Taxes and taxation. Educational manual. Баян Ермекбаева
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СКАЧАТЬ ucational manual



      One of the most important tools of the government's economic policy implementation were always and continue to be the taxes. In connection with this, the knowledge of the tax legislation, procedure and conditions of its functioning is the essential condition for the society.

      The purpose of this study guide is a delivery of the assistance in deepening and systematization of the knowledge in the tax area. The authors' task is first of all to give a clear idea of the essence of the taxes, the main types of taxes, the tax system in general and its role in the economic development of the society.

      For the solving of this issue in the study guide the operating in Kazakhstan tax system is considered, a variety of materials for use of the current tax legislation is systematized.

      The content of the study guide is strictly based on the normative documents, legislation and regulation documents are given as of January 1, 2011.

      For the solid understanding of the given in the tutorial material, each theme in all sections completed by the checklist and the corresponding tasks.

      The study guide is intended for the students of the economic universities and faculties during the learning of the course «Taxes and taxation.» The study guide also gives a complete view of the procedure of the calculation and payment of specific taxes, set by the law benefits and conditions of their use, and a number of other important issues related to the taxation.

      Section I. Taxes on income

      Theme № 1. Individual income tax

      Individual income tax – one of the most famous and widespread taxes. Refers to the direct and personal taxes, is included into a tax group on income and is the source of income of local budgets. It covers a large part of the population of a country. The economic essence of this tax is presented in its regulation, as the level of social production and consumption and income levels.


      ● Payers of individual income tax are individuals having the objects of taxation, determined in accordance with Art. 155 of the Tax Code.

      ● Payers of the fixed tax on gambling, do not pay personal income tax on income from the type of the activities pointed out in Art. 411 and 420 of the Tax Code.

      ● Individual entrepreneurs, who are using a special tax regime for peasant and individual farms do not pay individual income tax on income from activities covered by this special tax regime.

      Taxable items

      ● Income taxed at source

      ● Income not taxed at source.

      The tax rates

      ● The income of taxpayer is taxed at a rate of 10 percent.

      ● Incomes from dividends has obtained from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad are taxed at the rate of 5 percent.

      Taxable period

      ● The tax period for the calculation by the tax agents of the individual income tax on income taxed at source, is a calendar month.

      ● It is necessary to pay tax over paid income calculated by the tax agents from the source of taxation by the 25th of the month following the month of payment, the place of its location.

      Terms of IIT payment by the tax agents who are using a special tax regime for small businesses based on the simplified declaration and the peasant or individual farms, are set within the framework of an applied special tax regime.

       By taxpayers – residents the tax for the tax period it should be payed no later than 10 calendar days after the deadline for delivery of the declaration at the location (residence).

       Individual entrepreneurs applied a special tax regime for small businesses based on the base of the patent or the simplified declaration should pay the individual income tax on income taxable within these special tax regime.

      Declaration of individual income tax. Form № 200.

       declaration of individual income tax are is submitted by the following resident taxpayers:

      1) individual entrepreneurs;

      2) private notaries, private bailiffs, attorneys;

      3) Individuals who receive property income;

      4) individuals who receive other income, including income outside of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      5) individuals who have money in bank accounts in foreign banks located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan.

       Deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the judges, as well as individuals who are responsible to submit a declaration in accordance with the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan», the Criminal-executable Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Kazakhstan Law «On Fight against Corruption» submit a declaration of income and property being a subject of taxation, and located both on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond.

       Individual entrepreneurs applying a special tax regime for small businesses based on the patent or simplified declaration according to income included in the object of taxation in accordance with Art. 427 of the Tax Code, the declaration of individual income tax do not represent.

      Deadlines for submission of declarations

       The declaration of individual income tax to the tax authority at the location (address) is submitted no later than March 31 of the year following the tax reporting period, except for the cases stipulated by the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan» and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the fight against corruptions


      1. What are the subjects and objects of the individual income tax?

      2. What are tax rates on the individual income tax?

      3. Who has to submit a declaration of individual income tax?

      4. Call deadlines for submission and terms of payment of individual income tax?

      5. How the individual income tax is calculated?

      6. Who calculates the IIT?

Task № 1


      1. Determine the subject of taxation of individual income tax.

      2. Sum of individual income tax.

      An employee Karimov Arman – the manager of the company has the income in the form of wages for the year 2011 in the sum of 2 200 000 tenge. In May, he was in the hospital for 20 days, he was accrued to payment 15 000 tenge. The financial assistance for the operation in the sum of 140 000 tenge was provided. Were reimbursed travel expenses 255 600 tenge for 10 days in Kazakhstan (travel 80 000, meals – 75 600, accommodation – 100 000), the rate of daily consumption is derived СКАЧАТЬ