Letters From Rome on the Council. Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger
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СКАЧАТЬ l:href="#litres_trial_promo">xxxvi. – Tr.]


“In specie ne Concilium declaret vel definiat infallibilitatem summi Pontificis, a doctissimis et prudentissimus fidelibus S. Sedi intime addictis vehementer optatur. Gravia enim mala exinde oritura timent tum fidelibus tum infidelibus. Fideles enim … corde turbarentur magis quam erigerentur, ac si nunc demum fundamentum Ecclesiæ et veræ doctrinæ stabiliendum sit; infideles vero novarum calumniarum et derisionum materiam lucrarentur. Neque desunt qui ejusmodi definitionem logice impossibilem vocant et ad ipsam Ecclesiam provocant, quæ ad instar solis splendorem lucis suæ monstrat quidem, sed non definit. Jure denique quæritur, cui usui ista definitio foret, de cujus sensu, modo et ambitu ampla inter theologos controversia est.”


[Monsignor Nardi said this totidem verbis to an Anglican clergyman who was inspecting the Council Hall. – Tr.]


“Questo puzza di schisma.”


[Compare with this account of the freedom of the Council the letters of two French Bishops, published in the Times of May 3, and the Journal des Débats of May 10. – Tr.]


Études de Théologie, Janvier 1868, p. 26: – “Le Concile n'imposait rien à notre foi, qui n'eût obtenu à peu près l'unanimité des votes. L'obligation de croire est une chose si grave, le droit de lier les intelligences est un droit si auguste et si important, que les pères pensaient n'en devoir user qu'avec la plus grande réserve et la plus extrême délicatesse.”


Is Healthful Reunion Impossible? By E. B. Pusey, D.D. Rivingtons, 1870.


[Gratry's four Letters have been translated by the Rev. T. J. Bailey. – (Hayes). – Tr.]


[Cf. supr. pp. 90, 91. The Tablet made the same assertions in both cases. – Tr.]


Adversus eos qui Sanctissimum R. Pontificis studium et Vaticani Concilii celebrandi necessitatem vituperant. Romæ.


[Some idea of it may be formed from the answer made some months ago by a distinguished English Prelate at Rome to an Anglican friend, who had quoted the words of one of the Opposition Bishops, “You need not quote them to me; they are no more Catholics than you are,” – thus excommunicating at one swoop the very flower of the hierarchy of his Church. – Tr.]


[The Curtisanen were clerical place-hunters, who came to Rome to beg or traffic for benefices. Cf. “Janus,” p. 341. – Tr.]


[The Bull Apostolicæ Sedis. – Cf. supr. pp. 100, 1, 5, 6. – Tr.]


“Damnamus perversas eorum cavillationes qui dicere audent externum quidem obsequium, non autem internum mentis cordisque assensum, R. Pontificis judiciis esse præstandum.”