Social Origins and Primal Law. Lang Andrew
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Название: Social Origins and Primal Law

Автор: Lang Andrew

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ the totem groups to the 'primary divisions,' or 'phratries,' among the Arunta and cognate tribes, are, as we have already stated, entirely peculiar. We have seen that, in North America, and in Australia generally, no phratry ever contains the same totems as its linked phratry, and we have seen that Mr. Frazer calls this the natural arrangement.121 If so, the present Arunta arrangement is not natural; it is a divergence from the natural type. Among the Arunta, 'no totem is confined to either moiety' ('phratry') 'of the tribe.' There is only 'in each local centre a great predominance of one moiety.'122

      Dr. Durkheim regards the present state of Arunta affairs (the totems not being peculiar to either phratry) as une dérogation. Originally, he thinks, as among the Urabunna, each phratry contained only totems which were not in the other phratry; and he detects survivals, among the Arunta, of the earlier usage. At present the Arunta totems show 'a slight tendency to skip' (chevaucher) 'from one into the other phratry, doubtless because the Arunta totem system is no longer complete' – and no wonder, as Arunta totems are now not hereditary, but derived from the totem souls haunting each locality. Again, in Arunta legend, the ancestors 'were divided into companies, the members of which bore the same totem name, and belonged as a rule to the same moiety' ('phratry') 'of the tribe,' as now among the Urabunna, 'who are in a less developed state than the Arunta.' So say Messrs. Spencer and Gillen, and thus Arunta legend points to a past in which Arunta usage was, in this matter, as a rule the same as that of the less developed Urabunna: which I believe it really was.

      But we can hardly accept the legends when they fit, and reject them when they do not fit, our theory! I lay no stress on the legends.

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      Man, Past and Present, Cambridge, 1899, pp. 396, 397.


      Royal Commentaries, i. 47.


      The Import of the Totem, Amer. Ass., Detroit, 1897.


      M. Chaffanjon, Tour du Monde, 1888, lvi. 348.



Man, Past and Present, Cambridge, 1899, pp. 396, 397.


Royal Commentaries, i. 47.


The Import of the Totem, Amer. Ass., Detroit, 1897.


M. Chaffanjon, Tour du Monde, 1888, lvi. 348.


Ethnology, pp. 9, 11.


The International Quarterly, Dec. – March, 1902-1903, p. 321.


Dr. Munro, Archæological Journal, vol. lix. no. 234, pp. 109-143: (Tire à part, p. 1.) See also later, Hypothetical Early Groups.


To this point, hostility, I return later.


Dr. Munro, Archæological Journal, vol. lix. no. 234.


Munro, Archæological Journal, vol. lix. no. 234, p. 22.


Ibid. p. 32.


Ibid. p. 18.


Ibid. p. 20.


Ibid. p. 22.


L'Anthropologie, Mars-Avril, 1902. For a brief bibliography of the bull-roarer see Mr. Frazer, The Golden Bough, iii. pp. 423-4, note 1.


Journal and Proceedings Royal Society N.S.W., vol. xxviii. p. 305. See also Roth, Ethnological Studies, pp. 132-138. 1897.


Ancient Law p. 132.


Major Kennedy's portrait of 1750-1760 represents him in Macdonnell tartan. He was an agent of Prince Charles.


Early History of Institutions, pp. 310, 311.


Westermarck, History of Human Marriage, pp. 53-57.


Mr. John Mathew declares that 'jealousy is a powerful passion with most aboriginal husbands' in Australia. Messrs. Spencer and Gillen, on the other hand, represent the aboriginal husband as one of the most complacent of his species, jealousy being regarded as 'churlish.' Messrs. Spencer and Gillen are decidedly the better authorities. Mathew, Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., xxiii. 404. Westermarck, p. 57. Native Tribes of Central Australia, p. 99.


Studies in Ancient History, 1876, p. 41.


The late Major Powell, of the American Bureau of Ethnology, used gens of a totem kin with descent in the male line, clan of such a kin with descent in the female line, and his school follows him. Mr. Howitt, on the other hand, uses 'horde' for a local community with female, 'clan' for a local community with male descent.


'The Seri Indians,' by W. J. McGee. Report of Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, 1898.


'Siouan Sociology,' Report of American Ethnological Bureau, 1897, p. 213.


Studies in Ancient History, second series, p. 265.


Studies in Ancient History, second series, p. 46. In an appendix to Mr. Morgan's Ancient Society, Mr. McLennan's terms are severely criticised.


I shall call each set indicated by a totem name a 'totem group,' if the members live together; a 'totem kin,' if they are scattered through the tribe.


The Patriarchal Theory, pp. 6, 7, 1885.


Meaning by Exogamy, not a mere tendency to marry out of the group, but a customary law with a religious sanction.


Here the unusual case of the Arunta offers an exception to the rule; a point to be discussed later.



J. A. I., N.S., i. 285.


Spencer and Gillen, p. 120.