Mastering VMware vSphere 6. Marshall Nick
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СКАЧАТЬ command to add other software depots as necessary. The following code listed adds the online depot file:


      4. Use the Get-EsxImageProfile command to list all image profiles in all currently visible depots.

      5. To create a new image profile, clone an existing profile (existing profiles are typically read-only) using the New-EsxImageProfile command:

      New-EsxImageProfile –CloneProfile "ESXi-6.0-XXXXXX-standard"–Name "My_Custom_Profile"

      Once you have an image profile established, you can customize it by adding VIBs or you can export it. You might want to export the image profile because after you exit a PowerCLI session where you’ve created image profiles, the image profiles will not be available when you start a new session. Exporting the image profile as a zip file offline depot, you can easily add it back in when you start a new session.

      To export an image profile as a zip file offline depot, run this command:

      Export-EsxImageProfile –ImageProfile"My_Custom_Profile" –ExportToBundle–FilePath"C: \path\to\"

      When you start a new PowerCLI session to work with an image profile, simply add this offline depot with the Add-EsxSoftwareDepot command.

      The final step is establishing deployment rules that link image profiles to servers in order to provision ESXi to them at boot time. I’ll describe how to do this in the next section.

      Establishing Deployment Rules

      The deployment rules are where the “rubber meets the road” for vSphere Auto Deploy. When you define a deployment rule, you are linking an image profile to one or more hosts. At this point vSphere Auto Deploy will copy all the VIBs defined in the specified image profile up to the Auto Deploy server so they are accessible from the hosts. When a deployment rule is in place, you can actually begin provisioning hosts via Auto Deploy (assuming all the other pieces are in place and functioning correctly, of course).

      As with image profiles, deployment rules are managed via PowerCLI. You’ll use the New-DeployRule and Add-DeployRule commands to define new deployment rules and add them to the working rule set, respectively.

      Perform the following steps to define a new deployment rule:

      1. In a PowerCLI session where you’ve previously connected to vCenter Server and defined an image profile, use the New-DeployRule command to define a new deployment rule that matches an image profile to a physical host:

      New-DeployRule –Name"Img_Rule" –Item"My_Custom_Profile"–Pattern"vendor=Cisco","ipv4=,"

      This rule assigns the image profile named My_Custom_Profile to all hosts with Cisco in the vendor string and that have the IP address or You could also specify an IP range like (using a hyphen to separate the start and end of the IP address range).

      2. Next, create a deployment rule that assigns the ESXi host to a cluster within vCenter Server:

      New-DeployRule –Name"Default_Cluster" –Item"Cluster-1" – AllHosts

      This rule puts all hosts into the cluster named Cluster-1 in the vCenter Server with which the Auto Deploy server is registered. (Recall that an Auto Deploy server must be registered with a vCenter Server instance.)

      3. Add these rules to the working rule set:

      Add-DeployRule Img_Rule

      Add-DeployRule Default_Cluster

      As soon as you add the deployment rules to the working rule set, vSphere Auto Deploy will, if necessary, start uploading VIBs to the Auto Deploy server in order to satisfy the rules you’ve defined.

      4. Verify that these rules have been added to the working rule set with the Get-DeployRuleSet command.

Now that a deployment rule is in place, you’re ready to provision via Auto Deploy. Boot the physical host that matches the patterns you defined in the deployment rule, and it should follow the boot sequence described at the start of this section. Figure 2.9 shows how it looks when a host is booting ESXi via vSphere Auto Deploy.


Figure 2.9 Note the differences in the ESXi boot process when using Auto Deploy versus a traditional installation of ESXi.

      By now, you should be seeing the flexibility Auto Deploy offers. If you have to deploy a new ESXi image, you need only define a new image profile (using a new software depot, if necessary), assign that image profile with a deployment rule, and reboot the physical servers. When the servers come up, they will boot the newly assigned ESXi image via PXE.

      Of course, there are some additional concerns that you’ll need to address should you decide to go this route:

      • The image profile doesn’t contain any ESXi configuration state information, such as virtual switches, security settings, advanced parameters, and so forth. Host profiles are used to store this configuration state information in vCenter Server and pass that configuration information down to a host automatically. You can use a deployment rule to assign a host profile, or you can assign a host profile to a cluster and then use a deployment rule to join hosts to a cluster. We’ll describe host profiles in greater detail in Chapter 3.

      • State information such as log files, generated private keys, and so forth is stored in host memory and is lost during a reboot. Therefore, you must configure additional settings such as setting up syslog for capturing the ESXi logs. Otherwise, this vital operational information is lost every time the host is rebooted. The configuration for capturing this state information can be included in a host profile that is assigned to a host or cluster.

      In the Auto Deploy Stateless mode, the ESXi image doesn’t contain configuration state and doesn’t maintain dynamic state information, and they are therefore considered stateless ESXi hosts. All the state information is stored elsewhere instead of on the host itself.

      Ensuring auto deploy is available

      When working with a customer with vSphere 5.0 Auto Deploy, I had to ensure that all Auto Deploy components were highly available. This meant designing the infrastructure responsible for booting and deploying ESXi hosts was more complicated than normal. Services such as PXE and Auto Deploy and the vCenter VMs were all deployed on hosts that were not provisioned using Auto Deploy in a separate management cluster.

      As per the Highly Available Auto Deploy best practices in the vSphere documentation, building a separate cluster with a local installation or boot from SAN will ensure there is no chicken-and-egg situation. You need to ensure that in a completely virtualized environment, your VMs that provision ESXi hosts with Auto Deploy are not running on the ESXi hosts they need to build.

      Stateless Caching Mode

      Unless your ESXi host hardware does not have any local disks or bootable SAN storage, I would recommend considering one of the two other Auto Deploy modes. These modes offer resiliency for your hosts if at any time the Auto Deploy services become unavailable.

      To configure Stateless Caching, follow the previous procedure for Stateless with СКАЧАТЬ