History of Julius Caesar Vol. 1 of 2. Napoleon III
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Название: History of Julius Caesar Vol. 1 of 2

Автор: Napoleon III

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары




СКАЧАТЬ the Adriatic from the pirates who infested it,299 and then only, the ports of Dyrrhachium and Apollonia obtained a veritable importance.


      VI. Epirus, a country of pastures and shepherds, intersected by picturesque mountains, was a sort of Helvetia. Ambracia (now Arta), which Pyrrhus had chosen for his residence, had become a very fine town, and possessed two theatres. The palace of the king (Pyrrheum) formed a veritable museum for it furnished for the triumph of M. Fulvius Nobilior, in 565, two hundred and eighty-five statues in bronze, two hundred and thirty in marble,300 and paintings by Zeuxis, mentioned in Pliny.301 The town paid also, on this occasion, five hundred talents (2,900,000 francs, [£116,000]), and offered the consul a crown of gold weighing a hundred and fifty thousand talents (nearly 4,000 kilogrammes).302 It appears that before the war of Paulus Æmilius, this country contained a rather numerous population, and counted seventy towns, most of them situated in the country of the Molossi.303. After the battle of Pydna, the Roman general made so considerable a booty, that, without reckoning the treasury’s share, each foot-soldier received 200 denarii (about 200 francs [£8]), and each horse-soldier 400; in addition to which the sale of slaves arose to the enormous number of 150,000.


      VII. At the beginning of the first Punic War, Greece proper was divided into four principal powers: Macedonia, Ætolia, Achaia, and Sparta. All the continental part, which extends northward of the Gulf of Corinth as far as the mountains of Pindus, was under the dependence of Philip; the western part belonged to the Ætolians. The Peloponnesus was shared between the Achæans, the tyrant of Sparta, and independent towns. Greece had been declining during about a century, and seen her warlike spirit weaken and her population diminish; and yet Plutarch, comprising under this name the peoples of the Hellenic race, pretends that their country furnished King Philip with the money, food, and provisions of his army.304 The Greek navy had almost disappeared. The Achæan league, which comprised Argolis, Corinth, Sicyon, and the maritime cities of Achæa, had few ships. On land the Hellenic forces were less insignificant. The Ætolian league possessed an army of 10,000 men, and, in the war against Philip, pretended to have contributed more than the Romans to the victory of Cynoscephalæ. Greece was still rich in objects of art of all descriptions. When, in 535, the King of Macedonia captured the town of Thermæ, in Ætolia, he found in it more than two thousand statues.305

      Athens, in spite of the loss of her maritime supremacy, preserved the remains of a civilization which had already attained the highest degree of splendour,306 and those incomparable buildings of the age of Pericles, the mere name of which reminds us of all that the arts have produced in greatest perfection. Among the most remarkable were the Acropolis, with its Parthenon and its Propylæa, masterpieces of Phidias, the statue of Minerva in gold and ivory, and another in bronze, the casque and spear of which were seen afar off at sea.307 The arsenal of the Piræus, built by the architect Philo, was, according to Plutarch, an admirable work.308

      Sparta, although greatly fallen, was distinguished by its monuments and by its manufactures; the famous portico of the Persians,309 built after the Median wars – the columns of which, in white marble, represented the illustrious persons among the vanquished – was the principal ornament of the market. Iron, obtained in abundance from Mount Taygetus, was marvellously worked at Sparta, which was celebrated for the manufacture of arms and agricultural instruments.310 The coasts of Laconia abounded in shells, from which was obtained the purple, most valued after that of Phœnicia.311 The port of Gytheum, very populous, and very active in 559, still possessed great arsenals.312

      In the centre of the peninsula, Arcadia, although its population was composed of shepherds, had the same love for the arts as the rest of Greece. It possessed two celebrated temples: that of Minerva at Tegæa, built by the architect Scopas,313 in which were united the three orders of architecture, and that of Apollo, at Phigalea,314 situated at an elevation of 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, and the remains of which still excite the wonder of travellers.

