The Blue Poetry Book. Lang Andrew
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Название: The Blue Poetry Book

Автор: Lang Andrew

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ head is twice as big as yours,

      They therefore needs must fit.

      But let me scrape the dirt away,

      That hangs upon your face;

      And stop and eat, for well you may

      Be in a hungry case.

      Said John – It is my wedding-day,

      And all the world would stare,

      If wife should dine at Edmonton

      And I should dine at Ware.

      So, turning to his horse, he said,

      I am in haste to dine,

      ’Twas for your pleasure you came here,

      You shall go back for mine.

      Ah, luckless speech, and bootless boast!

      For which he paid full dear,

      For while he spake a braying ass

      Did sing most loud and clear.

      Whereat his horse did snort as he

      Had heard a lion roar,

      And gallop’d off with all his might,

      As he had done before.

      Away went Gilpin, and away

      Went Gilpin’s hat and wig;

      He lost them sooner than at first,

      For why? they were too big.

      Now Mistress Gilpin, when she saw

      Her husband posting down

      Into the country far away,

      She pull’d out half-a-crown;

      And thus unto the youth she said,

      That drove them to the Bell,

      This shall be yours, when you bring back

      My husband safe and well.

      The youth did ride, and soon did meet

      John coming back amain,

      Whom in a trice he tried to stop

      By catching at his rein.

      But not performing what he meant,

      And gladly would have done,

      The frighten’d steed he frighten’d more

      And made him faster run.

      Away went Gilpin, and away

      Went postboy at his heels,

      The postboy’s horse right glad to miss

      The lumbering of the wheels.

      Six gentlemen upon the road

      Thus seeing Gilpin fly,

      With postboy scampering in the rear,

      They raised the hue and cry.

      Stop thief! – stop thief! – a highwayman!

      Not one of them was mute,

      And all and each that pass’d that way

      Did join in the pursuit.

      And now the turnpike gates again

      Flew open in short space,

      The toll-men thinking as before

      That Gilpin rode a race.

      And so he did and won it too,

      For he got first to town,

      Nor stopp’d till where he had got up

      He did again get down.

      – Now let us sing, Long live the king,

      And Gilpin long live he,

      And when he next doth ride abroad,

      May I be there to see!

W. Cowper.


      On Linden, when the sun was low,

      All bloodless lay th’ untrodden snow;

      And dark as winter was the flow

      Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

      But Linden saw another sight,

      When the drum beat, at dead of night

      Commanding fires of death to light

      The darkness of her scenery.

      By torch and trumpet fast array’d

      Each horseman drew his battle-blade,

      And furious every charger neigh’d

      To join the dreadful revelry.

      Then shook the hills with thunder riven;

      Then rush’d the steed to battle driven,

      And louder than the bolts of Heaven,

      Far flash’d the red artillery.

      But redder yet that light shall glow

      On Linden’s hills of stainèd snow;

      And bloodier yet the torrent flow

      Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

      ’Tis morn, but scarce yon level sun

      Can pierce the war-clouds, rolling dun,

      Where furious Frank, and fiery Hun,

      Shout in their sulph’rous canopy.

      The combat deepens. On, ye brave

      Who rush to glory, or the grave!

      Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave,

      And charge with all thy chivalry!

      Few, few, shall part, where many meet!

      The snow shall be their winding-sheet,

      And every turf beneath their feet

      Shall be a soldier’s sepulchre.

T. Campbell.


      Under a spreading chestnut tree

      The village smithy stands;

      The smith, a mighty man is he,

      With large and sinewy hands;

      And the muscles of his brawny arms

      Are strong as iron bands.

      His hair is crisp, and black, and long,

      His face is like the tan;

      His brow is wet with honest sweat,

      He earns whate’er he can,

      And looks the whole world in the face,

      For he owes not any man.

      Week in, week out, from morn till night,

      You can hear his bellows blow;

      You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,

      With measured beat and slow,

      Like a sexton ringing the village bell,

      When the evening sun is low.

      And children coming home from school

      Look in at the open door;

      They love to see the flaming forge,

      And hear the bellows roar,

      And catch the burning sparks that fly

      Like chaff from a threshing-floor.

      He goes on Sunday to the church,

      And СКАЧАТЬ