Prove It!. Barr Stacey
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Название: Prove It!

Автор: Barr Stacey

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9780730336242


СКАЧАТЬ Management (CEBMa) takes this definition of evidence-based management further, by outlining a process for practising it:

      Evidence-based practice is about making decisions through conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the best available evidence from multiple sources …

      We practise evidence-based management to increase the likelihood of achieving the results we want from the organisation we're managing.

      Evidence-based leadership is the application of evidence-based management at the most strategic level in an organisation. It has to be practised and prioritised by all of the senior leadership team, including the CEO and board members. If it isn't, then evidence-based management at lower levels won't happen quickly or comprehensively enough for an organisation to fulfil its mission and reach its vision.

      Leaders hold the space for high performance

      Evidence-based leadership is more than evidence-based management. An organisation's leaders must not only practise evidence-based management to elevate organisational performance at the strategic level – they must also inspire and encourage and expect it from everyone else in the organisation.

      When we are practising evidence-based management, we are using objective evidence to design and monitor the organisation's strategy. This evidence primarily comes from performance measures that monitor our progress toward the vision, mission and strategic goals. Other forms of evidence, such as research and case studies and experimental results, inform us of the best ways to make that progress happen sooner, or in larger steps, or with higher returns on our investment.

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