The New Glutton or Epicure. Fletcher Horace
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Название: The New Glutton or Epicure

Автор: Fletcher Horace

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ that the whole world is constrained to listen.

      "Thanking you for your kind note,

      "I remain, very sincerely yours,

"J. H. Kellogg.""Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 22, 1903.

      "My dear Mr. Fletcher:

      "I have your kind favour of July 14. You are doing me altogether too much honour. I am only a plodding, humble doctor, and have never had any opportunity to do any great thing, because of the limits of my abilities, and because I have not the opportunity to devote my energies to any one special thing; but have so many things to do that I can do nothing very well.

      "I remember Dr. Krauss very well. He has for some years been assistant to Prof. Winternitz, the Professor of Nerve Diseases in the Medical Department of the Royal and Imperial University of Austria. He seemed a very able physician and a delightful gentleman. I was very glad to meet him.

      "I have already sent you a copy of a little booklet entitled 'The Building of a Temple of Health.'

      "We will be most happy to have a visit from you. I would like to know about what time you are coming, and I will endeavour to be here. I have a call to give an address at Chautauqua, N. Y., early in August, and if I do not know when you will be here, I might possibly be away, which I should consider a great misfortune.

      "We have nothing here, I am sure, which will be new to scientific men, and I apprehend that they will have a very different opinion of our work than you have.

      "I have a little book which I think I have not sent you, entitled 'The Living Temple.' I will send a copy to you; also a copy of the 'Chewing Song,' which is now out. It is nothing but a cheap thing, intended only for my own little folks; but it got out, and several people wanted it, so I have allowed it to be put in print. The purpose was, of course, simply to impress the chewing idea. Of course you are well, as you are apt to be well by chewing well.

      "By the way, I met a disciple of yours a day or two ago. He was Senator Burrows, from Kalamazoo. He called with his wife and some other ladies, and Mr. Rose, the chief clerk of the U. S. Senate, to make us a little visit. I had a very delightful chat with them. On remarking to the Senator that he did not look any older than when I saw him last, but seemed to be very well, he told me he was in perfect health, and he expected to live for ever. He had recently gotten hold of something that was doing him so much good that he believed he should never be sick. I begged to know his secret, and found it was chewing. I asked him how he discovered it, and he told me he had learned it from your delightful book. You are certainly promoting the most important hygienic reform which has been brought forward in modern times. When you visit us again, you will see in our dining-room of our new building more Horace Fletcher disciples, and more hard chewers than you ever saw together in one place in your life before. Our doctors and helpers are taking hold of it with great enthusiasm, and I trust we shall be able to render you some good service in promoting this good idea, for which you certainly deserve the gratitude of the whole world.

      "Hoping to have the pleasure of a visit from you soon, I remain, as ever,

      "Yours most sincerely and respectfully,

"J. H. Kellogg.""Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 22, 1903.

      "Dear Friend:

      "Your kind notes of August 7th and 11th received. I have asked the Publishing Department to open an account with you and send you everything you order promptly at publisher's discount.

      "'The Living Temple' is published for the benefit of the Sanitarium. Everything received from it goes toward paying for the new building. The cost of printing, paper, and binding is paid for by contributions, so all the money received goes toward the building fund for the Sanitarium. I hope by this and other means to get the building paid for before I die.

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      Physiological Economy in Nutrition: The Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York.


      William Heinemann: London.


      The author is not yet permitted to publish the particular


Physiological Economy in Nutrition: The Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York.


William Heinemann: London.


The author is not yet permitted to publish the particulars of these reforms in process, but he has official information regarding them and is in full sympathy with them.