Гибель Помпеи. Как лгут историки. Андреас Чурилов
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      Шуршиков Е. Н. Помпеи, 1631 год. Электронный альманах Арт&Факт № 1(5), 2007. (http://artifact.org.ru/content/view/92/81/).


      Фоменко А. Т. Основания истории. М., 2005.


      Misson Maximilien. Voyage d’Italie ed. augm. de remarques nouvelles et interessantes / par Maximilien Misson, Amsterdam: Clousier, 1743.


      Parrino, Domenico Antonio, Napoli Città Nobilissima, Antica e Fedelissima, Esposta a gli Occhi et alla Mente de’ Curiosi, diviso in due Parti – Stamperia del Parrino, Napoli, 1700.


      Moussinot. Memoire historique et critique sur la ville souterraine decouverte au pied du Mont-Vesuve… A Avignon: chez Alexandre Giroud, 1748.


      Keyßler, Johann Georg. Neueste Reisen durch Deutschland, Böhmen, Ungarn, die Schweiz, Italien und Lothringen. Theil 2. Hannover 1751.


      Cary Е. (1968, EA 1925) Dio’s Roman History. Vol.VIII. With an English translation by Earnest Cary on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foster. (= Loeb Classical Library). Heinemann, Harvard University Press, London; Cambridge/Mass.


      Brevis adnotatio de duobus Pliniis.


      John Wilson Ross. Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals Forged in the XVth Century. London, 1878.


      Hochart Р. De l’authenticité des annales et des histoires de Tacite, Bordeaux: imprimerie G. Gounouilhou, 1889.


      Постников М. М. Критическое исследование хронологии Древнего мира. В 3 т. М., Крафт и Леан, 2000.


      Сочинения итальянских гуманистов эпохи Возрождения (XV век) / Под ред. Л. М. Брагиной. М., Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1985. С. 314–315.


      Poggio Bracciolini. Lettere 2: Epistolarum familiarum libri, hrsg. von Helene Harth, Firenze 1984.


      Leo Deuel. 180. Testament of Time. The Search for Lost Manuscripts and Records. NY: Knopf, 1965.


      Caspar E. Petrus Diaconus und die Monte Cassineser Fälschungen. Berlin, 1909.


      Тронский И. М. Корнелий Тацит. Сочинения. В 2 т. Том второй. История. М., 1993.


      «Erat miseni: classe(n)que i(m)perio praesens regebat: nouemb. Kal. hora fere septima mater mea i(n)dicat ei:.»…


      «Erat Miseni, classemque imperio praesens regebat nono Cal. Septemb. hora diei fere septima. Mater mea indicat ei…».


      Plinius Secundus. Epistolae, MS in Latin on vellum, Mainz(?), Rheinland, Germany, 1478.

      Text comprises the letters of Pliny the Younger (ca. 61-113) which include the famous letter in which he describes the eruption of Vesuvius. The letters have a complicated history in the Middle Ages. The text was mostly unknown until ca. 1419, when a MS was rediscovered by Guarino of Verona. There were still gaps in the text until Book X reappeared in France ca. 1502. The present MS carefully leaves blank pages for the then unknown book VIII, the first 25 letters of book IX, and all of book X, awaiting the discovery of an exemplar in the future. The scribe thus illustrates some of the enthusiasm and spirit that was the core of the Renaissance.


      Greswel, Edward. Origines Kalendariae Italicae, v.IV, Oxford, 1854.


      Barbar, Hermolai. Castigationes Pliniae / Eucharius Argenteus, 1493.


      Finella Filippo. Incendio del Visuvio del Lanelfi. Pubblicato in Napoli appresso Ottavio. Beltrano, 1632.


      Полн. месяц. вост., 2 т., с. 350.


      «Sub Tito in Campania, horrenda & miranda quaedam obtigerunt. Magnus enim ignis per Autumnum subito exarsit… Insuper duae Civitates conflagrarunt Herculaneum & Pompeiam. Herculaneum vero & Pompeios sedentes in theatro populos oblimavit».

      «В правление Тита в Кампании произошло нечто ужасающее и удивительное. СКАЧАТЬ