Beyond Advertising. Hays Catharine Findiesen
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Название: Beyond Advertising

Автор: Hays Catharine Findiesen

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9781119074090


СКАЧАТЬ back to me.

      Actually, lots of sites let you “feel” what's on the screen. Talk about “hands-on” experience!

      These days my friends and I are saying; “Don't Hype me, Skype me.”

      We're dealing with humans now, face-to-face! Not always flesh-and-blood humans, but live people who get me. And some who just seem live, but they have all the answers, so what's the difference?

      I don't go to “www” much anymore.

      What you once called “apps” are now full-blown, interpretive “servicesites.” For example, I have one for travel that “thinks “through my entire trip for me.

      From wake-ups, to traffic, all the way to what's on the screens in my hotel room, taxi reservations, meals, shopping, siteseeing, nightlife – everything!

      Are they “sponsored”? Of course – by service providers I choose! Privacy, schmivacy.

      Back in the twenty-teens GPS was already telling you where I was located.

      But you've always wanted to know more about me.

      Stop guessing. I'll actually tell you what I'm wishing for, hoping for, and in the market for. But abuse that info at your own peril.

      And it's gonna cost you: relevant information plus … points, awards, recognition, cash – make it exciting, I'm worth it!

      So what's the difference between where you are and 2020? Attitude!

      I suppose you're thinking that you have years to go before you get to 2020. But I guess the big question is – will you survive the trip?

      Maybe loyally yours,

      The Customer

      To: All agencies and clients

      From: One of your own

      Guys, it's a different world out here! It's so … well … 2020! Supermarkets are connected to customer's refrigerators.

      Doctors now track years-worth of patients' vital info – instantly!

      Digital health, fitness, and well-being “connectivity” is off the charts. And there's remote “Help” diagnostics for everything. Our bodies, machines, appliances, cars, you name it!

      Speaking of cars, they've become rolling, connected marketing platforms. They practically drive themselves, actually … nahhh – you wouldn't believe it!

      Facial, Voice, and Gesture recognition and Haptics now enable people to interact with machines in incredible new ways!

      And we now have a much clearer idea of each of our customer's multidimensional, changing-all-the-time lives.

      We realized Big Data isn't about Big Brother, it's about Big Helper.

      The killer point is we now have the capability to anticipate customers' needs and desires. And it's not like we had a choice – we had to!

      Our big epiphany was that “caveat emptor” has made a 180-degree turn! Now it's truly “Caveat Venditor – Seller Beware.”

      2020 is a new era, where the customer is no longer king – now she's a goddess!

      Brands are in her hands. She can make or break our reputation with a keystroke.

      She's not only involved in driving the perception of our companies, but also in creating our goods and services.

      Sounds scary? Not really. But we have to rethink ourselves. We're now service providers in the new service society.

      But if we didn't learn to treat our customers this way, it would've been game over!

      Brands were always about trust. Well, now we have the wherewithal and motivation to truly walk that talk. To interpret, align, advise, educate, service, and inspire. And provide unified services and solutions for all of our customers (2012).

      How else are all of these forces converging and interacting? Advances in technology and the power of mobile devices coupled with continuously emerging and evolving social media platforms have empowered people to gain a far more equal status with the companies and organizations who promote and deliver (or not) products and services and who take clear responsibility (or not) for their societal impact. And yet this empowering technology sparks skepticism in this same individual: how is all this private data captured from my mobile device and my online activity being used and safeguarded (or not)? This caution, in turn, has yielded demands and standards of technology.

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