CISSP (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide. Gibson Darril
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      James Michael Stewart

      CISSP® Study Guide

CISSP® Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study GuideSeventh Edition
James Michael StewartMike ChappleDarril Gibson

      Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

      Published simultaneously in Canada

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04271-6

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04272-3 (ebk.)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-04275-4 (ebk.)

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      Disclaimer: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., in association with (ISC)2, has prepared this study guide for general information and for use as training for the Official (ISC)2 CISSP® CBK® and not as legal or operational advice. This is a study guide only, and does not imply that any questions or topics from this study guide will appear on the actual (ISC)2 CISSP® certification examination. The study guide was not prepared with writers or editors associated with developing the (ISC)2 CISSP certification examination. The study guide may contain errors and omissions. (ISC)2 does not guarantee a passing score on the exam or provide any assurance or guarantee relating to the use of this study guide and preparing for the (ISC)2 CISSP® certification examination.

      The users of the Official CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide, Seventh Edition agree that John Wiley and Sons, Inc.. and (ISC)2 are not liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages up to and including negligence that may arise from use of these materials. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall John Wiley and Sons, Inc.or (ISC)2, its officers, directors, agents, author or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distributing these materials be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that may result from the use of this study guide.

      Whenever we look toward the future, we have to first look back and think about where we came from. Back in 1989, (ISC)2 was established by a handful of passionate volunteers who wanted to create a set of standards for a new concept, not yet a full-fledged career field, called information security. In the minds of those volunteers, having the initial 500 applicants sign up to take the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) exam was considered quite a success. Little did they imagine that 26 years later, not only would those 500 applicants grow to a cadre of 100,00 °CISSP credential holders across more than 160 countries, the CISSP would also become recognized as the standard certification for the information security industry.

      Advancements in technology bring about the need for updates, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our content is always relevant to the industry. As the information security industry continues to transition, and cybersecurity becomes a global focus, the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) is even more relevant to today's challenges.

      The new (ISC)² CISSP Study Guide is part of a concerted effort to enhance and increase our education and training offerings. The CISSP Study Guide reflects the most relevant topics in our ever-changing field and is a learning tool for (ISC)² certification exam candidates. It provides a comprehensive study guide to the eight CISSP domains and the most current topics in the industry.

      If you are on the path to getting certified, you have no doubt heard of the (ISC)2 Official Guides to the CBK. While our Official Guides to the CBK are the authoritative references to the Common Body of Knowledge, the new study guides are learning tools focused on educating the reader in preparation for exams. As an ANSI accredited certification body under the ISO/IEC 17024 standard, (ISC)² does not teach the CISSP exam. Rather, we strive to generate or endorse content that teaches the CISSP's CBK. Candidates who have a strong understanding of the CBK are best prepared for success with the exam and within the profession.

      (ISC)2 is also breaking new ground by partnering with Wiley, a recognized industry leading brand. Developing a partnership with renowned content provider Wiley allows (ISC)2 to grow its offerings on the scale required to keep our content fresh and aligned with the constantly changing environment. The power of combining the expertise of our two organizations benefits certification candidates and the industry alike.

      I look forward to your feedback on the (ISC)2 CISSP Study Guide. Congratulations on taking the first step toward earning the certification that SC Magazine СКАЧАТЬ