      Elis, protected by its neutrality, was devoted to the arts of peace. There agriculture flourished; its fisheries were productive; it had manufactories of tissues of byssus which rivalled the muslins of Cos, and were sold for their weight in gold.315 The town of Elis possessed the finest gymnasium in Greece; people came to it to prepare themselves (sometimes a year in advance) for competition in the Olympic games.316

      Olympia was the holy city, celebrated for its sanctuary and its consecrated garden, where stood, among a multitude of masterpieces of art, one of the wonders of the world, the statue of Jupiter, the work of Phidias,317 the majesty of which was such, that Paulus Æmilius, when he first saw it, believed he was in the presence of the divinity himself.

      Argos, the country of several celebrated artists, possessed temples, fountains, a gymnasium, and a theatre; and its public place had served for a field of battle to the armies of Pyrrhus and Antigonus. It remained, until the subjugation by the Romans, one of the finest cities of Greece. Within its territory were the superb temple of Juno, the ancient sanctuary of the Argives, with the statue of the goddess in gold and silver – the work of Polycletus, and the vale of Nemæa, where one of the four national festivals of Greece was celebrated.318 Argolis also possessed Epidaurus, with its hot springs; its temple of Æsculapius, enriched with the offerings of those who came to be cured of their diseases;319 and its theatre, one of the largest in the country.320

      Corinth, admirably situated upon the narrow isthmus which separates the Ægean Sea from the gulf which has preserved its name,321 with its dye-houses, its celebrated manufactories of carpets and of bronze, bore witness also to the ancient prosperity of the Hellenic race. Its population must have been considerable, since there were reckoned in it 460,000 slaves;322 marble palaces rose on all sides, adorned with statues and valuable vases. Corinth had the reputation of being the most voluptuous of towns. Among its numerous temples, that of Venus had in its service more than a thousand courtezans.323 In the sale of the booty made by Mummius, a painting by Aristides, representing Bacchus, was sold for 600,000 sestertii.324 There was seen in the triumph of Metellus surnamed Macedonicus, a group, the work of Lysippus, representing Alexander the Great, twenty-five horsemen, and nine foot-soldiers slain at the battle of the Granicus; this group, taken at Corinth, came from Dium in Macedonia.325

      Other towns of Greece were no less rich in works of art.326 The Romans carried away from the little town of Eretria, at the time of the Macedonian war, a great number of paintings and precious statues.327 We know, from the traveller Pausanias, how prodigious was the quantity of offerings brought from the most diverse countries СКАЧАТЬ


Polybius, II. 8.


Titus Livius, XXXIX. 5.


Pliny, XXXV. 60.


Polybius, XXII. 13.


Polybius, XXX. xv. § 5. – Titus Livius, XLV. 34.


Plutarch, Flamininus, 2.


Polybius, V. 9.


Aristides, Panathen., p. 149.


Pausanias, Attica, xxviii.


Plutarch, Sylla, 20.


Pausanias, Laconia, xi. We must further mention the famous temple of bronze of Minerva, the two gymnasia, and the Platanistum, a spacious place where the competitions of the youths took place, (Pausanias, Laconia, xiv.)


Stephanus of Byzantium, under the word Λακεδαἱμων, p. 413.


Pausanias, Laconia, xxi.


Titus Livius, XXXIV. 29.


Pausanias, Arcadia, xlv.


Pausanias, Arcadia, xli. Thirty-six columns out of thirty-eight are still standing.


Pliny, Natural History, XIX. i. 4.


Pausanias, Elis, II. 23 and 24.


Pausanias, Elis, I. ii.


Strabo, VIII. § 10, 19.


Pausanias, Corinth, xxviii. 1.


Pausanias, Corinth, xxvii.


“Goods were not obliged to make the circuit by Corinth; a direct road crossed the isthmus in the narrowest part, and they had even established there a system of rollers on which vessels of small tonnage were transported from one sea to the other.” (Strabo, VIII. ii. § 3. – Polybius, IV. 19.)


Pausanias, Attica, ii.


Cicero, De Republica, II. 4. – Strabo, VIII. vi. § 20.


Strabo, VIII. vi. § 23. – Pliny, Natural History, XXXV. x. § 36.


Arrian, Expedition of Alexander, I. xvi. 4. – Velleius Paterculus, I. 40. – Plutarch, Alexander, 16.


Athenæus, VI. 272.


Titus Livius, XXXII. 16.