The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne. López de Gómara Francisco
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СКАЧАТЬ that they certaynely beléeued that the two prisoners whiche were escaped, would certifie in Mexico the shame and cruell entertaynemente done vnto them. Some replyed that it was iust and requisite to sende vnto Mutezuma hys tribute, with other presentes, to mitigate hys anger, and to excuse them, and accuse the Christians, who were the causes of the apprehension of his officers, and to craue pardon of their erroure and ouersighte whyche they hadde committed as madde men, in dishonor of the maiestie of Mexico. Others aunswered agayne, that it were muche better to cast off that yoke of bondage and slauery, and to giue no longer obedience to the Mexicans, who were both cruell and wicked tyrants, and also considering that now they had on their side those halfe Gods, and inuincible horsemen, saying likewise that they should not wante many others their neyghbours and borderers to help and succour them.

      In this sorte they resolued themselues fully to rebell, and not to lose so good an occasion, wherevppon they besoughte Hernando Cortes to bée their defendor and Captayne, considering that for his sake they had begun that enterprise, and whether Mutezuma shoulde prepare hys army againste them or no, yet they on their parte were fully pretended to hold hym warre, and to desist from seruitude.

      God knoweth how glad Cortes was to heare this matter, for he well wayed that it was the high way to hys iourneys ende: yet dissimuling the cause, he aunswered that they should well looke to the thing which they meant to take in hande, bycause (quoth he) I vnderstande that Mutezuma is a mightie Prince, but if ye will valiantly procéede, I will be youre Captayne, and safely defende you, for I do more estéeme your friendship, than the good will of Mutezuma, whyche I nothing care for: therefore lette me knowe what number of men of warre yée are able to make. Sir (quoth they) among all our friends wée are able to make a hundred thousande menne of warre. I lyke that well quoth Cortez, wherefore incontinente sende youre postes, with aduise vnto all your friendes in league againste Mutezuma, and certifie them of this agréemente and succoure of the Christians, not (quoth he) that I stande in néede of your help, for I alone with my company are able to stande againste those of Culhua, although they were as manye more, but reason required that they shoulde be warned of your pretence, and to be in readinesse for the same, fearing least Mutezuma mighte sende his army vpon a suddayne, and finde you vnprouided.

      With this aduise and encouragement of Cortez, & also they themselues being a people heady and of small consideratiō, they dispatched incōtinent their messēgers to all the Townes and Villages of neyghbours and friendes, aduertising them what they hadde determined, exalting the strangers aboue the cloudes.

      And by this meanes rebelled many Cazikes & townes, and all the whole Mountaynes, so yt there was not left any collector or other officer of Mexico in al those borders, with open proclamation of warres againste Mutezuma, and all his adherentes.

      Cortez his intēt was on the other side, to stirre vp these Indians, to get both their goodes, willes, and landes, for otherwise, he could not well bring his matter to passe: he only caused the officers of Mutezuma, to be taken prisoners, and to be loused agayne, he fayned a greate loue to Mutezuma, and stirred his subiectes agaynste him, he offered to be their defendor, and lefte them rebelled, to the intent that they should stand in néede of him.

      The foundation of the riche Towne called Vera Crux

      At this instant the Fléete was arriued at the port, then wente Cortez to visit them, and carried with him many Indians of the Rebels, both of that Towne, and also of Zempoallan, who did good seruice to cutte downe timber, and to carrie stones to the place appoynted, for the building of the Citie, named the riche towne of Vera Crux, accordyng to the determination, when the officers were appoynted for the same, and chosen in S. Iohn de Vlhua, and in good order made repertition to the inhabitants of the ground, and plottes to builde vpon.


      They appoynted also a place for the high Churche, a Market place, a Towne house, a Gayle, store houses, a kay or Wharfe, to lade or vnlade, a butcher row, & other places necessary to the good gouernement and pollicie of a Towne. They also drew out a plot to build the Castel or Fort on, néere the roade in a place conueniente, and in this sort began theyr worke, and their houses made with mudwall, for the earth there is good for that purpose. And euery man being this occupyed in this new worke, came from Mexico two kinsmen of Mutezuma, with other four graue learned menne for Councellors, and many seruing men that attended vppon them, as Ambassadors from Mutezuma, they presented vnto Cortez certayne cloth of Cotten well wouen, and feathers curiously and fynely wroughte, other péeces of golde and siluer wrought, and a Casket of graynes of golde, as they were founde in the Mynes not molten, which wayed altogyther two thousand & ninetie Castlins, & sayd, yt Mutezuma hadde sente hym the golde in the Casket, to cure theyr disease, and woulde gladly knowe howe they fared, giuing also vnto him most hartie thankes, for loosing his two housholde seruauntes, and preseruing the others from slaughter, besiechying hym to make accompte, that hée woulde doe the lyke in anye affayres of his, desiring hym also to procure the libertie of the other eyghtéene Prisoners: and bycause those Indians hadde entertayned hym well in their houses, he did pardon their vprore, yet notwithstanding he knewe very well that they were suche a kynde of people, that in shorte space they woulde committe some other offences, whereby they myght bée chastned for all togyther, euen as a Dogge deserueth stripes. And as concernyng the rest of hys request, theyr Lorde was not well at ease, and also occupyed in matters of warre of greate importance, whereby at that presente, there was no remedie to visit eache other, but in processe of tyme his desire shoulde be accomplished.

      Cortez welcommed them friendly and ioyfully, and also lodged them in Cotages néere vnto the water side, and sent forthwith for the Lorde of Chiautztlan, that had rebelled, who came at his commandement. Cortez sayd vnto him, lo sée what troth I haue vsed with thée, for Mutezuma dareth not to send any army, no nor yet displease anye person where I am. Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed. He requested to set at libertie the prisoners, and to restore thē to the Ambassadors of Mutezuma. Thys Cazike wylled Cortez to doe what pleased him, for sayde he, euen as wée haue chosen you for oure Captayne, we will not excéede one iote of youre commaundemente: wherevppon hée returned home to his towne, and the Ambassadors toward Mexico, all well pleased and content.

      Nowe fame flew abroade, blasing that Mutezuma feared the Christians, wherevpon all the Totonaques prepared themselues for the warres, taking cleane awaye from Mexico their tribute and obedience.

      The Ambassadors departed from Cortez with theyr prisoners, and manye other things that were giuen thē, of linnen, wollen, skynnes, glasse, and yron, being greately amazed at the things which they had séene.

      Hovv Cortez tooke by force of armes Tizapansinca

      Not long after that these things had happened, the Indians of Zempoallan sente vnto Cortes, to desire him of succour against the garrisō of Culhua, which Mutezuma mainteyned in Tizapansinca, who did greately anoy them, in spoyling, burning, and destroying theyr corne in the fieldes, and slew their husbandmen, and toke many prisoners. The Towne of Tizapansinca doth confine with the Totonaquez, and with the grounde of Zempoallan, and is a good strong Towne, scituated néere the Riuer, and hath a fort standing vpon a high rocke. And bycause this Towne was strong, and planted among them who were alwayes seditious and Rebelles, Mutezuma placed there his garrison, who séeyng the officers of receyuers and auditors come flying thyther for helpe, béeyng persecuted of the Rebels, they wente out to pacifie the Rebellion, and for to chasten them, they burned and destroyed whatsoeuer they found, and also had taken many prisoners.

      Cortez hearing this newes, departed towarde Zempoallan, and from thence in two dayes iourney with СКАЧАТЬ