The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Levi
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Название: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Автор: Levi

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ bactrian beast, well saddled and equipped, and Jesus journeyed with the caravan.

      5 And when he reached Lahore, Ajainin and some other Brahmic priests, received him with delight.

      6 Ajainin was the priest who came to Jesus in the night time in Benares many months before, and heard his words of truth.

      7 And Jesus was Ajainin’s guest; he taught Ajainin many things; revealed to him the secrets of the healing art.

      8 He taught him how he could control the spirits of the air, the fire, the water and the earth; and he explained to him the secret doctrine of forgiveness, and the blotting out of sins.

      9 One day Ajainin sat with Jesus in the temple porch; a band of wandering singers and musicians paused before the court to sing and play.

      10 Their music was most rich and delicate, and Jesus said, Among the high-bred people of the land we hear no sweeter music than that these uncouth children of the wilderness bring here to us.

      11 From whence this talent and this power? In one short life they surely could not gain such grace of voice, such knowledge of the laws of harmony and tone.

      12 Men call them prodigies. There are no prodigies. All things result from natural law.

      13 These people are not young. A thousand years would not suffice to give them such divine expressiveness, and such purity of voice and touch.

      14 Ten thousand years ago these people mastered harmony. In days of old they trod the busy thoroughfares of life, and caught the melody of birds, and played on harps of perfect form.

      15 And they have come again to learn still other lessons from the varied notes of manifests.

      16 These wandering people form a part of heaven’s orchestra, and in the land of perfect things the very angels will delight to hear them play and sing.

      17 And Jesus taught the common people of Lahore; he healed their sick, and showed to them the way to rise to better things by helpfulness.

      18 He said, We are not rich by what we get and hold; the only things we keep are those we give away.

      19 If you would live the perfect life, give forth your life in service for your kind, and for the forms of life that men esteem the lower forms of life.

      20 But Jesus could not tarry longer in Lahore; he bade the priests and other friends farewell; and then he took his camel and he went his way toward the Sind.


CHETHLife and Works of Jesus in Persia

      CHAPTER 38

      Jesus crosses Persia. Teaches and heals in many places. Three magian priests meet him as he nears Persepolis. Kaspar, and two other Persian masters, meet him in Persepolis. The seven masters sit in silence seven days.

      Four-and-twenty years of age was Jesus when he entered Persia on his homeward way.

      2 In many a hamlet, town and neighborhood he paused a while and taught and healed.

      3 The priests and ruling classes did not welcome him, because he censured them for cruelty to those of low estate.

      4 The common people followed him in throngs.

      5 At times the chiefs made bold to try to hinder him, forbidding him to teach or heal the sick. But he regarded not their angry threats; he taught, and healed the sick.

      6 In time he reached Persepolis, the city where the kings of Persia were entombed; the city of the learned magi, Hor, and Lun, and Mer, the three wise men,

      7 Who, two-and-twenty years before, had seen the star of promise rise above Jerusalem, and who had journeyed to the West to find the new-born king;

      8 And were the first to honor Jesus as the master of the age, and gave him gifts of gold, gum-thus and myrrh.

      9 These magi knew, by ways that masters always know, when Jesus neared Persepolis; and then they girt themselves, and went to meet him on the way.

      10 And when they met, a light much brighter than the light of day, surrounded them, and men who saw the four stand in the way declared they were transfigured; seeming more like gods than men.

      11 Now, Hor and Lun were aged men, and Jesus placed them on his beast to ride into Persepolis; while he and Mer led on the way.

      12 And when they reached the magi’s home they all rejoiced. And Jesus told the thrilling story of his life, and Hor and Lun and Mer spoke not; they only looked to heaven, and in their hearts praised God.

      13 Three wise men from the North were in Persepolis; and they were Kaspar, Zara and Melzone; and Kaspar was the wisest master of the magian land. These three were at the home of Hor and Lun and Mer when Jesus came.

      14 For seven days these seven men spoke not; they sat in silence in the council hall in close communion with the Silent Brotherhood.

      15 They sought for light, for revelation and for power. The laws and precepts of the coming age required all the wisdom of the masters of the world.

      CHAPTER 39

      Jesus attends a feast in Persepolis. Speaks to the people, reviewing the magian philosophy. Explains the origin of evil. Spends the night in prayer.

      A feast in honor of the magian God was being held, and many men were gathered in Persepolis.

      2 And on the great day of the feast the ruling magian master said, Within these sacred walls is liberty; whoever wills to speak may speak.

      3 And Jesus standing in the midst of all the people, said, My brothers, sisters, children of our Father-God:

      4 Most blest are you among the sons of men today, because you have such just conceptions of the Holy One and man.

      5 Your purity in worship and in life is pleasing unto God; and to your master, Zarathustra, praise is due.

      6 Well say you all, There is one God from whose great being there came forth the seven Spirits that created heaven and earth; and manifest unto the sons of men are these great Spirits in the sun, and moon, and stars.

      7 But in your sacred books we read that two among these seven are of superior strength; that one of these created all the good; the other one created all that evil is.

      8 I pray you, honored masters, tell me how that evil can be born of that which is all good?

      9 A magus rose and said, If you will answer me, your problem will be solved.

      10 We all do recognize the fact that evil is. Whatever is, must have a cause. If God, the One, made not this evil, then, where is the God who did?

      11 And Jesus said, Whatever God, the One, has made is good, and like the great first Cause, the seven Spirits all are good, and everything that comes from their creative hands is good,

      12 Now, all created things have colors, tones and forms their own; but certain tones, though good and pure themselves, when mixed, produce inharmonies, discordant tones.

      13 And certain things, though good and pure, when mixed, produce discordant things, yea, poisonous things, that men call evil things.