English for physicists. Лидия Страутман
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      to indicate v. – указывать; показывать;

      magnitude n. – 1) размеры; 2) важность;

      space n. – 1) космос; 2) пространство;

      to reverse – поменять; поворачивать;

      retain n. – 1) покой, отдых; 2) остаток;

      resultant n. – сумма двух векторов;

      to draw v. – вытягивать, отодвигать, подтягивать, приближать;

      I. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

      Vector ['vɛktə] velocity [vɪ'lɒsɪti]

      Scalar ['skeɪlə] acceleration [əksɛlə'reɪʃ(ə)n]

      examine [ɪɡ'zamɪn] concept ['kɒnsɛpt ]

      magnitude ['maɡnɪtju: d] arrow ['arəʊ]

      quantity ['kwɒntɪti] figure ['fɪɡə]

      temperature ['tɛmp(ə)rətʃə] straight [streɪt]

      descriptive [dɪ'skrɪptɪv] touch [tʌtʃ]

      force [fɔ:s] resultant [rɪ'zʌlt(ə)nt]

      II. Read and translate the words having the same root representingrepresentedrepresentmentmisrepresent; directionalindirectionmisdirectiondirections; acceleration – acceleratedaccelerating; indicatedindicationindicativeindicator; reversalreversiblereversionreversedreverserreversing.

      III. Match the following words (a, b, c…) with the statements (1, 2, 3…)

      a) confuse

      b) concept c

      ) to represent

      d) magnitude

      e) arrow

      f) to line up

      g) to retain

      h) acceleration

      1) the sign that shows where something is or where you should go

      2) difficult to understand

      3) to be an example or sign of something

      4) to stay without changes

      5) the size, extent, or importance of something

      6) physical term, representing decreasing or increasing velocity by time

      7) to stand in a line or make a line

      8) picture in your mind

      IV. Insert prepositions: of, into, on, to, at

      1. Mechanical engineering achieved a prominent position _______ the very beginning.

      2. Energy can change from one type ________another.

      3. Electrical engineering is subdivided ___________ two branches.

      4. It is well known that personal experience depends _______ practical work.

      5. ______ the 17th century, Galileo Galilee began a re-examination _______ the motion ________ falling bodies.

      6. The ship was helpless against the power __________the storm.

      V. Mind the explanation of the following terms

      Vector – a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction.

      Scalar – a quantity possessing only magnitude.

      quantity – how much of something there is.

      magnitude – size, extent, dimensions.

      resultant – resulting from the combination of two or more agents.

      force – to do something by using a lot of strength.

      velocity – rapidity of motion or operation.

      acceleration – a change in velocity.

      VI .Read and translate the text. Retell it in English

      Vectors and Scalars

      Quantities in physics are used to represent real-world measurements, and therefore physicists use these quantities as tools to better understand the world. In examining these quantities, there are times when just a number, with a unit, can completely describe a situation. These numbers, which have a magnitude, or size, only are known as scalars. Examples of scalars include quantities such as temperature, mass, and time. At other times, a quantity is more descriptive if it also includes a direction. These quantities which have both a magnitude and direction are known as vectors. Vector quantities you may be familiar with include force, velocity, and acceleration.

      Most students will be familiar with scalars, but to many, vectors may be a new and confusing concept. By learning just a few rules for dealing with vectors, though, you’ll find that they are a powerful tool for problem solving.

      A study of motion involves introduction of a variety of quantities that are used to describe the physical world. Examples of such quantities include distance, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, force, mass, momentum, energy, work, power, etc. All these quantities can by divided into two categories – vectors and scalars. A vector quantity is a quantity that is fully described by both magnitude СКАЧАТЬ