Guidance to the spiritual life. On the path to immortality. Vyacheslav I. Yatsenko
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СКАЧАТЬ hierarchy of hypostases is always established in the human psyche. When the natural, divine hierarchy of the eight hypostases is supported, the reason is at the last, eighth place. However, the reason has freedom of intellectual choice and is able to establish in the psyche arbitrary hierarchy of eight hypostases.

      In keeping the divine hierarchy of hypostases, man serves divinity, the reason functions according to the divine will, maintains beauty, harmony and balance in human life. But if reason violates the divine hierarchy of the hypostases of the psyche on its own initiative, places itself first in the psyche, it becomes the reason-devil, the creator of hell. All the actions of the reason-devil are destructive for a person, for the health of his body, for the health of his soul and his heart. However, the reason-devil can also bring some benefit to the ascetic. Through his actions, he points to the ascetic his shortcomings, errors, weaknesses, passionate affections, which must be overcome on the path of spiritual development.

      7. Reason-devil forms a sense of superiority and pride

      The man who is guided by the reason-devil, we will call him “a man of the reason.” What is the life of a man of the reason?

      Constructing relations between people, the man of the reason always ignores the personality in the person, tends to build only impersonal relations according to the scheme “tyrant – slave”, “persecutor – victim”, and always shows pride and a sense of one’s superiority over the interlocutor. But pride must be feared because of it grace is lost.

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