Martyn and amusing astrology. We become what we think. Alex Tenchoy
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СКАЧАТЬ beacon of warmth for all people, particularly those suffering from neglect, hunger and spiritual poverty.

      Ama Chela2 – The story of Ama Chela is an incredible one. She was born in Alaska, the daughter of a Russian émigré and Sanskrit scholar who escaped during the Russian Revolution of 1917.


      Tengon is a monk who is named after Tenzin Gombo, protector of the Dharma.


      Ganling is a type of traditional Tibetan horn made from a tibia.


      Dharmadhatu, ultimate sphere, totality of being, total field of events and meanings, the sphere of Dharma, field of all events and meanings, reality field, element of [superior] qualities, dharmadhatu, realm of dharmas, {chos khams}; the dimension of all existence; the expanse of All That Is; the sphere of Dharma, expanse of all events, absolute expanse.


      Tantra. The Vajrayana teachings given by the Buddha in his sambhogakaya form. The real sense of tantra is ‘continuity, the innate buddha nature, which is known as the tantra of the expressed meaning. The general sense of tantra is the extraordinary tantric scriptures also known as the tantra



Mother Theresa was an incredible beacon of warmth for all people, particularly those suffering from neglect, hunger and spiritual poverty.

Ama Chela2 – The story of Ama Chela is an incredible one. She was born in Alaska, the daughter of a Russian émigré and Sanskrit scholar who escaped during the Russian Revolution of 1917.


Tengon is a monk who is named after Tenzin Gombo, protector of the Dharma.


Ganling is a type of traditional Tibetan horn made from a tibia.


Dharmadhatu, ultimate sphere, totality of being, total field of events and meanings, the sphere of Dharma, field of all events and meanings, reality field, element of [superior] qualities, dharmadhatu, realm of dharmas, {chos khams}; the dimension of all existence; the expanse of All That Is; the sphere of Dharma, expanse of all events, absolute expanse.


Tantra. The Vajrayana teachings given by the Buddha in his sambhogakaya form. The real sense of tantra is ‘continuity, the innate buddha nature, which is known as the tantra of the expressed meaning. The general sense of tantra is the extraordinary tantric scriptures also known as the tantra of the expressing words. Can also refer to all the resultant teachings of Vajrayana as a whole.


Samsara. “Cyclic existence,” ‘vicious circle’ or ‘round’ of birth and death and rebirth within the six realms of existence, characterized by suffering, impermanence, and ignorance. The state of ordinary sentient beings fettered by ignorance and dualistic perception, karma and disturbing emotions. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma.


Nirvana, transcendence of sorrow, nirvana, having been delivered from pain, nirvana, [gone beyond misery] transcendence, to pass into nirvana, passed into nirvana. Buddhahood.


Chod is a sacred meditative practice dedicated to ending attachment.


Chogyaltsen is a Tibetan name which means Dharma’s flag.


Damaru is a hand drum used during ceremonial offerings.


Guru is a Sanskrit term for teacher.


Padmasamhava was an Indian yogi who brought the practice of Yoga to Tibet and later became a Tibetan god.


The Aga is a river in Buraytia, Siberia, which lies in Eastern Russia.


DAKINI. 1) Spiritual beings who fulfill the enlightened activities; female tantric deities who protect and serve the Buddhist doctrine and practitioners. Also one of the “Three Roots.” 2) Female enlightened practitioner of Vajrayana.


Pelginyam is an auspicious day for renewal.


Siddhi is a state in which supernatural powers are obtained.