Культура вязания. Джоан Тёрни
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СКАЧАТЬ R., Koda H. Jocks and Nerds: Men’s Style in the Twentieth Century. Rizzoli, 1989. Р. 26.


      Easthope A. What a Man’s Gotta Do: The Masculine Myth in Popular Culture. Unwin Hyman, 1990. Р. 47.


      Gottdiener M. Postmodern Semiotics. Blackwell, 1995. Рp. 209-213.


      Rivers D. Congratulations, You Have Just Met the Casuals. John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007. Р. 285.


      Thornton Ph. Casuals: Football, Fighting and Fashion – the Story of a Terrace Cult. Milo Books, 2003. Р. 281; Hewitt P., Baxter M. Ibid. Рp. 177-203.


      Nixon S. Hard Looks: Masculinities, Spectatorship and Contemporary Consumption. Routledge, 1996. Рp. 18-19.


      Pagoldh S. Nordic Knitting: Thirty-One Patterns in the Scandinavian Tradition. Interweave Press, Loveland Colorado. 1st edition. 1987, foreword.


      Frayling Ch. The Crafts // Boris Ford (ed.). Modern Britain: The Cambridge Cultural History. Cambridge University Press, 1992.


      Lowenthal D. The Past is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press, 1985 (1986, 1988, 1990).


      Johnson P. Can Theory Damage your Practice? // Pamela Johnson (ed.). Ideas in the Making: Practice in Theory. Crafts Council, 1998. Р. 15.


      В 1970-е годы представление о простонародном характере ремесла нашло, например, отражение в книге поэта Эдварда Люси Смита «История ремесла» (см.: Lucie-Smith E. A History of Craft. Phaidon Press, 1981).


      Harrod T. The Crafts in Britain in the Twentieth Century. Yale University Press, 1999.


      Samuel R. Theatres of Memory. Р. 61.


      Andrews M. The Acceptable Face of Feminism: The Women’s Institute as a Social Movement. Lawrence and Wishart, 1999. Рp. 123-145.


      Knox P. The Restless Urban Landscape: Economic and Sociocultural Change and the Transformation of Metropolitan Washington DC // Annals: Association of American Geographers. 81. 1991. Рp. 181-209; Jackson P., Thrift N. Geographies of Consumption // Daniel Miller (ed.). Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of New Studies. Routledge, 1995. Рp. 204-37; Miles S. Consumerism as a Way of Life. Sage, 1998. Р. 53.


      Urry J. Consuming Places. Routledge, 1995.


      Green N. The Spectacle of Nature: Landscape and Bourgeois Culture in Nineteenth-Century France. Manchester University Press, 1990. Р. 3.


      Lefebvre H. The Production of Space, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith. Blackwell, 1994 [1974]. Р. 383; Julier G. The Culture of Design. Sage, 2000. Р. 145.


      Lowenthal D. The Past Is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press, 1990 [1985]. Р. 187.


      Hewison R. The Heritage Industry. Methuen, 1987. Рp. 131-146.


      Urry J. Ibid. P. 226.


      Chiarappa M. J. Affirmed Objects in Affirmed Places: History, Geographic Sentiment and a Region’s Crafts // Journal of Design History. Vol. 10. No. 4. Рp. 399-415.


      Ibid. Р. 399.


      Ibid. Р. 400.


      Smith M., Bunyan Ch. A Shetland Knitter’s Notebook // The Shetland Times. Lerwick, 1991. Р. 17.


      Chaney D. Lifestyles. Routledge, 1996. Р. 122.


      Harrod T. The Crafts in Britain in the Twentieth Century. Рp. 412-413.


      Frayling Ch. The Crafts // Boris Ford (ed.). Modern Britain: The Cambridge Cultural History. Cambridge, 1992. Рp. 168-185.


      Barnett P. Making, Materiality and Memory // Pamela Johnson (ed.). Ideas in the Making. Р. 141.


      Gallagher M. Gooden Gansey Sweaters // Fiberarts. 1985. November/December. Р. 12.


      Beauvoir S. de. Old Age (la Vieillesse). Gallimard, 1970. Рp. 407-408, цит. по: Lowenthal D. The Past Is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press. Рр. 195, 200.


      Smith A. Hampton Court Revisited: A Re-evaluation of the Consumer // Gary Day (ed.). Readings in Popular Culture: Trivial Pursuits? Macmillan, 1990. Рp. 24-25; Wright P. On Living in an Old Country. Verso, 1985. Р. 5.


      Darlington R. Irish Knitting: Patterns Inspired by Ireland. London: A&C Black, 1991. P. 7.
