Lord Kilgobbin. Lever Charles James
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Название: Lord Kilgobbin

Автор: Lever Charles James

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ as she said, also very hungry. ‘You know, Nina,’ said she, entering the room, ‘I ordered no dinner to-day. I speculated on our making our dinner when your friends lunched; and as they have not lunched, we have not dined; and I vote we sit down now. I’m afraid I shall not be as pleasant company as that Mr. – do tell me his name – Walpole – but I pledge myself to have as good a appetite.’

      Nina made no answer. She stood at the open window; her gaze steadily bent on the strip of narrow road that traversed the wide moor before her.

      ‘Ain’t you hungry? I mean, ain’t you famished, child?’ asked Kate.

      ‘No, I don’t think so. I could eat, but I believe I could go without eating just as well.’

      ‘Well, I must dine; and if you were not looking so nice and fresh, with a rose-bud in your hair and your white dress so daintily looped up, I’d ask leave not to dress.’

      ‘If you were to smooth your hair, and, perhaps, change your boots – ’

      ‘Oh I know, and become in every respect a little civilised. My poor dear cousin, what a mission you have undertaken among the savages. Own it honestly, you never guessed the task that was before you when you came here.’

      ‘Oh, it’s very nice savagery, all the same,’ said the other, smiling pleasantly.

      ‘There now!’ cried Kate, as she threw her hat to one side, and stood arranging her hair before the glass. ‘I make this toilet under protest, for we are going in to luncheon, not dinner, and all the world knows, and all the illustrated newspapers show, that people do not dress for lunch. And, by the way, that is something you have not got in Italy. All the women gathering together in their garden-bonnets and their morning-muslins, and the men in their knickerbockers and their coarse tweed coats.’

      ‘I declare I think you are in better spirits since you see these people are not coming.’

      ‘It is true. You have guessed it, dearest. The thought of anything grand – as a visitor; anything that would for a moment suggest the unpleasant question, Is this right? or, Is that usual? makes me downright irritable. Come, are you ready? May I offer you my arm?’

      And now they were at table, Kate rattling away in unwonted gaiety, and trying to rally Nina out of her disappointment.

      ‘I declare Nina, everything is so pretty I am ashamed to eat. Those chickens near you are the least ornamental things I see. Cut me off a wing. Oh, I forgot, you never acquired the barbarous art of carving.’

      ‘I can cut this,’ said Nina, drawing a dish of tongue towards her.

      ‘What! that marvellous production like a parterre of flowers? It would be downright profanation to destroy it.’

      ‘Then shall I give you some of this, Kate?’

      ‘Why, child, that is strawberry-cream. But I cannot eat all alone; do help yourself.’

      ‘I shall take something by-and-by.’

      ‘What do young ladies in Italy eat when they are – no, I don’t mean in love – I shall call it – in despair?’

      ‘Give me some of that white wine beside you. There! don’t you hear a noise? I’m certain I heard the sound of wheels.’

      ‘Most sincerely I trust not. I wouldn’t for anything these people should break in upon us now. If my brother Dick should drop in I’d welcome him, and he would make our little party perfect. Do you know, Nina, Dick can be so jolly. What’s that? there are voices there without.’

      As she spoke the door was opened, and Walpole entered. The young girls had but time to rise from their seats, when – they never could exactly say how – they found themselves shaking hands with him in great cordiality.

      ‘And your friend – where is he?’

      ‘Nursing a sore throat, or a sprained ankle, or a something or other. Shall I confess it – as only a suspicion on my part, however – that I do believe he was too much shocked at the outrageous liberty I took in asking to be admitted here to accept any partnership in the impertinence?’

      ‘We expected you at two or three o’clock,’ said Nina.

      ‘And shall I tell you why I was not here before? Perhaps you’ll scarcely credit me when I say I have been five hours on the road.’

      ‘Five hours! How did you manage that?’

      ‘In this way. I started a few minutes after twelve from the inn – I on foot, the car to overtake me.’ And he went on to give a narrative of his wanderings over the bog, imitating, as well as he could, the driver’s conversations with him, and the reproaches he vented on his inattention to the road. Kate enjoyed the story with all the humoristic fun of one who knew thoroughly how the peasant had been playing with the gentleman, just for the indulgence of that strange, sarcastic temper that underlies the Irish nature; and she could fancy how much more droll it would have been to have heard the narrative as told by the driver of the car.

      ‘And don’t you like his song, Mr. Walpole!’

      ‘What, “The Wearing of the Green”? It was the dreariest dirge I ever listened to.’

      ‘Come, you shall not say so. When we go into the drawing-room, Nina shall sing it for you, and I’ll wager you recant your opinion.’

      ‘And do you sing rebel canticles, Mademoiselle Kostalergi?’

      ‘Yes, I do all my cousin bids me. I wear a red cloak. How is it called?’


      Nina nodded.

      ‘That’s the name, but I’m not going to say it; and when we go abroad – that is, on the bog there, for a walk – we dress in green petticoats and wear very thick shoes.’

      ‘And, in a word, are very generally barbarous.’

      ‘Well, if you be really barbarians,’ said Walpole, filling his glass, ‘I wonder what I would not give to be allowed to join the tribe.’

      ‘Oh, you’d want to be a sachem, or a chief, or a mystery-man at least; and we couldn’t permit that,’ cried Kate.

      ‘No; I crave admission as the humblest of your followers.’

      ‘Shall we put him to the test, Nina?’

      ‘How do you mean?’ cried the other.

      ‘Make him take a Ribbon oath, or the pledge of a United Irishman. I’ve copies of both in papa’s study.’

      ‘I should like to see these immensely,’ said Walpole.

      ‘I’ll see if I can’t find them,’ cried Kate, rising and hastening away.

      For some seconds after she left the room there was perfect silence. Walpole tried to catch Nina’s eye before he spoke, but she continued steadily to look down, and did not once raise her lids.

      ‘Is she not very nice – is she not very beautiful?’ asked she, in a low voice.

      ‘It is of you I want to speak.’

      And he СКАЧАТЬ