Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 (4 of 16 vol.). United States. Congress
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СКАЧАТЬ of nations and of nature allowed us – a friendly neutrality, and exemption from the evils of a war with which we had no concern. Preparation for war was then a tedious and expensive process; embargo, non-intercourse, fortifications, ships, militia, regular troops. All this is now superseded by railroads and volunteers, ready at any moment to annihilate any invading force; and by privateers, ready to drive the commerce of any nation from the ocean.



New Hampshire.– Nicholas Gilman, Nahum Parker.

Massachusetts.– Timothy Pickering.

Connecticut.– James Hillhouse, Chauncey Goodrich.

Rhode Island.– Elisha Mathewson, Francis Malbone.

Vermont.– Jonathan Robinson, Stephen R. Bradley.

New York.– John Smith.

New Jersey.– John Lambert, John Condit.

Pennsylvania.– Andrew Gregg, Michael Leib.

Delaware.– Samuel White, James A. Bayard.

Maryland.– Samuel Smith, Philip Reed.

Virginia.– William B. Giles, Richard Brent.

North Carolina.– Jesse Franklin, James Turner.

South Carolina.– John Gaillard.

Georgia.– William H. Crawford.

Kentucky.– Buckner Thruston, John Pope.

Tennessee.– Joseph Anderson, Jenkin Whiteside.

Ohio.– Return Jonathan Meigs, jr., Stanley Griswold.



New Hampshire.– Daniel Blaisdell, John C. Chamberlain, William Hale, Nathaniel A. Haven, James Wilson.

Massachusetts.– Ezekiel Bacon, William Baylies, Richard Cutts, Orchard Cook, William Ely, Gideon Gardner, Barzillai Gannett, Edward St. Loe Livermore, Benjamin Pickman, jr., Josiah Quincy, Ebenezer Seaver, Samuel Taggart, William Stedman, Jabez Upham, Joseph B. Varnum, Laban Wheaton, Ezekiel Whitman.

Rhode Island.– Richard Jackson, jr., Elisha E. Potter.

Connecticut.– Epaphroditus Champion, Samuel W. Dana, John Davenport, Jonathan O. Mosely, Timothy Pitkin, jr., Lewis B. Sturges, Benjamin Tallmadge.

Vermont.– William Chamberlin, Martin Chittenden, Jonathan H. Hubbard, Samuel Shaw.

New York.– James Emott, Jonathan Fisk, Barent Gardenier, Thomas E. Gold, Herman Knickerbacker, Robert Le Roy Livingston, Vincent Matthews, John Nicholson, Gurdon S. Mumford, Peter B. Porter, Ebenezer Sage, Thomas Sammons, Erastus Root, John Thompson, Uri Tracy, Killian K. Van Rensselaer.

Pennsylvania.– William Anderson, David Bard, Robert Brown, William Crawford, William Findlay, Daniel Heister, Robert Jenkins, Aaron Lyle, William Milnor, John Porter, John Rea, Benjamin Say, Matthias Richards, John Ross, George Smith, Samuel Smith, John Smilie, Robert Whitehill.

New Jersey.– Adam Boyd, James Cox, William Helms, Jacob Hufty, Thomas Newbold, Henry Southard.

Delaware.– Nicholas Van Dyke.

Maryland.– John Brown, John Campbell, Charles Goldsborough, Philip Barton Key, Alexander McKim, John Montgomery, Nicholas R. Moore, Roger Nelson, Archibald Van Horne.

Virginia.– Burwell Bassett, James Breckenridge, William A. Burwell, Matthew Clay, John Dawson, John W. Eppes, Thomas Gholson, jr., Peterson Goodwyn, Edwin Gray, John G. Jackson, Walter Jones, Joseph Lewis, jr., John Love, Thomas Newton, Wilson Carey Nicholas, John Randolph, John Roane, Daniel Sheffey, John Smith, James Stephenson, Jacob Swoope.

North Carolina.– Willis Alston, jr., James Cochran, Meshack Franklin, James Holland, Thomas Kenan, William Kennedy, Archibald McBride, Nathaniel Macon, Joseph Pearson, Lemuel Sawyer, Richard Stanford, John Stanley.

South Carolina.– Lemuel J. Alston, William Butler, Joseph Calhoun, Robert Marion, Thomas Moore, John Taylor, Robert Witherspoon, Richard Wynn.

Georgia.– William W. Bibb, Howell Cobb, Dennis Smelt, George W. Troup.

Kentucky.– Henry Crist, Joseph Desha, Benjamin Howard, Richard M. Johnson, Matthew Lyon, Samuel McKee.

Tennessee.– Pleasant M. Miller, John Rhea, Robert Weakley.

Ohio.– Jeremiah Morrow.

Mississippi Territory.– George Poindexter.

Orleans Territory.– Julian Poydras.