The Dance of Death. Douce Francis
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Название: The Dance of Death

Автор: Douce Francis

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ with his dart. “Vado mori dives auro vel copia rerum.”

      6. Death seizing a man sitting at a table with a purse in his hand, and accompanied by two other persons. “Nullum respectum dat michi, vado mori.”

      7. An armed knight killing an unarmed man, Death assisting. “Fortium virorum est magis mortem contemnere vitam odisse.”

      8. Death with a rod in his hand, standing upon a groupe of dead persons. “Stultum est timere quod vitari non potest.”

      9. Death with a scythe, having mowed down several persons lying on the ground. “Est commune mori mors nulli parcit honori.”

      10. A soldier introducing a woman to another man, who holds a scythe in his hand. Death stands behind. “Mors fera mors nequam mors nulli parcit et equam.”

      11. Death strikes with his dart a prostrate female, who is attended by two others. “Hec tua vita brevis: que te delectat ubique.”

      12. A man falling from a tower into the water. Death strikes him at the same time with his dart. “Est velut aura levis te mors expectat ubique.”

      13. A man strangling another, Death assisting. “Vita quid est hominis nisi res vallata ruinis.”

      14. A man at the gallows, Death standing by. “Est caro nostra cinis modo principium modo finis.”

      15. A man about to be beheaded, Death assisting. “Quid sublime genus quid opes quid gloria prestant.”

      16. A king attended by several persons is struck by Death with his dart. “Quid mihi nunc aderant hec mihi nunc abeunt.”

      17. Two soldiers armed with battle-axes. Death pierces one of them with his dart. “Ortus cuncta suos: repetunt matremque requirunt.”

      18. Death strikes with his dart a woman lying in bed. “Et redit in nihilum quod fuit ante nihil.”

      19. Death aims his dart at a sleeping child in a cradle, two other figures attending. “A, a, a, vado mori, nil valet ipsa juventus.”

      20. A man on the ground in a fit, Death seizes him. Others attending. “Mors scita sed dubia nec fugienda venit.”

      21. Death leads a man, followed by others. “Non sum securus hodie vel cras moriturus.”

      22. Death interrupts a man and woman at their meal. “Intus sive foris est plurima causa timoris.”

      23. Death demolishes a group of minstrels, from one of whom he has taken a lute. “Viximus gaudentes, nunc morimur tristes et flentes.”

      24. Death leads a hermit, followed by other persons. “Forte dies hec est ultima, vado mori.”

      This Dance is also found in the Horæ printed by Godar, Vostre, and Gilles Hardouyn, but with occasional variations, as to size and other matters, in the different blocks which they respectively used. The same designs have also been adopted, and in a very singular style of engraving, in a work printed by Antony Verard, that will be noticed elsewhere.

      Some of the cuts, for they are not all by the same artist, in this very rare and beautiful volume, and not found in others printed by or for Simon Vostre, may be very justly compared, in point of the delicacy of design and engraving, though on wood, with the celebrated pax of Maso Finiguerra at Florence, accurately copied in Mr. Ottley’s history of engraving. They are accompanied with this unappropriated mark


      No. II. “Ordinarium beate Marie Virginis ad usum Cisterciensem impressum est caracteribus optimis una cum expensis honesti viri Symonis Vostre commorantis Parisiis in vico novo Dive Marie in intersignio Sancti Joannis Evangeliste, 1497,” 12mo. This beautiful book is on vellum, with the same Danse Macabre as in the preceding, but the other cuts are different.

      No. III. “Hore presentes ad usum Sarum impresse fuerunt Parisiis per Philippum Pigouchet Anno Salutis MCCCCXCVIII die vero xvi Maii pro Symone Vostre librario commorante, &c.” 8vo. as above.

      Another beautiful volume on vellum, with the same Danse Macabre. He printed a similar volume of the same date, for the use of Rome, also on vellum.

      A volume of prayers, in 8vo. mentioned by M. Peignot, p. 145, after M. Raymond, but the title is not given. It is supposed to be anterior to 1500, and seems to contain the same personages in its Danse Macabre, as in the preceding volumes printed by Simon Vostre.

      No. IV. “Heures à l’usage de Soissons.” Printed by Simon Vostre, on vellum, 1502, 8vo. With the same Danse Macabre.

      No. V. “Heures à l’usage de Rheims, nouvellement imprimées avec belles histoires, pour Simon Vostre,” 1502, 8vo. This is mentioned by M. Peignot, on the authority of Papillon. It was reprinted 1513, 8vo. and has the same cuts as above.

      No. VI. “Heures à l’usage de Rome. Printed for Simon Vostre by Phil. Pigouchet,” 1502, large 8vo. on vellum. With the same Danse Macabre. This truly magnificent volume, superior to all the preceding by the same printer in beauty of type and marginal decoration, differs from them in having stanzas at the bottom of each page of the Dance, but which apply to the figure at the top only. They are here given.


      Vous qui vivez certainement

      Quoy qu’il tarde ainsi danserez

      Mais quand Dieu le scet seulement

      Avisez comme vous ferez

      Dam Pape vous commencerez

      Comme le plus digne Seigneur

      En ce point honorire serez

      Au grant maistre est deu l’honneur.


      Mais maintenant toute haultesse

      Laisserez vous nestes pas seul

      Peu aurez de votre richesse

      Le plus riche n’a qung linseul

      Venez noble Roy couronne

      Renomme de force et prouesse

      Jadis fustez environne

      De grans pompes de grant noblesse.


      Que vous tirez la teste arriere

      Archevesque tirez vous près,

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