act. Ed. C. Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1938.


Dewey J. Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: Macmillan. 1916.; Human nature and conduct: An introduction to social psychology. New York: Holt. 1922.; Experience and nature. Chicago. 1925.; Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston. 1938.


McKenzie R.D., Park R.E., Burgess E.W. The city. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 1967.


Park R.E. Human nature and collective behavior // American Journal Sociology. 1927. Vol. 32. №5. p. 695—703.; Human ecology // American Journal Sociology. 1936. Vol. 42. №1. p. 1—15.


Park R.E. Society: Collective behavior, news and opinion, sociology and modern society. Glencoe: Free. 1955.


Wirth L. Social interaction: The problem of the individual and the group. 1939. Vol. 44. p. 965—979.; Human ecology. 1945. Vol. 50. №6. p. 483—488.; Community life and the social policy. Chicago. 1956.


McKenzie R.D. Social ecology // Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. New York: Macmillan, Collier. 1937. Vol. 5. p. 314—315.


Alihan M.A. Social ecology: A critical analysis. New York: Columbia University Press. 1935.


Huwley A. Human СКАЧАТЬ