Emergent. Johnson Stephen Scott
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СКАЧАТЬ ignites purpose and possibility, and levels of community intelligence, participation and contribution that would otherwise not be possible in conventional change and innovation methodologies.

      • mitigates the risk of falling into the ‘innovation focus group’ rut and other old-school customer research models.

      • empowers continuous learning while accomplishing aspirations and goals – and being fun!

      Today, the success of a campaign is less about timing and more about curating context by establishing a system that resembles a ripple in nature – a ripple that permeates its environment and empowers people to participate as individuals, while showing the collective impact of their involvement. This is where campaign-driven advertising falls short. With this in mind, learning how to co-create a movement becomes a viable model for transforming the culture, growth and impact of organisations.

      The success of your campaign is less about timing and more about curating context by establishing a system that resembles a ripple in nature – a ripple that permeates its environment and empowers people to participate as individuals, while showing the collective impact of their involvement.

      The difference between a campaign and a movement is that people are emotionally invested in a movement, and are giving it life and meaning by contributing to its story and design. Co-creation is the essence of a movement – empowering autonomous, yet highly connected and interdependent action that is governed by a higher-order purpose.

      In essence, a movement is an infinite cycle of connection, initiation and transference that causes one ripple after another. This perpetual cycle resembles the numerical pattern of growth described in Fibonacci’s spiral sequence (which originated in Italy in 1202). This sequence can be used to describe an amazing variety of patterns in maths and science, art and nature, and has been used in the development of ideas such as the golden ratio and self-similar curves. The Fibonacci sequence can also be seen in sacred geometry which, according to Australian author and lecturer Dr Stephen Skinner, also has its roots in the study of nature and the mathematical principles therein.

      When considering natural growth patterns, we begin to understand the presence of spirals, and the connection between spirals and the Fibonacci sequence – and the higher-order purpose and perpetual growth that governs movements. I explore this context in chapter 9 as a premise for sustaining innovation and transforming the culture, growth and impact of organisations.

      Whatever your cause or business, learning how to co-create effectively is a more considered, cost-effective, measurable, and sustainable model for innovation and growth, and a smarter, more agile system and strategy for engagement. Organisations that authentically seek to understand and imbue co-creation as a primary discipline will write the future and become the true heroes of industry.

      Will yours be one of them?

      A movement is an infinite cycle of connection, initiation and transference that causes one ripple after another.

      Part I


      Cultures and the modern nature of work have become increasingly flatter, more decentralised and autonomous. Today, organisations on the verge of flatlining are having the fight-or-flight realisation that forging strong culture has less to do with data-centric engagement and ‘casting the net’ wider, and everything to do with going deeper into people’s lives.

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