Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings. Gaughan Patrick А.
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СКАЧАТЬ the business judgment rule, and numerous other legal issues. The committee, and the board in general, needs to make sure that it carefully considers all relevant aspects of the transaction. A court may later scrutinize the decision-making process, such as what occurred in the Smith v. Van Gorkom case (see Chapter 15).10 In that case the court found the directors personally liable because it thought that the decision-making process was inadequate, even though the decision itself was apparently a good one for shareholders.

Fairness Opinions

      It is common for the board to retain an outside valuation firm, such as an investment bank or a firm that specializes in valuations, to evaluate the transaction's terms and price. This firm may then render a fairness opinion, in which it may state that the offer is in a range that it determines to be accurate. This became even more important after the Smith v. Van Gorkom decision, which places directors under greater scrutiny. Directors who rely on fairness opinions from an expert are protected under Delaware law from personal liability.11 In an acquisition, the fairness opinion focuses on the financial fairness of the consideration paid by the buyer to the seller. In connection with a divestiture, the fairness opinion focuses on the fairness to the corporation as opposed to the stockholders of the company. Only if the shareholders directly receive the buyer's consideration will the fairness opinion focus on fairness to the holders of the seller's shares.

      A fairness opinion could focus on fairness to the buyer in light of the amount it is paying. Like all valuations, fairness opinions are specific to a valuation date and the issuers of such opinions generally disclaim any responsibility to update them with the passage of time and the occurrence of other relevant events.12

      It is important to note that fairness opinions tend to have a narrow financial focus and usually do not try to address the strategic merits of a given transaction. Writers of such opinions also try to avoid making recommendations to shareholders on how they should vote on the transactions. They also avoid considerations of many relevant aspects of a deal, such as lockup provisions, no-shop provisions, termination fees, and financing arrangements.

      The cost of fairness opinions can vary, but it tends to be lower for smaller deals compared to larger ones. For deals valued under $5 billion, for example, the cost of a fairness opinion might be in the $500,000 range. For larger deals, however, costs can easily be several million dollars. The actual opinion itself may be somewhat terse and usually features a limited discussion of the underlying financial analysis. As part of the opinion that is rendered, the evaluator should state what was investigated and verified and what was not. The fees received and any potential conflicts of interest should also be revealed.

Voting Approval

      Upon reaching agreeable terms and receiving board approval, the deal is taken before the shareholders for their approval, which is granted through a vote. The exact percentage necessary for stockholder approval depends on the articles of incorporation, which in turn are regulated by the prevailing state corporation laws. Following approval, each firm files the necessary documents with the state authorities in which each firm is incorporated. Once this step is completed and the compensation has changed hands, the deal is completed.

      Deal Closing

      The closing of a merger or acquisition often takes place well after the agreement has been reached. This is because many conditions have to be fulfilled prior to the eventual closing. Among them may be the formal approval by shareholders. In addition, the parties may also need to secure regulatory approvals from governmental authorities, such as the Justice Department or Federal Trade Commission as well as regulators in other nations in the case of global firms. In many cases the final purchase price will be adjusted according to the formula specified in the agreement.

      Short-Form Merger

      A short-form merger may take place in situations in which the stockholder approval process is not necessary. Stockholder approval may be bypassed when the corporation's stock is concentrated in the hands of a small group, such as management, which is advocating the merger. Some state laws may allow this group to approve the transaction on its own without soliciting the approval of the other stockholders. The board of directors simply approves the merger by a resolution.

      A short-form merger may occur only when the stockholdings of insiders are beyond a certain threshold stipulated in the prevailing state corporation laws. This percentage varies depending on the state in which the company is incorporated, but it usually is in the 90 % to 95 % range. Under Delaware law the short-form merger percentage is 90 %.

      A short-term merger may follow a tender offer as a second-step transaction, where shareholders who did not tender their shares to a bidder who acquired substantially all of the target's shares may be frozen out of their positions.

      Freeze-Outs and the Treatment of Minority Shareholders

      Typically, a majority of shareholders must provide their approval before a merger can be completed. A 51 % margin is a common majority threshold. When this majority approves the deal, minority shareholders are required to tender their shares, even though they did not vote in favor of the deal. Minority shareholders are said to be frozen out of their positions. This majority approval requirement is designed to prevent a holdout problem, which may occur when a minority attempts to hold up the completion of a transaction unless they receive compensation over and above the acquisition stock price. This is not to say that dissenting shareholders are without rights. Those shareholders who believe that their shares are worth significantly more than what the terms of the merger are offering may go to court to pursue their shareholder appraisal rights. To successfully pursue these rights, dissenting shareholders must follow the proper procedures. Paramount among these procedures is the requirement that the dissenting shareholders object to the deal within the designated period of time. Then they may demand a cash settlement for the difference between the “fair value” of their shares and the compensation they actually received. Of course, corporations resist these maneuvers because the payment of cash for the value of shares will raise problems relating to the positions of other stockholders. Such suits are difficult for dissenting shareholders to win. Dissenting shareholders may file a suit only if the corporation does not file suit to have the fair value of the shares determined, after having been notified of the dissenting shareholders' objections. If there is a suit, the court may appoint an appraiser to assist in the determination of the fair value.

      Following an M&A it is not unusual that months after the deal as many as 10 % to 20 % of shareholders still have not exchanged their frozen-out shares for compensation. For a fee, companies, such as Georgeson Securities Corporation, offer services paid by the shareholders, where they locate the shareholders and seek to have them exchange their shares.

      Reverse Mergers

      A reverse merger is a merger in which a private company may go public by merging with an already public company that often is inactive or a corporate shell. The combined company may then choose to issue securities and may not have to incur all of the costs and scrutiny that normally would be associated with an initial public offering. The private-turned-public company then has greatly enhanced liquidity for its equity. Another advantage is that the process can take place quickly and at lower costs than a traditional initial public offering (IPO). A reverse merger may take between two and three months to complete, whereas an IPO is a more involved process that may take many months longer.13 Reverse mergers usually do not involve as much dilution as IPOs, which may involve investment bankers requiring the company to issue more shares than what it would prefer. In addition, reverse mergers are less dependent on the state of the IPO market. When the IPO market is weak, reverse mergers can still be viable. For these reasons there is usually a steady flow of reverse mergers, which explains why it is common СКАЧАТЬ


Delaware General Corporation Law Section 141(e).


In re Southern Peru Copper Corp. Shareholder Derivative Litigation, C.A. No. 961-CS (Del. Ch. Oct 14, 2011).


Daniel Feldman, Reverse Mergers (New York: Bloomberg Press, 2009), 27–33.