Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical. Geikie James
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СКАЧАТЬ continues to follow an easterly direction until we near the sea-board, when the trend gradually swings round to the south-east, as in the neighbourhood of Belford and Bamborough, where the ridges run parallel with the coast-line.

      The ridges and hollows are most conspicuous in the low-grounds of Roxburghshire and Berwickshire, especially in the regions between Kelso and Smailholm, and between Duns and Coldstream. The dwellers along the banks of the Tweed are quite familiar with the fact that the roads which run parallel with the river are smooth and level, for they coincide with the trend of the ridges and hollows; whilst those that cross the country at right angles to this direction must of course traverse ridge after ridge, and are therefore exceedingly uneven. In this low-lying district most of the ridges are composed of superficial deposits of stony and gravelly clay and sand, and the same is the case with those that sweep round the north-eastern spurs of the Cheviots by Coldstream and Ancroft. Some ridges, however, consist either of solid rock alone, as near Stichill, or of rock and overlying masses of clay and stones. In the hilly regions, again, nearly all the ridges are of rock alone, especially in the districts lying between Melrose and Selkirk and between Selkirk and Hawick. Indeed, the hills drained by the upper reaches of the Teviot and its tributaries are more or less fluted and channelled, as it were – many long parallel narrow hollows having been driven out along their slopes and even frequently across their broad tops. This scolloped and ridged aspect of the hills, however, disappears as we approach the upper reaches of the hill-valleys. From Skelfhill Pen (1745 feet) by Windburgh Hill (1662 feet), on through the ridge of the Cheviot watershed, none of the hills shows any appearance of a uniformly-wrinkled surface.

      A close inspection of the rock-ridges satisfies one that they have been smoothed off by some agent pressing upon them in a direction that coincides with their own trend; and not only so, but the smoothing agent, it is clearly seen, must have come from the watersheds and then pressed outwards to the low-grounds which are now watered by the Teviot and the Tweed. This is shown by the manner in which the rocks have been smoothed off, for their smooth faces look towards the dominant watersheds, while their rough and unpolished sides point away in the opposite direction. Sometimes, however, we find that more or less steeply projecting rocks face the dominant watersheds. When such is the case, there is usually a long sloping “tail” behind the crag – a “tail” which is composed chiefly of superficial deposits. The hills between Hume and Stichill afford some good examples. The two kinds of appearances are exhibited in the accompanying diagram. The appearance shown in is of most common occurrence in the upland parts of the country, while “crag and tail” is seen to greatest advantage in the open low-grounds. In both cases it will be observed that superficial deposits (t) nestle behind a more or less steep face of rock.

      When the rocks have not been much exposed to the action of the weather, they often show a polished surface covered with long parallel grooves and striæ or scratches. Such polished and scratched surfaces are best seen when the superficial deposits have been only recently removed. Often, too, when we tear away the thick turf that mantles the hill-slopes, we find the same phenomena. Indeed, wherever the rocks have not been much acted upon by the weather, and thus broken up and decomposed, we may expect to meet with more or less well-marked grooves and stride. Now the remarkable circumstance about these scratches is this – they agree in direction with the trend of the rock-ridges and the hollows described above. Nor can we doubt that the superficial markings have all been produced by one and the same agent. In the upper valleys of the Cheviots, the scratches coincide in direction with the valleys, which is, speaking generally, from south to north, but as we approach the low-grounds they begin to turn more to the east (just, as we have seen, is the case with the ridges and hollows), until we enter England to the east of Coldstream, where the striæ point first nearly due east, but eventually swing round to the south-east, as is well seen upon the limestone rocks between Lowick and Belford. In Teviotdale the general trend of the striæ is from south-west to north-east, a direction which continues to hold good until the lower reaches of the Tweed are approached, when, as we have just mentioned, they begin to turn more and more to the east. Thus it becomes evident that the denuding agent, whatever it was, that gave rise to these ridges and scratched rock-surfaces must have pressed outwards from all the dominant watersheds, and, sweeping down through the great undulating strath that lies between the Cheviots and the Lammermuirs, must have gradually turned away to the east and south as it rounded the northern spurs of the former range, so as to pass south-east over the contiguous maritime districts of Northumberland.

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      Portion of a lecture given in 1886 to the Class of Geology in the University of Edinburgh.


      Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. i., 1885.


      The geological reader hardly requires to be reminded that many of the minor streams would have their courses determined, or greatly modified, by the geological structure of the ground. Thus, such streams often flow along the “strike” and other “lines of weakness,” and similar causes, doubtless, influenced the main rivers during the gradual excavation of their valleys.


      Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. ii., 1886.


      Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 267.



Portion of a lecture given in 1886 to the Class of Geology in the University of Edinburgh.


Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. i., 1885.


The geological reader hardly requires to be reminded that many of the minor streams would have their courses determined, or greatly modified, by the geological structure of the ground. Thus, such streams often flow along the “strike” and other “lines of weakness,” and similar causes, doubtless, influenced the main rivers during the gradual excavation of their valleys.


Scottish Geographical Magazine, vol. ii., 1886.


Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 267.


This is the generally accepted view of modern geologists. It is very difficult, however, to understand how a wide continental area can be vertically upheaved. It seems more probable that the upheaval of the land is only apparent. The land seems to rise because the sea retreats as the result of the subsidence of the crust within the great oceanic basins. See Article xiv. (1892.)